A recent video shows what Fallout 4 looks like when it's played with more than 300 mods installed, including ray tracing, which really goes to show how even beautiful games can be improved. Fallout 5 may now be in development, but that game's launch is likely years away, so many in the fan base are continuing to pump out their own custom content for Fallout 4. Given that the fourth installment in the post-apocalyptic series only came out a few years ago, the base game looks pretty as it is, but there's always room for improvement.

Much like a lot of Bethesda titles, anyone who's played the 2015 RPG will remember their first time coming out of the vault. That step-out moment in Fallout 4 is quite a sight to behold. While players have already seen the world before they entered the safety of the shelter, the first time they emerge after spending so long in cryostasis reveals a completely different world to the one they remember. Even without any visual modifications, it really shows off the beauty of the immediate surroundings, even as it stands after a nuclear war.

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However, there's no harm in the game looking even more beautiful, and that's what the YouTube channel Digital Dreams has demonstrated. A recently uploaded clip shows the player exploring the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Boston in Fallout 4, only this time the game is running with over 300 mods. Many will agree that it's quite the improvement on the original. With the aforementioned ray tracing and a lot of graphical modifications, the game really does pop. There are weather and environment mods, such as "Nac X," as well as a bunch of texture overhauls from "Langleys HD Texture Workshop" and "NMC's Texture Bundle." In essence, it looks pretty spectacular, though it should be said that the channel is running the game on a Ryzen 9 CPU and an RTX 3090 graphics card, so lower end systems may struggle to get good framerates.

This is also not the first time Digital Dreams has presented such a feat of graphical modding. The channel has showcased an 8K ray traced version of Red Dead Redemption 2, as if that game could get any more gorgeous, as well as videos for The Witcher 3, Spider-Man, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, and loads more.

Anyone who's played Bethesda's 2015 release, especially on PC, knows there are so many mods out there for Fallout 4, many of which can make it look and play like a different game entirely. There is inherent value in being able to modify a video game, and even if the vanilla release still looks pretty spectacular, there will always be people who come along and really up that visual "wow" factor.

Fallout 4 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Fallout 4 Mod 'A Better World' Showcases How the Game Could Have Benefitted from More Diverse Terrain

Source: DSO Gaming, Mega