
  • In Fallout 4, players can find and unlock Settlements for the Minutemen, which they can manage and improve. Some perks in the game help players unlock interesting abilities that make these Settlements more useful.
  • The Chemist perk extends the duration of chems taken by 50% per unlocked rank, making them last longer and more effective.
  • The Gun Nut perk allows players to craft weapon mods, making their Settlements self-sufficient and enabling them to create the best-suited weapon for their character.

In Fallout 4, players can find and unlock Settlements for the Minutemen. As General of the Minutemen, the player character has complete control over these Settlements and needs to craft beds, ways to grow food and obtain water, and things like gym equipment to keep their settlers happy.

Fallout 4: All Endurance Perks, Ranked

Fallout 4's Endurance perks are most useful on the Survival difficulty, although some offer unique bonuses for players even on the easiest levels.

Some of the perks in the game help players unlock interesting abilities, which help make these Settlements more useful for the player. These range from unlocking crafting recipes and boosting their effectiveness to adding to what players can build in the Settlement build menu.

1 Chemist

Make The Chems You Craft More Effective

Vault Boy stands in a lab coat with hair standing up from an explosion





Intelligence 7

Any chems you take last 50% longer.


Intelligence 7, Level 16

Any chems you take last twice as long.


Intelligence 7, Level 32

Any chems you take last an additional 150% longer.


Intelligence 7, Level 45

Any chems you take last an additional 200% longer.

The Chemist perk extends the duration of the effects for chems taken by 50% per unlocked rank. While this doesn’t help the player craft anything at their Settlements, it does mean that the chems made at Chemistry Stations will go a lot further if the player has invested several perk points into Chemist.

Since chems can help with so many different things like increased carrying capacity from Buffout and better deals from Grape Mentats – making them last longer is a helpful way to maximize the items crafted in Settlements.

2 Gun Nut

Unlock The Ability To Craft Weapon Mods

Vault Boy rifles through guns on a table





Intelligence 3

You gain access to base level and Rank 1 gun mods


Intelligence 3, Level 13

Gain +2 to Perception.


Intelligence 3, Level 25

You gain access to Rank 3 gun mods


Intelligence 3, Level 39

You gain access to Rank 4 gun mods

The Gun Nut perk allows players to use Weapon Workbenches to craft weapon mods. These mods range from advanced scopes to grips that reduce recoil and even ignition modules that add fire damage to the Junk Jet.

While these mods can be bought or found while exploring, players who want their Settlements to be self-sufficient should invest points in Gun Nut so that they can make the best-suited weapon for their character.

3 Blacksmith

Unlock The Ability To Craft Melee Weapon Mods

Vault Boy works on a mace at a workbench





Strength 4

Fire up the forge and gain access to base level and Rank 1 melee weapon mods.


Strength 4, Level 16

You gain access to Rank 2 melee weapon mods.


Strength 4, Level 29

You gain access to Rank 3 melee weapon mods.

Blacksmith is a crafting perk that is all about maximizing melee weapons. Each of its ranks unlocks the ability to craft more advanced melee weapon mods at Weapon Workbenches.

Players who enjoy playing melee-focused characters will like being able to tinker with their baseball bats, swords, and sledgehammers to get the most use out of them as they can. These can be especially helpful in the early game when players are low on ammo and have not found the best guns in the game yet.

4 Demolition Expert

Craft Explosives And Make Them Better

Vault Boy pushes a TNT lever to ignite an explosion behind him





Perception 5

The bigger the boom, the better! Your explosives do 25% more damage, and you can craft explosives at any Chemistry Station.


Perception 5, Level 10

Your explosives do 50% more damage, and grenades gain a throwing arc.


Perception 5, Level 22

Your explosives do 75% more damage and affect a larger area.


Perception 5, Level 34

Your explosives now do double damage. Mines and grenades shot in V.A.T.S explode for double damage, too.

Demolition Expert is the perfect perk for players who love to use explosives. Each rank increases the damage done by explosives, making grenades and missiles even deadlier than they are at the start of the game.

This perk can also be helpful in getting more out of Settlements because the very first rank unlocks the ability to craft explosives at Chemistry Stations. Being able to craft these instead of relying on purchasing them or finding them on enemy corpses is a great way to boost the usefulness of Settlements.

5 Scrapper

Get The Best Junk From Salvaging Unwanted Items

Vault Boy holds a pamphlet next to a locker with things on the ground





Intelligence 5

You can salvage uncommon components like screws, aluminum, and copper when scrapping weapons and armor.


