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For the Lone Wanderers looking for the best combat gear in Fallout 4, check out our guide on where to find all the unique weapons in Bethesda's post-apocalyptic RPG.

There are a good many Fallout 4 fans who might simply choose to use console command cheats in order to wield the best guns and gear that the game has to offer, but the most enjoyable way to experience Bethesda's action-RPG is through scavenging and exploration. Of course, everyone gets stuck and frustrated from time to time, especially when we're looking for a certain pistol, rifle, or in the case of Fallout 4, a coveted energy weapon.

Thankfully, for those Wastelanders who are still roaming the Boston Commonwealth in search of their next favorite firearm or bludgeon, we've decided to put together a guide to assist in finding each and every one of the unique weapons that Bethesda's retro-futuristic title has to offer. By our count, there are 44 in total—excluding legendaries—so for the sake neatness and organization, we've compiled them all alphabetically underneath the umbrella of their categories, starting with ballistics and ending with melee. So without further ado, spoilers are indeed inbound.



For those players who wish to remain stealthy during their exploits, the Deliverer, well, delivers in spades. For starters, the weapon improves upon the VATS combat system by increasing the hit chance and costing 25% less Action Points. Plus, with its suppressor in place, the 10mm variant will provide those who use it with ample sneakiness as its shots are somewhat silenced, but accuracy at medium to long distances can be an issue due to its lack of a frame for a scope.

The Deliverer is rewarded to fans who complete The Railroad quest Tradecraft, and they can upgrade the sidearm in two ways. They can use crafts after acquiring the appropriate rank of the Gun Nut perk, or add on to the gun with purchases from the merchant and engineer Tinker Tom following the completion of the quests from the Weathervane Missions series.

Eddie's Peace

Eddie's Peace is without a doubt the perfect revolver for those who want a gun reminiscent of old-school gangsters and mob members, for not only does it use a play on words by referring to a firearm as a “piece”, it also packs quite the punch. The seemingly standard .44 pistol is certainly more than meets the eye, as it has a scope attached to the top of its frame, and dishes out 50% extra limb damage.

The handgun can be found on the former crime lord and current ghoul Eddie Winter after killing him. However, players should be careful in its acquisition, for just like his weapon of choice, the once-Mafioso is definitely a tough customer.



Nothing doles out the damage quite like the Fallout series' combat shotguns, and with Justice being one of them, it positively serves up plenty of its namesake. And, of course, being a unique short-range shooter gives it an extra edge in battle, as it provides a chance to stagger on successful hits.

The only way that would-be Vault Dwellers can get Justice is by heading to the small town of Covenant. After getting in by sweet-talking the door guard, find Penny in the general goods store to purchase the shotgun. However, should the shopkeeper die for any reason throughout the game, the weapon is unobtainable.

Kellogg's Pistol

As if it needed to be said, the mercenary known as Conrad Kellogg is one bad mama-jama, and a lot of that has to do with the potency of his signature six-shot magnum revolver. The gun definitely has a lot of power, as it's able to kill most humanoids and Generation 2 synths with 1 to 2 bullets. Also, its Relentless effect allows for Action Points to be refilled after critical strikes, making it even more formidable.

Fans can only get Kellogg's Pistol after facing him in combat during the Reunions quest in Fort Hagen. The gun can be procured on or near the hired soldier's body once players kill him, but it should be noted that this battle is not for the faint of heart.

Le Fusil Terribles

This French-named weapon is apparently a rough translation of a unique combat shotgun found in the title's predecessor, Fallout 3, as it directly translates to "The Terrible Rifle". The correct term that should have been used is "fusil de chasse", but perhaps it was a bit unwieldy for developers. Furthermore, "terribles" is in the plural, while the noun and the determiner are in the singular. With that being said, that's enough grammar for now.

Players can find Le Fusil Terribles on top of a yellow wooden crate in the captain's cabin after fighting through pirate Raiders in the coastal camp of Libertalia. The shotgun is laying on a box straight ahead from the quarters' entrance next to a lit lantern, with +25% damage and limb damage intact. The weapon can also be discovered immediately after the cut-scene with X6-88 during the Synth Retention quest that's a part of The Institute narrative.

Overseer's Guardian

The Overseer's Guardian is essentially a short-barreled combat rifle with the ability to shoot an additional projectile for every shot without using an extra bullet, and it comes equipped with a nifty night-vision scope. With that being said, it can be modified with all of the standard variations of a typical rifle of its ilk.

