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The wide variety in the kinds of quests one can encounter in Fallout 4 is already huge, however, DLC like the Far Harbor expansion has added even more interesting and quirky quests for players to enjoy. One of the craziest murder mysteries that the Sole Survivor can solve, the side quest that is known as "Brain Dead" involves robots, betrayal, and the typical detective legwork.

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This quest's progress and completion come with a tremendous amount of Pre-War Money, and those that get the best ending can acquire over 1,200 of these ancient dollar bills. To get the best rewards out of Brain Dead, be sure to level up one's Charisma to pass all of the dialogue skill checks and follow the steps below, as there are multiple and inferior endings that can lead to lackluster rewards.

Brain Dead Best Ending Quest Steps

Here's a quick overview of the various steps in the Brain Dead quest in list format for a convenient way to keep track of the different sections composing this murder mystery.

  • Must have completed the "Walk in the Park" Far Harbor DLC side quest for this quest to be triggered
  • Walk around Far Harbor (the location) until approached by a Miss Nanny robot named Pearl
  • When spoken to, the player needs to tell Pearl that they are a member of law enforcement
  • Ask Pearl for payment (25 to 70 Pre-War Money is successful)
  • Follow Pearl to the Cliff's Edge Motel
  • Defeat the feral ghouls that attack while Pearl leads the player around the motel toward an elevator
  • Take the elevator up, exit it, and speak to the Mister Handy robot named Maxwell through an intercom
  • Enter Vault 118 and investigate the crime scene
  • Investigate the suspects (Julianna, Santiago, and Keith)
  • Learn about Gilda
  • Investigate Gilda
  • Investigate the Overseer's Office
  • Learn of Ezra's crimes
  • Talk to Bert (Julianna's husband) to learn of his suspicions about his wife
  • Confront Julianna and learn their true identity is Ezra
  • Ask for a bribe to let them escape (200 Pre-War Money if successful)
  • Betray Ezra and defeat them (loot 500 Pre-War Money from Ezra's body)
  • Return to Maxwell to complete the quest (700 XP & 500 Pre-War Money)

Starting The Quest & Getting Into Vault 118

player interacting with the robots in vault 118.

After completing the "Walk in the Park" Far Habor DLC quest, players can be recruited to solve this murder mystery as they are walking about the Far Harbor location. A Miss Nanny named Pearl can approach and speak to the player, asking if they are a member of law enforcement, as she states there has been a murder nearby.

Here, the player will have dialogue options to say that they are indeed a member of law enforcement, and they will also have the chance to ask for money from Pearl, which, if the player's Charisma stat is high enough, will yield somewhere between 25 to 70 Pre-War Money.

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Following one's agreement to help Pearl, she will lead the player to Vault 118 by traveling through the Cliff's Edge Motel. After speaking with Maxwell through the intercom near the exit of the Cliff's Edge Motel's elevator, he will let the player into the vault where they can investigate the crime scene.

The Sole Survivor will find the dead body of Ezra Parker, the former Overseer of Vault 118, as well as a few objects of interest around the crime scene. When one has thoroughly investigated the site of the murder, the player will have a discussion with Maxwell before being tasked with interrogating the suspects.

Interrogating The Suspects

vault 118 robot npcs.

Interrogating Keith

When entering Keith's home, the player will overhear what sounds like an escape plan, but don't jump to conclusions, as this is just a couple of robotic people rehearsing a script. After speaking to Keith and Gilda, the latter will leave and head to the vault's artificial beach by the shower area. The former, who is a suspect due to their baseball bat being found at the crime scene, enthusiastically declares their innocence and says that they were framed, though nothing else can be gleaned from this conversation.

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Interrogating Julianna

Speaking with Julianna and her husband Bert won't seem to lead anywhere, however, what she says about her research into voice modulation hints at something that will become relevant a bit later in this quest. Players can also learn that Julianna is the one responsible for everyone's brains being put into their robotic bodies.

Interrogating Santiago

Approaching the artist Santiago will involve a Speech check to convince the robot that the Sole Survivor is also an art lover, which, if successful, will result in Santiago telling the player that they overheard Ezra and Julianna having an argument in the Overseer's office, though they do not know what the disagreement was about.

Players should be careful when speaking to Santiago, as there are options that lead to confronting this vault dweller of being the killer, which will prematurely end the quest with less than ideal rewards. After telling the player about the disagreement, Santiago will recommend that the player should speak to Gilda, the vault gossip.

Finding The Murderer & Completing The Quest

subject of the brain dead quest.

Gathering Information From Gilda

Players should seek out Gilda around the shower area of the vault, as this is where the artificial beach is located. Speaking with Gilda will reveal that Ezra and Julianna were arguing about some sort of financial issue, though Gilda does not know the specifics beyond that. From here, one gets the objective to investigate another location.

Investigating The Overseer's Office

Grab the key from Ezra's room to unlock the door to the office and have a look around inside. This will yield terminal logs and holotapes indicating that Ezra was embezzling construction funds for Vault 118, which Julianna was apparently confronting Ezra about in their heated exchange.

Following Up With Julianna & Bert

After learning of Ezra's crimes, go back to Julianna and Bert, though talk to the latter for another Speech check which will reveal that Bert is suspicious that his wife has been replaced by someone. This will let the player confront Julianna for a shocking reveal.

Confronting Julianna

When the player next talks to her, it will be revealed that she is actually Ezra in disguise! After Julianna confronted him about the embezzling, he panicked and killed her before swapping places with her and using a voice modulating device to disguise himself.

Ezra now seeks to escape and players can ask them for a bribe in order to let them flee in peace, though this will be another Speech check. The Sole Survivor should accept the bribe, a hefty 200 Pre-War Money, and immediately betray Ezra and do battle with them. Killing the robot in battle will allow one to loot their body for a tremendous 500 Pre-War Money.

Returning To Maxwell To Complete The Quest

After dealing with Ezra, return to Maxwell and tell him about all that has happened. He will thank the player for their hard work and for bringing truth and justice to Vault 118 before the quest completes and the player receives 700 XP and a payment of 500 Pre-War Money.

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