One of the main complaints players had about Fallout 4 when it was initially released was how they were consistently pushed to do good. Being bad and rough around the edges in the wasteland just wasn't a real option, and the only real "evil" choice was to join the Institute.

Fallout 4: 10 Things You Missed On The Prydwen

The Brotherhood of Steel's airship, The Prydwen, has its share of secrets and information that players might not know about.

That's why Nuka-World was a revolutionary DLC in Fallout 4 because players could finally play as a raider and a morally questionable character. However, that's not the only choice the DLC gives to the players. Goody-two-shoes characters can also start the quest Open Season upon arrival and simply obliterate everyone—but at what cost? Ultimately, it's up to the player to decide whether or not to join the raiders or betray them.

Updated on October 4, 2023, by Anastasia Maillot: Bethesda has struck gold once more with the release of Starfield in September 2023, which has brought back its previous RPGs into the limelight as well. Fallout 4 has been used as one of the main comparison points for Starfield's system and gameplay, and while the feel of the two games is different, there are many similarities that fans of both titles will spot. While the first DLC of Starfield, Shattered Space, is still somewhere in the unknown future, players can return to Fallout 4's Nuka-World for a trip down memory lane. Once more, the question is posed: should players join the raiders as their new Overboss or kill them to liberate Nuka-World from their rule? Here's what to expect from each path.

Taken For A Ride – Arriving To Nuka-World


Everything starts when players take the train to Nuka-World, and quickly realize that things aren't as they seem. Raiders have taken control of the amusement park, and the Sole Survivor is the next in line to challenge their leader in what is known as the Gauntlet.

Fallout 4: 16 Best Weapon Mods

For fans looking to add more gun options or better looks of the original weapons in Fallout 4, here are some great mods to install.

Surviving and killing the current Overboss Colter will trigger the next branching path in the DLC's questline: to join the raiders and take over Nuka-World as the new Overboss, or to kill them and free the slaves in Nuka-Town's market.

Note that even after agreeing to join the raiders, players can change their minds and still kill everyone in Nuka-Town.

An Ambitious Plan Quest – Join The Raiders

Fallout 4 Porter Gage
  • Unlock Porter Gage as a companion
  • Access to radiant quests from the raiders
  • Access to raider settlements
  • Gain raider perks

There are a few key benefits to joining the raiders and completing the DLC in the way that it is intended. It's by far the best evil experience in Fallout 4, and one of the few straightforwardly evil factions if the Institute's questionable moral choices aren't considered—and also one that the player can join, as Gunners and the Forged aren't joinable factions.

10 Hardest Moral Dilemmas In Fallout 4

Putting their audience in difficult, morally challenging situations with no clear answer is a Bethesda special, especially in the Fallout series.

Taking the raider's side also grants players Porter Gage as a potential companion and romance partner. He has a unique background and tolerates mischief much more than some of the other followers. Once the highest level of affinity is reached with him, he'll grant the player the Lessons In Blood perk, which gives +5% more experience points for each kill and +10 damage resistance.

As the Overboss of the raiders, players also have access to various radiant quests that can net them quite a few caps in the long run. On top of this, the raider settlements, are great as they generate loads of caps for the Overboss Tribute chest on a regular basis.

Each of the three gangs also grants various perks when the player supports them. If favored during the park division and settlement division, the gangs will grant their signature perk to the Overboss. Only two are gained at the end of the final quest, Power Play:

  • Chosen Disciple for the Disciples: 25% AP restored after killing someone with a melee weapon.
  • Ace Operator for the Operators: 25% damage increase to suppressed weapons and a 10% boost to stealth.
  • Pack Alpha for the Pack: 25% damage boost to melee and unarmed damage and a 25% resistance to regular and energy damage.

Open Season Quest – Kill The Raiders

Fallout 4 Preston Garvey
  • Keep Preston Garvey as a companion
  • Save the Nuka-Town slaves
  • Parks can still be explored
  • Avoid settlement raiding

Not every player will enjoy the DLC's evil tone, which is why it's a good thing Bethesda took into account alternative ways of solving the situation. The Open Season quest can be either acquired from Preston Garvey or McKenzie Bridgeman at the Nuka-Town marketplace. Even if players choose this path, the four parks and all of Nuka-World can still be explored fully.

The main gain from staying nice is that Preston Garvey will not turn against the Sole Survivor and hate them for becoming the Overboss and raiding settlements. Although Preston isn't the most popular companion, his United We Stand Affinity perk is still decent (+20% damage dealt and +20 damage resistance when facing 3 or more hostile targets). Moreover, all the other companions in the game, save for MacCready, will either Like or Love the player's choice.

Another major plot point to consider is the fate of the slaves working as traders at the Nuka-World marketplace. They are all kept there against their will by the raiders, but killing the three gangs will ensure they get to live freely and peacefully once more. The slaves will even beg the Sole Survivor to help them.

Finally, the Home Sweet Home raider quest will force players to raid settlements in the Commonwealth—including settlements they helped to establish previously in the game. This can be annoying for those who invested a lot of time and effort into the Minutemen questline.

fallout 4 box art
Fallout 4

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 10, 2015
RPG , Action