Fans can buy the Overseer's Guardian from the merchant Alexis Combes as soon as they enter Vault 81. Really, the only deterrent keeping players from obtaining the gun might be its cost of 3936 bottle caps, which is pretty pricey when compared to other weapons in the game.

Reba II

Aside from sharing its name with the world renown country star, the Reba II is famous for being a powerful .50 caliber hunting rifle. Those lucky enough to obtain it will be privy to its effects of dealing 50% extra damage to bugs and Mirelurks.

The Reba II is located at the Rook family house in the town of Salem in a locked back room in the basement. Gamers can either nab the gun as a reward for helping Barney Rook—founder of the Salem Volunteer Militia—set up his turrets, by killing him in order to steal his key to the locked room, or by pick-pocketing the key after being invited into his house.

Silver Submachine Gun


Shinier than a normal firearm of its kind, the Silver Submachine Gun also has a darker colored wood for its handle in stock, making it easier for players to pick out amongst lookalikes. Other than that, however, there really are no additional advantages to having the weapon, as it has no special stats, properties, or mod slots.

At any rate, should fans wish to obtain the Silver Submachine Gun, they need to start The Silver Shroud quest, as it will be given to them upon its completion. The ghoul manning the Silver Shroud Radio Station named Kent Connolly will reward players with it after returning the Silver Submachine Gun prop to him.

Spray n' Pray

In addition to its suppressor, recoil compensating stock, and large quick-eject drum, the Spray n' Pray is a legendary submachine gun equipped with an extremely strong receiver. While the base version of this unique weapon is solid enough, it can be modded even further from the game's Weapons Bench if folks wish to do so.

The Spray n' Pray also has an Explosive Legendary Mod of which gives each shot a dealing of 15 points of A.O.E explosive damage on impact, and it would become even more potent should players build their Demolitions Expert perk. The weapon is extremely rare, but it can be found in the caches of random vendors. However, the best bet in getting it is to buy it from wandering merchant by the name of Cricket, who occasionally can be found in Bunker Hill, and just outside of Vault 81, Warwick Homestead, or Diamond City.

The Gainer


When in doubt, one of the best standbys in any video game is a sturdy pistol, and Fallout 4's The Gainer is definitely one of the strongest around. Not only does it have an attack of 76, but it also can set targets on fire for 15 points of additional damage.

The Gainer is relatively easy to find, and it has no prerequisites for players to use. The unique magnum can be found on the ground next to a skeleton after solving the Vitale Pumphouse number puzzle with the combination of 10-4-5-1.

The Last Minute

Coming with the Shielded Barrel, Capacitor Boosting Coil, Long Night Vision Scope, and Compensator mods already installed, the Last Minute is a Gauss rifle variant that is a sight to behold. On top of its base attack of 192, the unique weapon includes a legendary modification that causes 50% extra limb damage.

Gamers can purchase the gun from the Minutemen veteran Ronnie Shaw after completing the Old Guns quest. Nevertheless, it's worth noting that she will only sell items when standing outside of The Castle's armory, so players will need to jump on buying it as soon as possible when she's in position.

Tinker Tom Special

The sole drawback to owning the Tinker Tom Special hunting rifle is its 16.7 weight value. Other than that, this unique gun packs a wallop with a damage count of 99.

After taking part in the engineer and vendor Tinker Tom's Weathervane Missions series to prove one of his harebrained theories, the weapons expert will sell the Tinker Tom Special at the Railroad HQ.

Wastelander's Friend


Nothing's better than having a pal on which one can rely, and the Wastelander's Friend is just that. Compacted in a simple frame of a pre-modded 10mm pistol with a recon scope, this unique weapon deals 50% more limb damage than the average iteration, and can be modded with the Gun Nut perk for even better results.

Obtaining the Wastelander's Friend is simple enough. For those looking for a reliable companion in the form of a sidearm to keep them company out in the harsh nuclear wilds, they can head over to the trader Deb at Bunker Hill and pick it up for 1776 caps.


Alien Blaster Pistol

What's better than using weaponry crafted by an über-intelligent race of extraterrestrials? Not much, as far as we're concerned, and Fallout 4's Alien Blaster Pistol delivers sci-fi fun while shooting powerful bolts of energy with the use of fusion cells.

Even more interesting is the fact that getting one's hands on the unique and futuristic weapon is almost like a mini-mission unto itself. Bearing that in mind, it might be best for fans to give our more in-depth Alien Blaster Pistol guide a gander for a better idea on how to nab it.

