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Easter eggs are a fun addition to any game, either referencing earlier games in a series or a piece of pop culture. Some of these Easter eggs can be found pretty quickly, but some are only discovered years after the game is released. Fallout 4 is no exception to this rule, featuring a wealth of amazing secrets that players have found throughout their adventures in the game.

Easter eggs seem like a staple in the Fallout series, making references to modern pop culture and many iconic moments that originated in the past. While the references can range from skeletons posed in a certain way, some references come in the form of quests given to the player.

10 Easter Eggs Only True Fans Caught In Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal hasn't even been out a week and fans have already found some amazing easter eggs. Here's the list so far.

Updated May 3, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra:Fallout is a hub of cultural references, paying homage to many legendary aspects of pop culture while simultaneously carving its own path in the realm of entertainment. The runaway success of the TV show has brought more eyes to the series than ever before. It's easy to see why more and more people want to check out the games that let players immerse themselves in this messed-up world. Fallout 4 is full to the brim with secrets and Easter eggs that most people will recognize if they're familiar with certain details from legendary movies.

15 A Cheeky Reference To Terminator 2

Father's Terminal Code Is The PIN John Connor Used At An ATM

Shaun in Fallout 4, otherwise known as 'Father'

Many fans find it hard to stomach the revelation that Shaun is the Father who runs the Institute. While some people aren't huge fans of this reveal, it doesn't take away from the ambitious storytelling on display here and how Bethesda tried its hardest to bamboozle players until the very end.

When Shaun is trying to gain the player's trust, he gives them the code to access their terminal and read messages that are privy only to the most important people in the Institute. This code is 9003, which is the PIN that John Connor uses near the start of Terminator 2 to steal some cash.

14 Vault 118 Resembles A Scene From The Truman Show

The Vault Looks Like The Beach From The Movie


The Truman Show's dystopia is interesting, and Jim Carrey's performance makes players root for this character to the very end. It's not until he overcomes his fear of water that he manages to sail across the sea, and reach the very border of the set he was contained in throughout his life.

Fallout 4: Every Shotgun, Ranked

Though Fallout 4 doesn't feature many shotguns, some can prove to be incredibly useful. Here's how they compare to one another.

Given how iconic this movie is, it's only a given that Fallout 4 is one of the many properties that reference this film. In Vault 118, players can find some indoor recreation environments, including an artificial beach with a scene in the background that looks a lot like the finale of The Truman Show. It even features a well-placed sailboat to hammer in this reference.

13 Alien

A Flux Sensor Houses The Serial Number For The Nostromo

A Flux Sensor in Fallout 4 that has an Alien reference

There's a ton of junk that players can obtain in Fallout 4. Their main purpose is that players can break them down into basic components that can be used for settlement building. Of course, players can sell these items too, but the amount they'll get is negligible barring a few special cases.

One of these junk items is a Flux Sensor, which seems like an innocuous item that actually houses a reference to the popular sci-fi horror film, Alien. If players examine this item in greater detail, they can flip it over to reveal a serial number. This number turns out to be the digital ID for the Nostromo, which is the ship that is invaded by the Xenomorph.

12 A UFO Sighting

Players Can Loot An Alien Blaster From A Hostile Extraterrestrial

Fallout 4 Crashed UFO

The Fallout series has always flirted with the concept of Aliens, and the fourth mainline entry is no exception to this golden rule. Players who want to interact with extraterrestrial creatures in this game will get an opportunity once they ascend to Level 20 and head toward the Old Gullet Sinkhole near the Greentop Nursery.

If the conditions are met, the players will witness a UFO flying above them before crashlanding somewhere nearby. Going to the crash site will reveal the crashed ship along with a cave nearby that harbors an alien. It is hostile and attacks the player. The iconic Alien Blaster is a unique piece of loot that can be obtained from his corpse.

11 Classic Video Games

Fallout 4's Iteration Of Classic Video Games Is Unique

Holotape Games on the Pip-Boy in Fallout 4

The Pip-Boy is an iconic aspect of every Fallout game. The fourth game does justice to this unique piece of technology that serves as a way for players to track their metrics, sort their inventory, and everything else along the same lines. A new and unique feature added to Fallout4's Pip-Boy is the ability to find and play different holotape games scattered across the world.

10 Easter Eggs Only True Fans Caught In The Sims 4

The Sims franchise is known for its quirky and fun sense of humor. Only the biggest fans of the popular game caught these Easter Eggs in The Sims 4.

These games are Red Menace, Atomic Command, Pipfall, Grognak & The Ruby Ruins, and Zeta Invaders, which invoke the game of real-life classic titles like Donkey Kong, Missile Command, Pitfall, Ultima, and Space Invaders respectively.

A Reference To An H.P. Lovecraft Story

A painting found inside of Pickman Gallery in Fallout 4

Pickman Gallery is a store controlled by raiders the player can find. When they walk inside, they will notice odd paintings and mutilated raiders. Going further will find a man named Pickman surrounded by raiders, and the player can fight the raiders to rescue Pickman.

The gallery and character of Pickman is a reference to an H.P. Lovecraft story called "Pickman's Model." Rescuing Pickman will get the player a unique knife that causes enemies to bleed for extra damage.

