
  • Diamond City is under Super Mutant attack in Fallout 4's latest unexpected event, catching players off guard.
  • Fallout 4's next-gen update 2 improves graphics and performance, but gameplay still surprises with unpredictable events.
  • Players uncover hidden details like cats in houses and new features like free-aiming in VATS, keeping the community engaged.

A Fallout 4 player has recently discovered that Diamond City is under attack by Super Mutants in their latest playthrough. Fallout 4, developed by Bethesda Softworks, is known for its expansive open world and dynamic events, but this recent development has caught many by surprise. Years after the release, players still continue to explore and uncover new aspects of the game, keeping the community engaged and enthusiastic.

Fans have been enjoying Fallout 4 since its release in 2015, and the game continues to receive updates and maintain an active player base. Recently, Fallout 4's next-gen update 2 received praise for its improved graphics and performance on PS5 and Xbox consoles, fixing issues from the initial next-gen patch that were met with mixed reviews. Despite these updates, the game's unpredictable nature still leads to surprising and sometimes alarming occurrences.

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The news of Diamond City being raided by Super Mutants surfaced from a Reddit post by user Rich_Confusion_676, who reported the unexpected event during their fourth playthrough of the game. The Fallout 4 gameplay screenshot shows a couple of Super Mutants getting ready to attack the player. The Super Mutants can follow the player through the city because of a mod that made Super Mutants bigger and have rankings. Because of this, the city's security gets overrun by the Super Mutants, giving them access through the city gates.

Fallout 4 Gameplay Shows Super Mutants in Diamond City

In an earlier instance, players shared images of a bizarre bug that made Fallout 4's Diamond City look like a hellscape, with the sky on fire. This bug, while visually striking, did not impact gameplay as severely as the current Super Mutant invasion, which poses a direct threat to the player’s progress in the game. Many players on Reddit mention that they have encountered Super Mutants in other regions of Fallout 4. A few of them even pointed out the poor design of Diamond City, stating that it should branch out and cover more area to make the main part of the city more defendable.

Adding to the peculiarities of Diamond City, players have also discovered unusual in-game elements, such as a house filled with cats in the Hawthorne Residence in Fallout 4. This hidden detail was uncovered by a player who lockpicked their way into the house, revealing an array of cats and cat-themed decorations.

Interestingly, players continue to reveal new features even nine years after its release. Recently, a player discovered a little-known VATS feature in Fallout 4 that allows for free-aiming by holding down the VATS button. This discovery has been widely shared and appreciated within the community.