AX90 Fury

Other than sounding like an over-expensive collection of fitness guides and workout plans dedicated to getting folks in shape with an intense workout regimen, the AX90 Fury is actually a tremendously useful plasma gun. Perhaps its most important aspect is the unique ability for players deal 50% more damage against Super Mutants when wielding the weapon.

Fortunately, the AX90 Fury is yet another easily obtainable rifle. Fans will need to head over to Proctor Teagan on the Brotherhood of Steel’s Prydwen airship to buy the weapon.


On top of Vault 111's experiment of using cryosleep pods—of which our protagonist eventually finds themselves near the outset of Fallout4—cryotechnology was also used to develop the Cryolator, which is essentially a flamer gun that shoots ice instead of fire. Using the unique energy weapon will allow players to freeze most enemies, rendering them unable to attack or move for a certain duration of time.

The Cryolator can be seen very early on in the game, as it's in a display case in the Vault 111 Overseer's Room behind a Master level lock. However, it can be procured quite easily as evidenced in our in-depth Cryolator guide.

Experiment 18-A


As previously mentioned, one of the coolest weapon-types in Fallout 4 is decidedly those of the energy variety, and Experiment 18-A is a solid choice when it comes to blasting foes. This unique automatic plasma rifle possesses a 25% faster fire rate, and 15% faster reload speed, both of which are much more desirable than its competitors.

However, the Experiment 18-A doesn't come cheap. Depending on a player's C for Charisma and the stat tree's underlying perks, it can be bought from a Synth vendor in the Institute for around 3000 bottle caps, giving it a price tag that rivals the Overseer's Guardian.

Good Intentions


It has been said the road to Hell is paved with them, so Bethesda decided to make Good Intentions a laser gun variant that deals critical hits to put enemies in a frenzied state, making them think the land of the damned is exactly where they are. In addition to being able to send adversaries into states of madness, this unique energy weapon also puts out a damage value of 27, with a 127 attack-per-second.

To find Good Intentions, head to Quincy Ruins and clamber up to the top of the elevated freeway. Defeat the power armor suit wearing Clint, one of the Gunners local leaders, and pry the laser gun from his cold, dead hands afterward.

Lorenzo's Artifact

Although Lorenzo's Artifact is not a unique weapon per se, for it is a Gamma gun with distinctive modifications, the changes applied to it make for an energy firearm with a little extra kick. In addition to the ability to knock enemies back somewhat, the radiation dealt by Lorenzo's Artifact is pure damage, as it does not imbue those being attacked with poisoning.

There is exactly one way in which players can add Lorenzo's Artifact to their arsenal, and that's by siding with Jack Cabot, the man studying an ancient relic that supplies his family with a serum to defy aging. Ultimately, one must complete the Secret of Cabot quest in order to receive the unique energy weapon.

Old Faithful

Those of us who are using stealthy characters early on in the game should take heed right now, because making Old Faithful a primary gun can result in cutting down rival combatants very quickly, as the weapon's successful sneak attacks against an enemy at full health will deal quadruple the base damage. Should fans stick with Old Faithful for the long haul, it can later be converted to a rifle, which will heartily benefit Commandos and Gunslingers alike.

Like a lot of useful items, Old Faithful can be found in the Diamond City Market. Head on over to Arturo, and he'll hook players up with this resourceful weapon, but as always, be prepared to drop some heavy coinage.

Prototype UP77 “Limitless Potential”


Perhaps the Prototype UP77's most useful features are its unlimited ammo capacity, and the fact that it never requires players to reload unless Fusion Cells have completely been depleted. Not to mention, coupling this laser pistol with the Gun Nut perk will make fans wonder how they ever got along without it in the first place.

To acquire the UP77, go to University Credit Union at University Point and make it past tons of Synths to to find the Student Union. There's a side door that leads to a bank vault with a Novice terminal. After hacking it and then opening the vault's door, players will be in a room with some safes that can be cracked. On the 2nd row there will be one that is Master locked containing a button that will will open a wall to the right. The Prototype UP77 should be sitting on the large table in the middle of the room.

Righteous Authority

Without a doubt, Righteous Authority is one of the most practical and efficient energy rifles in Fallout 4. This unique weapon has a Lucky prefix that causes critical hits to deal double the damage, and makes the critical meter regenerate 15% faster than other guns of its type.

