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In the Fallout series, there are numerous creepy locations for the player to explore. In Fallout 4, these areas are spread throughout Boston and the surrounding area. Exploring the Commonwealth might bring players to unique locations, such as a cabin full of cats or a replica of Stonehenge made with cars. While these areas seem lighthearted and fun, there are some locations that will send a chill down the player's spine.

Fallout: The 16 Best Villains In The Franchise, Ranked

The Fallout franchise has introduced a bevy of wasteland baddies to tangle with during its time, so today we're counting off its best villains.

These creepy locations in the Commonwealth can range from a surprising enemy attacking the player to a location with supernatural elements. For fans of H. P. Lovecraft, there are a few creepy areas referencing his work.

Updated on May 16, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: There are a lot of people who feel like Bethesda's take on Fallout is inferior to the original games, but one aspect where the new batch of Fallout games excels in is the atmosphere. The sheer amount of love poured into each and every corner of the Commonwealth is palpable from the get-go, with Bethesda doing its hardest to immerse players in this setting before trapping them in hellish nightmares with no end in sight. Despite the Sole Survivor being as powerful as they come, there are moments when the player can still be scared out of their wits in some of the Commonwealth's creepiest locations.

13 Kendall Hospital

A Horrifying Location Full Of Tough Enemies And A Surprise Deathclaw

Kendall Hospital in Fallout 4
  • Location: Cambridge

No one who enters Kendall Hospital expects it to be populated by so many monsters. The story surrounding this place is a tragic one, with the Railroad using this place as their headquarters before being ambushed by the Insitute. They killed every synth there, feeding the stragglers to a Deathclaw in the basement.

While the trek through the hospital is as unnerving as most would expect, what really makes things scarier than ever is when players have to deal with said Deathclaw. It's a harrowing moment for low-level players who are still learning the ropes and don't want to deal with a powerful Deathclaw that can turn them into its lunch in no time.

12 Lexington

Full Of Nightmarish Ghouls That Will Scare Players Out Of Their Wits

Corvega Assembly Plant Fallout 4
  • Location: North of Cambridge

Feral ghouls are generally the weakest enemies in most Fallout games, with most people barely classifying them as threats. So, it's genuinely impressive that Bethesda turned them into some of the scariest enemies in Fallout 4 despite their perceived lack of strength, with these radioactive zombies hurling themselves at the player and instilling a sense of panic.

Suffice it to say, any location with an abundance of ghouls is bound to strike fear in the hearts of players, and Lexington is no exception here. Players who want to roam this area must accept the fact that they'll have to take out numerous ghouls in this location who will be out for their heads, hurling themselves into the path of danger with reckless abandon.

11 Suffolk County Charter School

The Pink Ghouls Hint Towards A Disturbing Story

Fallout 4 Suffolk County Charter School
  • Location: West of Quincy Quarries

Ghouls are already pretty scary as is, but to witness ones that have turned pink makes players wonder what the backstory of these particular people was. Such is the case when players wander into Suffolk County Charter School, with the abundance of pink ghouls making it pretty harrowing to deal with these kamikaze enemies.

The Darkest Things You Can Do In Fallout 4

Staying true to the Fallout pedigree, Fallout 4 allows players to make some truly evil choices. These are the darkest of them.

Apparently, this school was given an experimental batch of pink paste to serve as food. It was frowned upon by students and teachers alike, who had no choice but to ingest this food. Eventually, after turning into ghouls, the undead consumed so much of this paste that their hue turned pink.

10 Swan's Pond

Encounter A Special Behemoth Who Coined This Area's Name

Swan rising out of the water
  • Location: Boston Common

In the main area of Boston near the Park Street Station and the Boylston Club, there is a small park with a pond. Getting too close will reveal a Super Mutant Behemoth who rises out of the water. Players will be forced to fight him or run away from the park.

While it is out in the open, the pond still has a creepiness factor. The player can find dead bodies with notes attached to them, relating to people who fell victim to Swan. Another note reveals the Super Mutant was named Edgar Swann and worked for The Institute before turning into what he is now.

9 Unmarked Train Car

Listen To A Woman's Last Words As Her Skeletal Remains Stare Into Your Soul

The skeleton of the woman on the radio
  • Location: Southeast of Relay Tower 1DL-109

Players can find this area either by exploring the Commonwealth or by finding a distress signal from Relay Tower 1DL-109. Listening to the distress signal will reveal the skeleton belongs to a woman who survived the Great War and encountered her first Ghoul.

She had a child with her, but only her remains can be found. Hopefully, the child was able to get away and live on for a bit. It is creepy to listen to this woman's last words on repeat -- especially since they have been repeated for 200 years.

8 East Boston Preparatory School

Learn How Unsuspecting People Are Tortured And Broken To The Point Where They Join A Raider Gang

The entrance of the East Boston Preparatory School
  • Location: North of the RobCo Sales & Service Center

The preparatory school was once home to students. It is now home to raiders under the leadership of Judge Zeller. Reading the terminals in the school will reveal the process of joining the Judge's gang. The school has become a reeducation camp for his gang.

