Fallout 4 was released on November 10, 2015, yet it remains relevant to this very day. However, Fallout 4's longevity is not due to the base game, but the additions implemented by creative fans. Players can use mods to add to the universe that Bethesda created to provide nearly endless replayability. With mods, players can alter, add, or remove anything that they see fit granting limitless customization.

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Numerous mods have been regarded as masterpieces that excel in elements that Fallout 4 was lacking. Many mods have improved, revamped, or even introduced new aspects that make the game overall a more enjoyable experience. Moreover, many mods have created a new standard for all RPGs, especially for a Fallout sequel. A dozen mods, in particular, have left exceedingly high expectations for the upcoming Fallout 5.

12 CROSS Courser Strigidae By Niero

The CROSS Courser Strigidae Armor

Fallout 4 presented players with various sets of armor to protect themselves with. Nearly every set was customizable and upgradeable but there were rarely any that stood out from the rest. Even armor that bears a unique attribute or means to obtain it has been considerably lackluster. No player wants to endure a quest only to obtain subpar and uninspiring armor.

This aspect has disappointed many players and it is one that the renowned mod author Niero has worked to fix. Niero has introduced many armor mods to Fallout 4 but none are as notable as the new yet lore-friendly Strigidae suit. This armor set is a seamless addition to Fallout 4 with a story that fits perfectly into the world.

The Strigidae suit also boasts customization unseen by any base game armor. This allows players to fit the suit to their preferred look or function while maintaining use throughout the game. Niero's Strigidae suit embodies everything that unique armor should be, making it a prime example for Fallout 5 to follow.

11 The Widow Shotgun By Corvalho1

The Widow Shotgun

Many interesting weapons within Fallout 4 touch upon unnatural or futuristic themes. In appearance and function, these unique weapons have separated themselves from the rest as special additions to one's weaponry. However, while these weapons are more distinct than Fallout 4's armor, they lack the sense of individuality and modification that weapon mods hold. Corvalho1 aims to solve this issue through their dreadful weapon mod with an equally grim backstory.

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Corvalho1's weapon the Widow Shotgun is truly unique in every aspect. The design engraved on the shotgun was derived from a picture drawn by an artist and its name reflects the weapon's dark past. The Widow Shotgun is a fitting weapon for the sole survivor, and it is one that they can use throughout their playthrough.

While it is simply a sawed-off double-barrel, the Widow Shotgun offers multiple customization options and even seven unique ammo options. Everything about this weapon is special and it continues to be viable as the game progresses, important factors that Fallout 5 should implement into its distinct weaponry.

10 Wasteland Imports By Mkdo40

Wasteland Imports Items

Nearly every Fallout game takes place in a different region and as such presents new features unseen in other installments. The franchise has taken players to prominent locations such as California, Washington, New Vegas, and in Fallout 4 the Commonwealth. However, while each area is unique from the other, oddly, certain items, weapons, armors, etc. cannot be found in the games.

While it is understandable for Bethesda to set sequels apart, there should be no reason why they cannot share the same odds and ends from previous games. Mod author Mkdo40 has worked to integrate many goodies throughout the wasteland into Fallout 4.

Mkdo40's mod Wasteland Imports adds various items that were mysteriously absent from the Commonwealth. The mod author perfectly integrates these goodies into Fallout 4 in a logical and lore-friendly manner. Wasteland Imports even works to alter existing items and mechanics to reflect their portrayal in previous Fallout games. This mod adds much-needed immersion and diversity to Fallout 4 which is something that Fallout 5 should replicate.

9 Pack Attack NPC Edition By Greslin

Marine Armor Sole Survivor

Fallout 4's combat system is not the greatest and it creates a dynamic in confrontations that withdraw players from the game. Mindlessly rushing the player is an effective strategy for mutated creatures but for people it is idiotic. Even raiders – who are often unstable – would think twice before executing such a bold strategy. This creates uneventful battles where most enemies die on their sprint towards the player.