Once gamers complete the quest Call to Arms, the Brotherhood of Steel solider known as Paladin Danse offers Righteous Authority to Sole Survivors as a reward. If anything, fans might want to then invite the power armor-clad knight as an additional show of solidarity.

Sentinel's Plasmacaster


Much like Old Faithful, the Sentinel's Plasmacaster's main feature is its ability to cause more harm to targets with full health. However, instead of needing to successfully pull of a sneak attack, this particular plasma rifle variant will emit double the damage to an enemy with complete HP, regardless of stealth tactics.

After completing the main quest and achieving the rank of Sentinel, players will need to head over to the Brotherhood of Steel's Prydwen airship to find it. There, they'll be able to buy the Sentinel Plasmacaster from Teagan.

Survivor's Special


Survivor's Special is akin to previous games' Nerd Rage perk—one of the Fallout series' best perks—in that it distributes more damage the lower one's health becomes. While that particular aspect will come in handy during a firefight in which players are on the cusp of death, it might not serve as Wanderers' primary weapon, as it only has an attack value of 31.

Nevertheless, the fully automatic laser scatter-gun works wonders in close quarters, and it is a potential reward for completing The Lost Patrol. Upon reaching Recon Bunker Theta in the quest, players can either talk to Paladin Brandis in hopes of him handing over the unique weapon, or they can take it by force.

Virgil's Rifle

Similar to the AX90 Fury seen above, Virgil's Rifle dispenses 50% more damage to Super Mutants. The gun itself is a unique variant of the Institute's design, and comes equipped with several helpful mods, such as a medium night-vision scope and a fine-tuned beam focuser.

Interestingly enough, this weapon is carried by Dr. Brian Virgil, a Super Mutant who was once a part of the Institute at some point before 2287, but went rogue. Players can get his rifle by thieving it from him, or by convincing the character to commit suicide.

Should folks wish to take the latter, and more cruel route, they can make their way into the Institute and into the FEV lab, where they should eventually end up in the room with the Super Mutants in the glass cylinders. Grab the experimental serum that's meant to change Virgil back into a human, and then go tell him the serum isn't there, insinuating his condition will worsen, and that he'll simply die, which will cause Virgil to become despondent and take his own life.

Wazer Wifle


Comparable to the Prototype UP77, the Wazer Wifle is a unique laser rifle—as well as a callback to Fallout 3's speech impediment-afflicted Biwwy in Little Lamplight—with an unlimited magazine capacity that never needs to be reloaded. Plus, it can also be upgraded with practically any modification available to the weapon type.

Fallout 4's iteration of the Wazer Wifle can be picked up after the end of the main quest. No matter what faction players end up serving, they will then need to complete three unmarked quests for Shaun (aka S9-23) to get the rifle.

Zeta Gun


The Zeta Gun is the alternative to Lorenzo's Artifact. This unique weapon is a modded Gamma gun, but unlike the one received by Jack Cabot, it does a significantly lower damage in radiation units. Nevertheless, players can player to build the standard dish mod to restore the the energy sidearm to its original power.

Once fans decide to side with Lorenzo instead of Jack, they will find the Zeta Gun on the latter. While it is definitely not as strong as Lorenzo's Artifact, at least he gives players a sweet supply of the Mysterious serum to boot.



One of the most iconic weapons in the Fallout franchise is undoubtedly the minigun, and the Ashmaker is a unique variant of the MS16 design. Instead of simply pumping enemies full of lead, it also inflicts an additional 15 damage with the special quality that allows for opponents to be set on fire.

After finishing the Big Dig quest, players can obtain the Ashmaker in two different ways. The first path to take is by getting Fahrenheit—the ghoul Hancock's bodyguard—to offer it as a reward after either killing Bobbi No-Nose or convincing her to leave peacefully. Then again, should players choose to do so, they could also kill Fahrenheit and take Ashmaker after she's dead.

Big Boy

Beyond its surface, the Big Boy is an alternative version of a Legendary Fat Man and is compatible with the Experimental MIRV mod, which happens to be one of the best Fallout weapons so far. The Big Boy comes with a Two-Shot Mod, allowing it to blast two mini-nukes for the price of one, giving it the potential for the most damage inflicted by any combat item in the game.

Even though the Big Boy is without a doubt the destroyer of worlds, it can be purchased at the local market down in Diamond City. Yet again, Arturo is the man to talk to when it comes to arms dealing, but the Big Boy comes with a hefty price tag. Players should expect to spend most of their earnings when buying it.