The Best 10 Faction Quests In Fallout 4

Each faction in Fallout 4 has different, awesome quests. These are the best ones across the board.

Terminals reveal that the raiders under Judge Zeller are broken and tortured until they join the gang. There is a sign that advertises purified water, leading travelers to enter the school. The new members of the gang are forced to sign a blood contract to serve Zeller, while the travelers who are not broken by torture are executed.

7 Grandchester Mystery Mansion

Witness The Ghostly Remnants Of A Tragic Family

The entrance to the attraction Grandchester Mystery Mansion
  • Location: Southeast of Dunmore Homestead

The Grandchester Mystery Mansion is found in the Nuka-World DLC. It used to be the home of the Grandchester family until the daughter of the family became possessed, murdered her parents, and then hung herself in the attic. Now it is an attraction at the park.

While it sounds like it could be a story to sell tickets, players can see the daughter run through parts of the house as they wander through it. Maybe it is an old trick from the Pre-War attraction, or maybe it is the actual spirit of the daughter.

6 Museum Of Witchcraft

Sneak Around While A Deathclaw Breathes Down Your Neck

Mannequins setting up a scene in the Museum of Witchcraft
  • Location: East of Dunwich Borers

Salem, Massachusetts is known for the history of witchcraft. In Fallout 4, players are able to explore the Museum of Witchcraft. There is a quest where the player must take an egg from a mother Deathclaw.

The player can find dismembered Gunners throughout the area, but can also find mannequins set up around the museum. It is more than likely these are from before the war, but there is something creepy about seeing naked mannequins when the player turns a corner.

5 D.B. Technical High School

Witness The Aftermath Of A Rabies Outbreak

The pool area of the school where the raider boss is found
  • Location: The Boston Theater District

The D. B. Technical High School can be found in the downtown area of Boston. It is full of raiders, and going lower into the school will reveal some gruesome sights. The raider boss is also hinted to be deranged from rabies infection.

Fallout 3 Vs. Fallout 4: Which Game Is Better?

Fallout 3 and 4 are two of the most influential post-apocalyptic games ever made, but which rules the wastelands?

A terminal can be found that says the raider boss, Bosco, was bitten by a dog and started to act differently. The pool area is where Bosco can be found, wearing the head of the school's mascot. There are also numerous bodies strung up from the roof, making this area appear even worse.

4 Atom's Spring

Joining The Children Of Atom Leads To Creepy Hallucinations

The spring where the player must drink irradiated water
  • Location: Northeast of Glowing Grove

In the Far Harbor DLC, the player must drink from a spring to join the Children of Atom. Doing so will cause the player to see a black figure, which will lead them to a Children of Atom shrine. No enemies or creatures will attack the player, and talking to the figure will reveal a whispery voice.

It would appear there is a supernatural element to this spring, or maybe a side effect from drinking irradiated water. Either way, it would appear the Children of Atom might be on to something.

3 Fens Street Sewer

Find The Victims Of The Fenway Phantom, A Serial Killer

One of the open areas in the sewer
  • Location: The Fens neighborhood

Sewers are already creepy enough without adding a serial killer to them. By exploring the Fens Street Sewer, players can find the work of a Pre-War serial killer. The serial killer, dubbed the Fenway Phantom, still has their victims on display 200 years later.

Fallout 4: 10 Hilarious Things NPCs Do (That Make No Sense)

Their AI is better than what was seen last generation with Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but there are still some bugs in their system.

Skeletons of the victims can be found with a replaced skull, in different poses, and each victim is labeled with an 'X'. The Phantom was never caught, so it could be likely that they went to live in the Post-War world as a Ghoul.

An Ode To H.P. Lovecraft That's As Creepy As Most People Would Assume

The entrance alley to Pickman Gallery
  • Location: North End district of Boston

Pickman Gallery is one of the many H. P. Lovecraft references that can be found in the Fallout series. As such, it can be expected to be pretty creepy. Paintings of red screaming faces and raiders posed in coffins and on stretchers can be found in the gallery. Even the companions of the player will be creeped out by the location.

Players can also find the owner of the gallery down in the basement. He will be surrounded by raiders, allowing the player to rescue him. Rescuing Pickman will reward the player with a knife that causes enemies to bleed for 25 additional damage.

1 Dunwich Borers

Find The Remnants Of A Cult That Sacrificed Innocents To Appease Their Deity

The altar scene that can be found in Dunwich Borers
  • Location: Near Hugo's Hole

Dunwich Borers might seem like a normal quarry, but going deeper inside will reveal a past to the player. It is also one of the other references to H. P. Lovecraft, carrying on from the Dunwich Building found in Fallout 3. Flashbacks will show what looks like a sacrifice scene with a priest at an altar.

By diving where the altar is, players can find a submerged face and a unique knife on an underwater altar. The knife is called Kremvh's Tooth and is related to the Fallout universe god Ug-Qualtoth. A cult was once located in this quarry, with innocent people being sacrificed to please a god.

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Fallout 4

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 10, 2015
RPG , Action