Intelligence 5, Level 23

You can salvage rare components like circuitry, nuclear material, and fiber optics when scrapping weapons and armor. Items with favorited components are highlighted.


Intelligence 5, Level 40

Earn more from salvaging.

Players can take unwanted weapons, armor, and settlement objects to a Weapon Workbench to break them down into junk items. The Scrapper perk boosts the number and type of items gained from salvaging unwanted things.

Since perfecting a Settlement takes a good amount of junk (and sometimes some very specific junk items), it is a good idea to get this perk so that players don’t have to spend as much time roaming the Commonwealth in search of that one last piece of junk they need to find.

6 Armorer

Unlock The Ability To Craft Armor Mods

Vault Boy stands at an armor workbench with welding goggles and holds a welding torch





Strength 3

Protect yourself from the dangers of the Wasteland with access to base level and Rank 1 armor mods.


Strength 3, Level 13

You gain access to Rank 2 armor mods.


Strength 3, Level 25

You gain access to Rank 3 armor mods.


Strength 3, Level 39

You gain access to Rank 4 armor mods.

The Armorer perk unlocks the ability to craft armor mods at Armor Workbenches. By building one of these and investing some perk points in Armorer, players can maximize each of the armor parts that they wear. Players can even mix and match the effects that they like to tailor their armor to their exact desires.

Fallout 4: 15 Best Perks To Unlock Early

With so many options, players are going to want to pick these best perks first to make the most of their Fallout 4 playthrough.

The more perk points invested in this perk, the more advanced armor mods become available for crafting. For players who want to get the most out of their gear, this is a necessity.

7 Robotics Expert

Craft Robots At Your Settlements

Vault Boy works on a robto over a workbench





Intelligence 8

Hack a robot, and gain a chance to power it on or off, or initiate a self-destruct.


Intelligence 8, Level 19

When you successfully hack a robot, you can incite it to attack.


Intelligence 8, Level 44

When you successfully hack a robot, you can give it specific commands.

The first rank of the Robotics Expert perk allows players to get close to enemy robots and hack them to shut them down rather than having to fight them. Its higher ranks allow players to give the hacked robot a command or even initiate its self-destruct sequence.

With the Automatron DLC, this perk also becomes a game-changer for Settlements because the first two ranks unlock all of the possibilities of building robots at a Robot Workbench. Players can customize the robot companion Ada or build their own robot, complete with nuclear weaponry or Assaultron laser attacks. Players can go so far as to build a small army of robots and use them as a defense force for their various Settlements throughout the Commonwealth.

8 Science!

Unlock High-Tech Mods

Vault Boy holds an energy weapon and mod in his hands





Intelligence 6

Take full advantage of advanced technology with access to base level and Rank 1 high-tech mods.


Intelligence 6, Level 17

You gain access to Rank 2 high-tech mods.


Intelligence 6, Level 28

You gain access to Rank 3 high-tech mods.


Intelligence 6, Level 41

You gain access to Rank 4 high-tech mods.

Each rank of the Science! perk unlocks a tier of high-tech mods for the player to craft. Unlike other crafting perks, the mods that are unlocked by Science! do not fall into one single category.

Some high-tech mods, like the Jet Pack, are made for Power Armor while others like the Deep Dish improve the Gamma Gun. The range of applications of high-tech mods is so vast that players who want to improve their Settlements really need to invest some perk points here.

9 Local Leader

The Local Leader Perk closeup





Charisma 6

As the ruler everyone turns to, you are able to establish supply lines between your workshop settlements.


Charisma 6, Level 14

You can build stores and workstations at workshop settlements.

The Local Leader perk is the most essential Settlement perk in the game. Its first rank allows players to establish supply lines between their settlements. Players can use any items stored in either their current Settlement or one connected by a supply line when crafting. By creating a network of supply lines, players will be able to use just about any of their Settlements to store items or craft things. This is especially good for Survival difficulty since players are not allowed to fast travel.

Fallout 4: All Charisma Perks, Ranked

Charisma is an important stat in Fallout 4. The perks associated with it impact dialog, combat, and can help players make money.

The second rank of Local Leader unlocks the ability to build workstations and stores at Settlements. Without this perk, players are relegated to using pre-existing workstations to craft chems, weapons, and armor and so their Settlements are very limited. By also allowing players to build stores in their Settlements, this perk also lets players offload their unwanted gear and make some caps without having to travel to merchants that could be far from their settlements. Players who want to use their Settlements as much as possible need to unlock this perk as early as they can.

fallout 4 box art
Fallout 4

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 10, 2015
RPG , Action