In typical Fallout tradition, the Broadsider's design is over-the-top ridiculousness, as it is a portable naval cannon converted for handheld use. So, of course, it uses cannonballs as ammo. Bearing that in mind, the Broadsider only takes a backseat to a fully upgraded Gauss rifle, a Missile Launcher, and the aforementioned Big Boy in terms of raw power.

For those fans wishing to wreak havoc akin to that of an armed flotilla, Captain Ironsides will reward them with the Broadsider during the Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution quest. But, should players side with the scavengers, the cannon becomes unavailable, save for the use of Bethesda's secret room with all the weapons.

Death From Above

When facing overpowered enemies and monsters such as Deathclaws, it's best to be prepared with some explosives like Missile Launchers. While such weapons offer higher damage rates, they can be cumbersome and slow Wastelanders down. Thankfully, Death From Above grants a 75% increase in movement speed while aiming down the sights, which is a boon for players on the go.

Aside from the speed boost, there isn't much else that can be said about Death From Above. Be that as it may, the unique weapon can be bought from Teagan aboard the Brotherhood of Steel's Prydwen airship after the main quest has been thoroughly beaten.

Final Judgment

Final Judgment is a unique Gatling laser that has a 25% faster fire rate, and a 15% faster reload than other versions of the rifle. Plus, strangely, it relies on Fusion Cores as ammo. Taking that into consideration, it might be a good idea for fans interested in using Final Judgment to check out our guide to find all the Fusion Core locations in the game in order to stock up.

Elder Arthur Maxson, who happens to be the last descendant of ancestors that were the founders and traditional leaders of the Brotherhood of Steel, carries Final Judgment. If players wish to obtain it and finish with the Minutemen, they can continue The Railroad quest until Precipice of War, but abstain from going to the police station. Alternatively, Final Judgment can also be removed from Maxson during the Institute-centric quest, Airship Down.

Junk Jet

Equivalent to the Rock-It Launcher from previous installments in the popular post-apocalyptic franchise, the Junk Jet propels any item manually loaded into its mechanical maw in whichever direction the barrel happens to be pointed. Unfortunately, though, about 10% of the time, some of the stuff can become lost after use, so it's important to use discretion with objects for ammo.

Housed in the ArcJet Systems rocket control room, the Junk Jet is just sitting on a table, out in the open, for all to grab. In order to access the area, a terminal needs to be cracked using an Advanced hack, but savvy Wastelanders may be able to find a way in without having to rely on computer skills.


With its noteworthy ability to do 50% extra damage against humans, the Partystarter is definitely not a guest that Raiders want to see crashing their social functions. In addition to its attack values, the unique Missile Launcher also comes standard with a few solid weapon modifications such as a night-vision scope and a stabilizer for better aiming.

The Partystarter will be ready to get down and dirty once it's purchased from KL-E-0, the assaultron-cum-merchant in the town of Goodneighbor. The female AI's weapons shop is located right next to Daisy's Discounts.


2076 World Series Baseball Bat

Best enjoyed alongside Fallout 4's Big League perk, the 2076 World Series Baseball Bat is a unique weapon that has the special effect of sending targets flying, albeit with a small chance. Much like a standard baseball bat, the World Series version is swung slowly in a stance evocative of the players from the long history of the Great American Pastime.

Nabbing the 2076 World Series Baseball Bat is a painless venture. In fact, it's sitting in display on the right side of the Treasures exhibit in the Jamaica Plain town hall basement. After gamers grab it, the memorabilia would serve as a worthy prop to the mod featuring the Boston Red Sox's David Ortiz.

Big Jim

A great repairman once said that everyone should speak softly and carry a big wrench, and if that is indeed the way in which we all should conduct ourselves, then Fallout 4's Big Jim would be the ideal tool for the job. Speaking of which, this particular utensil and weapon has a 20% chance of crippling a target's leg with each hit.

Big Jim is not difficult to locate. In fact it's in the sewer tunnel beneath Walden Pond, and should players have Master Level Lockpicking skills, then they can access the area's exit door in gift shop to the left of Walden Pond and come across the legendary wrench.

General Chao's Revenge

Although some might presume that a rusty, serrated sword would do very little damage to an actual robot, they would be completely wrong as far as Fallout 4 is concerned. According to its attack statitstics, General Chao's Revenge is a unique Chinese officer's weapon that does an additional 50% damage to robotic enemies.

