A creepy glitch in Fallout 4 has shown a Gunner attacking others without a head. While the Gunners are one the strongest factions in Fallout 4, this particular NPC is way tougher than most players will expect.

Gamers who have played the wider Fallout series will be more than familiar with odd bugs like this. When it was initially released back in 2018, Fallout 76 was panned as one of the buggiest game releases of all time. While Bethesda games are known for having an abundance of glitches, this particular instance bordered on unplayable. Luckily, Bethesda took the time to fix it, and gamers continue to enjoy both Fallout 76 and Fallout 4 while the ongoing wait for a true sequel continues.

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The creepy clip was captured by Redditor criteriaz, who posted the footage of the decapitated Gunner, running around as if nothing had happened. There have been some odd glitches found in the game recently, with one Fallout 4 player finding Sturges in a really bizarre location, but this one will surprise even veteran players of the game. While some asked if the situation was a result of using the Live Dismemberment mod, criteriaz insisted that they had no such mod installed, so it does seem to be another classic Bethesda glitch.

Some in the thread offered a genuine explanation for the odd situation. Legendary enemies exist in Fallout 4, that "mutate" into their legendary form when their health reaches zero. The theories in the Reddit post suggest that when this mutation has happened for this legendary Gunner, they've also been decapitated in the same hit. The game doesn't know what to do, so it continues with the mutation of a decapitated Gunner, giving them half of their hitpoints back for good measure. It's an interesting scenario that shows how difficult it is for game developers to cover every possible situation during development.

With the upcoming next-gen Fallout 4 update, it remains to be seen how much will be dedicated to fixing bugs like this that are still in the game. Bugs like this are funnier than they are harmful, and it would be a surprise to see Bethesda take the time to fix something like this eight years after release. Hopefully bug fixes in the next-gen update are reserved for any lingering game-breaking glitches, with more effort placed into creating brand-new content for players to experience in the Commonwealth. Bethesda could even look to use some popular mods in the next-gen update, with the modding scene for the game remaining as strong as ever.

Fallout 4 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions coming in 2023.

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