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Tired of hunting around Fallout 4 looking for adhesive for weapons mods? Use this guide to buy plant a garden at your base and gain a steady stream of adhesives.

With Fallout 4 out this week, gamers around the world are hard at work gunning down raiders, crafting settlements, and progressing their way through post-apocalyptic Boston. With so many side missions to do, it’s surprising players have any time to search for materials to build their bases and enhance their weapons.

Fortunately, we’ve got a helpful tip for those Fallout 4 players who are currently hunting down adhesive - the necessary but sometimes elusive material players need to modify weapons. Rather than running around, searching through every chest and closet for tape, players can start a garden and build a nice source of adhesive right at their base.

Adhesive From Vegetable Starch

It turns out, when Fallout 4 players break down one unit of vegetable starch, they receive five adhesives. Those who have been playing the game this week understand how incredibly valuable that is. And luckily, players can generate their own vegetable paste by planting the right seeds in their garden.

The vegetable starch requires three mutfruits, three ears of corn, three tatos, and one bottle of purified water. And even if players don’t yet have a purifier, Codsworth can whip up some water, though it will take a little time. The player will also need a firepit and pot to get the vegetable starch from the list of ingredients.

Once players have the adhesive, they need only collect the wood and steel to make the weapon modifications.

Where to Find Ingredients

Fallout 4 Find Ingredients

In order to start planting, players will need to get their hands on the vegetables from around the environment. Fortunately, there are a few places players can quickly visit to gather the mutfruit, corn, and tato.

Tato is probably the easiest to find, and can be gathered from Abernathy Farm, TenPines Bluff, GreyGarden, and northeast of the market in Diamond City. GreyGarden is also home to plenty of corn and mutfruit, and Diamond City has mutfruit along with the tato.

Once players pick up a filter, water shouldn’t be a problem. We advise searching for an industrial size filter, as some players found they have more than enough water with one of these.

Additional Guides

For those gamers currently wandering the wasteland of Boston, be sure to also check out our other Fallout 4 guides:

What do you think about Fallout 4 so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Fallout 4 is currently available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

Source: Reddit