In order to wield General Chao's Revenge, players will need to head on over to the Drumlin Diner and pay Trudy a visit. She'll sell the sword to any person willing to buy it for a fair fee.

Grognak's Axe

Grognak the Barbarian has been a mainstay in the Fallout franchise for quite some time now, so it only makes sense for developers to have finally put his mighty axe into the most recent sequel. In fact, Bethesda continues to give the ancillary character his due in other ways, by dedicating an entire text-based RPG adventure around him as a Fallout 4Holotape Game.

Grognak's Axe is quite the formidable unique weapon in that it causes more stagger to hits, and enemies take bleed damage, which could add up to be relatively effective if used properly. The dual-bladed battle-ax can be attained after unlocking it from an Advanced display case behind the front desk in Hubris Comics.

Kremvh's Tooth


Kremvh's Tooth is not only one of the best melee weapons in the game, but it's also fairly powerful overall. The unique machete deals an extraordinary amount of base damage at 39, while also poisoning targets and causing them to bleed.

After clearing out the Dunwich Borers of its Raider inhabitants, players will find Kremvh's Tooth in an underwater shaft. To be specific, the weapon is on an altar in the side tunnel, near the bottom of the pool.

Pickman's Blade

Should players enjoy using combat knives, then Pickman's Blade is an ideal choice. Its base attack value is set at 57, and it also causes targets bleed for an additional 25 points of damage. However, getting Pickman's Blade might be arduous for some.

First, players will need to work their way to the lowest room of Pickman's gallery and rescue Pickman from a group of Raiders to get a key as a reward that will in turn allow for the unlocking of a wall safe behind the painting "Picnic for Stanley". It's necessary to then backtrack to the front door and enter the room on the left side of the hall. After placing the reticle on the picture of the man's face, a prompt will show up that asks for it to be taken off the wall, which will reveal the safe.



Instead of counting on a plain old Ripper, the Reckoning variant somehow lets players receive 15% less damage while standing immobile while the weapon is equipped. As many fans would argue, it makes absolutely no sense as to why holding the melee item inherently allows for that to happen, but then again, video game logic has never really made much sense from its inception.

Although it's labeled as a unique weapon, the Reckoning can be purchased from a semi-unremarkable location. For those of us looking for it, the divergent Ripper is sold by Level 4 Workshop merchants.

Rockville Slugger

Instead of swinging for the fences with the 2076 World Series Baseball Bat, maybe some players wish to swing just hard enough to make a bloody mess with the Rockville Slugger. On top of the myriad assortment of nasty-looking nails sticking out of the brunt of the bat, the unique melee weapon also costs 40% less Action Points when using it in VATS.

As is the case with most items and weapons, the Rockville Slugger can be bought at the Diamond City market. Instead of Arturo, though, fans will need to go through the baseball enthusiast Moe Cronin to get the "swatter" this time around.

Shem Drowne Sword

This unique Revolutionary sword is different from its counterparts in that it causes targets to take radiation damage. As folks can see above, the blade itself appears to be tinged with some kind of visible radioactive material. Interestingly enough, some players might garner better results from a similarly constructed sword after putting an "irradiated" modifier on it.

Nevertheless, getting the Shem Drowne Sword is easy enough, as fans will first need to complete The Gilded Grasshopper quest. Right after, they'll be able to go west of Pickman's Gallery to the grave site harboring the weapon and dig it up with no shovel required.


Making its triumphant return from Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas is the Shishkebab. Unlike the previous versions that were found in the Capital Wastelands and the Mojave Desert, the one designed for Beantown is lighter, and more compact. Moreover, instead of a refashioned lawnmower blade, the actual weapon is a modified katana.

While it can be found on some legendary enemies, the most sensible way to go about retrieving it is via questing, so make a trip over to Finch farm and have a chat with Abraham Finch to open up the Out of the Fire quest to get the sword back from his son Jake. Players should receive the unique weapon after defeating the Saugus Ironworks' rather daunting miniboss who is appropriately named Slag.

Should there be some folks out there still struggling with other aspects of Fallout 4, we've compiled several other resources for assistance. Go ahead and give one of the guides below a gander and see if it can't help scratch that itch.

Have you been able to find all of the unique weapons in Fallout 4 yet? With so many blades, bombs, guns, and blunt objects in the game, it's hard to choose which is objectively the best, but if you had to pick, which one is your favorite so far? Let us known in the comments below.

Fallout 4 is out now and is available for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.