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Luckily, a mod by Greslin works to integrate strategic thinking into NPCs making fights much more interesting. Pack Attack NPC Edition will ensure that suicide charges are the last tactics that enemies will execute in combat.

This mod arms NPCs with advanced strategic knowledge that will shape even raiders into battle tacticians. Enemies can flank, ambush, hold positions, and even retreat when necessary, making groups efficient killing machines. This will influence players to think as calculative as the NPCs and make combat considerably more exciting. Pack Attack NPC Edition is a mod that Fallout 5 should take after to make fights much more thrilling.

8 Ransacked Relays And Shuddersome Subways By Trainwiz

Ransacked Relays & Shuddersome Subways

Fallout 4 has a few climactic moments – mainly explosions – that are meant to leave players in awe. The destruction of various factions, the march of liberty prime, and the relay are a few instances of the many memorable events. Even though these scenes display amazing animations and effects, they pale in comparison to mods.

The famous Trainwiz has constantly tested the limits of Fallout 4 and created insane mods. Trainwiz'sRansacked Relays and Shuddersome Subways mod was made solely to present astounding dramatic scenes. This quest mod pits players against two custom bosses – ACRONYM and Mirelurk Godqueen Deathkiller Supreme – that possess unique abilities and ways to defeat them.

ACRONYM is an unstable teleporting AI that provides a special challenge for players. Mirelurk Godqueen Deathkiller Supreme is a gigantic mirelurk queen that players defeat using a literal train. While these situations are absurd they exemplify the awesome unused potential that Fallout 4 had. Fallout 5 should make use of its capabilities to create more theatrical moments.

7 The Machine And Her By Nikacola

The Machine & Her's Kit

The Fallout franchise is characterized by desolate wastelands but that does not mean players must travel alone. Fallout 4 and its DLC provide sixteen companions for players to trek the Commonwealth with. Each follower is different from one another with some that are not even human.

While each companion has its own distinct traits they interact little with the player and the world. This results in them feeling like any other ordinary NPC rather than a loyal comrade. However, Nikacola has created a companion mod that is almost frighteningly realistic.

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The Machine and Her mod introduce a new follower named Kit and a quest dedicated to her story. Kit is unlike the other companions whose dialogue and events are spontaneous or robotic. Instead Kit acts like a human being that is much more complicated and aware of what is happening. Even Kit's follower questline can be realistically altered depending on the player's choices and affinity. This is a far cry from the companions in the base game that Fallout 5 should strive to recreate.

6 America Rising – A Tale Of The Enclave By Otellino

An Enclave Soldier In Power Armor

Fallout 4's factions play a vital role in the main questline and the DLCs. Each organization holds its own beliefs and offers unique advantages to the player. Furthermore, missions and playstyle vary among each faction making some players more suited to certain factions. While Fallout 4's organizations are unique and important, they lack the depth that faction mods grant.

Otellino understands this and has created a mod that reintroduces one of Fallout's most controversial yet popular factions. The mod America Rising – A Tale Of The Enclave brings back the infamous Enclave. The once shattered faction has reorganized in the Commonwealth to recoup and return to their mission. Through the effort of the player, the Enclave can be restored to their former glory and defeat their enemy the Brotherhood of Steel.

The player's role in the Enclave is more significant and they are provided with a considerable number of benefits. This mod displays what a faction should be, and Fallout 5 should consider adding more to its organizations.

5 Atomic Radio And Tales From The Commonwealth By Kristakahashi

Tales From The Commonwealth Character

Fallout 4's setting depicts every aspect of a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Buildings are in ruin, raiders plague the land, and settlements struggle to survive in the harsh environment. Yet areas that have endured the hardships of the Commonwealth are surprisingly void of any interesting characters. From the alleys of Goodneighbor to the field of Diamond City, nearly every NPC is a lifeless individual capable of only three voice lines.

Kristakahashi wanted more than lackluster citizens so they created one of the most expansive NPC mods ever. Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth adds dozens of new and fascinating characters into the desolate wasteland. Each new NPC has quality voice acting, an engrossing story, and depth unseen in most characters. Many of the newly added NPCs have their own quest and some will even join the player as a companion.