9 Christmas in Diamond City

Visiting The Settlement On December 25 Makes For A Fun Sight

A Christmas tree and lights set up in Fallout 4's Diamond City

If the player visits Diamond City on December 25 in the game, they will find the town decorated with Christmas trees and lights. The decorations will stay up until New Year's Eve in the game, adding a bit of change to the city. It is a fun thought that the residents of Diamond City still celebrate the Pre-War holidays.

If the player also visits the city on Halloween, the city will be decorated with Halloween-related items. While it might not have been expected, it is a nice surprise for anyone not expected to see the city decorated to celebrate a Pre-War holiday.

8 Jaws

A Ravenous Dolphin In Position To Attack

A mutated dolphin attacking a ship in Fallout 4

Throughout the Commonwealth, there are boats that have a dolphin attacking a skeleton in a blue jacket with a bandana close by. This is a reference to the movie Jaws, where a shark is terrorizing the waters around a town.

10 Easter Eggs Only True Fans Caught In Death Stranding

Death Stranding is full of surprises. Did you notice any of these?

Players who stumble across this will most likely recognize it as the scene where the shark attacks and destroys part of the boat. After seeing this, we better hope these creatures aren't still swimming around Boston.

7 Codsworth's Name Database

Codsworth Can Say Some Interesting Name Choices In-Game

Codsworth speaking to the player in Fallout 4

An exciting feature in Fallout 4 is that some NPCs are able to say the player's name. Codsworth is the first NPC who does this when he speaks to the player in the introduction. Anyone who wanted to name their character after someone from a movie or another video game may be surprised to hear Codsworth say the name.

Codsworth is able to say the names of characters from Mad Max and will even call the player Trump if they name themselves that. Players who name their character after a curse or something vulgar may be surprised to find Codsworth saying that, too.

6 Dark Souls

A Reference To The Bonfire From Dark Souls

The Undead Dragon in Fallout 4

In the Nuka-World DLC, the player is able to find a house that has a sword inside of some ash. If interacted with, Stimpaks will drop down and a fire will start. This is a reference to the Dark Souls series, where a bonfire is used to heal the player.

This house can be found near Bradberton on the DLC's map. The player is also able to take the sword, giving the player some health packs and a new weapon to use.

5 Star Wars

One Of Obi-Wan's Most Iconic Dialogues

An army magazine with a Star Wars reference in Fallout 4

Anyone who finds this Covert Operations Manual might recognize this issue's name pretty quickly. It is a reference to Obi-Wan's quote from Star Wars: A New Hope. In the movie, Obi-Wan uses a mind trick to tell a stormtrooper, "These are not the droids you're looking for."

10 Easter Eggs Only True Fans Caught In Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is the latest Star Wars game to bring players to a galaxy far, far away. Here are some easter eggs you might have missed!

Most players may not even encounter this Easter egg, making it easy to miss for many fans in the series. It is good to know that the military in the Fallout universe was taking ideas from a Jedi master, even if the war itself had one of the most tragic outcomes in any fictional universe.

4 The Cask of Amontillado

A Reference To A Story By Edgar Allan Poe

A skeleton bricked into a wall in Fallout 4

In the bottom part of The Castle, players can find a skeleton that has been bricked into the wall. This is a reference to The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe. Players can find wine bottles labeled as Amontillado nearby along with the body of the Minutemen general, McGann.

A fun bit of trivia is that Edgar Allan Poe was actually stationed at Fort Independence, where The Castle is based. It was his time at the fort that he was inspired to write this story.

3 Nirnroot Found

A Reference To Skyrim, Another Bethesda Property

Nirnroot after being picked up by the player in Fallout 4

When on the Prydwen, players can find an area where Brotherhood of Steel scientists are growing plants. One of these is labeled as an experimental plant, but they look pretty familiar. Players who have also played Skyrim will recognize these plants as Nirnroot.

It would seem that Skyrim is now invading the Fallout universe. While it is just an Easter egg, it is fun to think that the Elder Scrolls might have taken place long before the events of Fallout.

2 Todd Howard Makes An Appearance

The Face Of Bethesda Appears In A Painting

Todd Howard featured in a painting in Fallout 4

In paintings found throughout the Commonwealth, players might find a familiar face. While it looks like it would be Napoleon, players who look closely will notice that it is Todd Howard. Todd Howard is the executive director at Bethesda and has helped develop every Fallout game created by Bethesda.

It is fun to realize that this is actually Todd Howard in an in-game painting. His reputation may not be at the heights he used to enjoy after Bethesda's controversial release of Fallout 76, but this video game director still deserves a ton of respect for marketing games like Skyrim in such a brilliant manner.

1 Titanic

A Reference To Jack And Rose In The Far Harbor DLC

A skeleton on a door and one in the water in Fallout 4

In the Far Harbor DLC, players can find two skeletons. One is resting on a door and one is holding on while in the water. This is a reference to the end of Titanic, where the characters Jack and Rose have to use a door to stay alive.

Players who stumble across this will definitely recognize the reference because of the iconic imagery. Sadly, it would appear that both of them did not survive. At least in this Easter egg, the skeleton holding on did not sink to the bottom of the water.

fallout 4 box art
Fallout 4

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 10, 2015
RPG , Action