Vault 101 is the vault that players start in during Fallout 3. Players go through the game's tutorial in Vault 101 until it is time for them to leave. Throughout the story of Fallout 3, players are able to find quests that bring them back to the vault even after they leave.  Each time the player goes into the vault, they can learn more and more about their former home.

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Depending on what options the player chooses during these quests, more about Vault 101 can change. Players can even find facts about Vault 101 in places they were not expecting, such as during their travels in the wasteland.

10 Vault 76 Overseer Was Supposed To Be 101 Overseer

The Vault 76 Overseer giving a presentation

Players can learn from Fallout 76 that the Vault 76 overseer was originally given the Vault 101 role. She declined, wanting to stay in West Virginia instead. The overseer was engaged, breaking off the engagement to become the overseer of Vault 76.

When it was Reclamation Day for Vault 76, the overseer went to the surface ahead of the other residents. If the overseer had taken the position at Vault 101, the events of Fallout 3 or Fallout 76 might have been completely different.

9 Hosted Numerous Events

A notice board with events going on in Vault 101

With Vault 101 being a working vault, it should be expected normal events would be hosted from time to time. Players who go by a noticeboard can see the many events the vault is putting on. The notes can range from baseball signups to lost property.

Players can also find hints to older games, such as the number '13' on a Bingo ball and the prize being water rations. This is a reference to the original Fallout. Also humorously, there is a baking contest, but contestants can only enter Bundt cakes.

8 Experiment Is Isolationism

The atrium area of Vault 101

Every vault in the Fallout series has an experiment attached to it. Vault 101's experiment was supposed to make the vault isolated. People were not supposed to be able to enter after it seals, and the residents could not leave the vault. This is not the case, as Vault 101 residents made expeditions into the wasteland, going to Megaton.

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This also means that for 200 years, there were no new genes being introduced into the vault. Maybe it's a good thing the vault started to open up before it was suppose to.

7 Not Lone Wanderer's Birth Place

The place under the Jefferson Memorial where the Lone Wanderer was born

Speaking of opening before it was supposed to, the Lone Wanderer was not actually born in Vault 101. The Lone Wanderer's parents were working on Project Purity, but the protagonist's mother died during childbirth. James took his child and went to Vault 101, where he was allowed in.

He became the vault's new doctor. Hints about the Lone Wanderer being born outside the vault can be heard when players have to escape the vault. Overseer Almodovar will say he regrets letting James and the Lone Wanderer into the vault.

6 Rock-It Launcher Schematics Found In Clinic

The place where the schematics can be found

Inside of James' office, players can find a framed picture of Revelations 21:6. Going up to it reveals players can lock pick it, showing there is a schematic for the Rock-It Launcher behind it. It would seem that James was trying to invent something during his free time.

While there are other copies of the schematic around the wasteland, having more than one copy benefits players. Having up to three copies of the Rock-It Launcher schematics will give a condition percent equal to 125% of the player's repair skill.

5 Can Find Picket Signs Outside

One of the signs that can be found right outside the vault

When players first leave Vault 101, they might find skeletons with signs on the ground. It would seem these people were either trying to get into the vault during the Great War or sometime after. It would seem the people were desperate, as they died in the entryway of the vault.

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Even worse, players can notice a camera right above the vault's door. This could mean the overseer at the time was watching the people outside die without doing anything to help.

4 Vault Resident's Ancestor's Home Found

The mailbox where a Vault admission letter can be found

When players first leave Vault 101, they might stumble across the town called Springvale. In one of the house's mailbox, players might find a letter addressed to the Gomez family that offers them a spot in Vault 101. This is more than likely referring to the ancestors of Freddie and Herman Gomez. It's nice to see this little detail, showing where the Gomez family once lived.

3 Armored Jumpsuit From Past Resident

The armored jumpsuit found in Megaton

Players are able to get an armored version of their vault jumpsuit by visiting Megaton. Talking to Moira at Craterside Supplies and telling her how life in a vault was will earn players this outfit. Players are also able to simply steal it or buy it for 180 caps.

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By speaking to Moira, she will reveal she made the armor for a former Vault 101 resident. Moira will say a woman came in about 12 years ago, but has not been back since. Moira will assume the woman died, leaving the armor for the player to take.

2 Butch Can Become Companion

Butch talking to the player in Rivet City

After going back to Vault 101, the player will find the vault in a rebellion. Depending on which faction the player chooses to help, some vault dwellers might head into the wasteland. One of these dwellers is Butch DeLoria, who can then be found at Rivet City.

From here, Butch is able to become the player's companion. Players must have neural karma for him to join them, but he will assist the Lone Wanderer as they travel Washington, D.C. Just to think, Butch and the player can go from hating each other to being good friends.

1 Amata Can Be Found With Enclave

Amata being confronted by the Enclave

Another vault dweller can be found out in the wasteland — this time in the form of Amata. If players decide to destroy the reactors in Vault 101, Amata will leave the vault and wander the wasteland. Players might find her being confronted by the Enclave, asking where the vault is.

Amata will tell them, but will be executed first. If the player intervenes, Amata will walk away while telling the Lone Wanderer to go away and that this is their fault. At least the Lone Wanderer did something good.

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