With this mod, the once lifeless settlements of the Commonwealth will become exciting locations with new people to meet and quests to complete. This mod creates an interactive atmosphere that Fallout 5 should implement.

4 Fourville By Seddo4494

Art For The Mod Fourville

The wasteland is a harsh landscape that barely anything survives in but those that persevere will establish prominent settlements. In Fallout 4 those establishments are Diamond City, Bunker Hill, and Goodneighbor. While each settlement boasts differences in location and societal structure, there is little else that makes them unique. They lack the character and individuality that previous cities like Megaton had.

The mod author Seddo4494 created a mod that depicts what a major settlement should be. Seddo4494's new establishment Fourville bears considerable differences from other settlements that make stand out. Fourville has a strange history being established by prewar citizens that chose to wait outside Vault 4 until it opened in twenty years.

Since then, a community was established in front of Vault 4 composed of citizens that shared opposing views on who should lead Fourville. The sole survivor can have a significant influence on the future of the town and its citizens. The individuality and atmosphere of Fourville are qualities that Fallout 5's settlements must-have.

3 Maxwell's World By Trainwiz

Maxwell's World & Skeletons

Fallout 4's DLC takes the sole survivor on numerous adventures through strange and dangerous locations. Each expansion provides a unique story and theme, yet they lack the expansiveness that sets it apart from the base game. Even Nuka World was absent of the qualities that make DLCs worth purchasing. The well-known mod author Trainwiz challenged Fallout 4's expansions with a DLC-sized mod of their own.

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Trainwiz's mod Maxwell's World takes the sole survivor on a quest unlike any before. This mod takes place in a seemingly cursed amusement park that will force players to consider alternate paths and their resources. Maxwell's World offers distinct items, characters, mechanics, and enemies inconceivable in the base game.

Depending on the player's choices they can receive one of the four different endings that will leave them in awe. Is this mod over-the-top? yes but that is how DLCs should be especially for Fallout 5.

2 Project Valkyrie By Thuggysmurf

Character From Project Valkyrie

Fallout 4 offers players many different choices that will impact the future of the game. Decisions such as their perks, dialogue choices, or most importantly their faction will alter the outcome of many events. However, no matter what faction you side with the result is always the same, the destruction of one or more organizations. There is nothing that the sole survivor could do to stop this from happening, which is an oddly one-sided ending to an RPG.

Fortunately, Thuggysmurf has compensated for the story's shortcomings through their mod. Project Valkyrie is a mod that adds many new features, but the most notable addition was the alternative endings. The sole survivor can become a prominent member in any faction which would grant them influence in the organization's decisions. So instead of sitting idly by and bombing enemies, the sole survivor can broker peace or take command of their faction.

This allows players to actually hold a significant status in their organization and dictate its future unlike the contradictory subordinate/leader role of the base game. Fallout 5 should work to make players prominent figures in factions to fulfill the purpose of a true RPG game.

1 Diary Of A Madman By Thuggysmurf

Diamond City Explosion

Fallout 4 does not include the renowned karma system of previous games, but it still presents the idea of good and evil. However, whether the player chooses to be a sinner or a saint does not have substantial effects on the game. Usually, these choices will only alter the sole survivor's affinity with their companions.

Nothing truly sets the player on the path of evil and for the most part, the sole survivor is perceived as either neutral or good. However, Thuggysmurf has created a mod that will allow the player to perform the most nefarious acts imaginable. Diary of a Madman is similar to Project Valkyrie except it aims to achieve more sinister endings.

Players can work alone to complete the main questline and destroy anyone that stands in their way. Every faction and even Diamond City is susceptible to the wrath of the sole survivor. Players can wipe out every faction – and Diamond City – forever changing how others will view them. No longer is the sole survivor a hero or misguided father but instead a force of pure evil. This brings the game back to its true RPG roots which is an aspect that should return in Fallout 5.

NEXT: New Vegas Mods Prove It Needs A Remake Before Fallout 5 Releases