
  • Fallout 3 is an intriguing and engaging RPG with memorable quests, characters, and locations. The moment-to-moment gameplay is straightforward, but the game can still pose a significant challenge.
  • Investing in the luck and intelligence stats can provide significant benefits, while being judicious with perk acquisition is important.
  • While Bloody Mess and Intense Training are great perks to persue, Lead Belly and skil point-increasing perks should be ignored.

Although it might look a bit dated by modern standards, Fallout 3 remains one of the most intriguing, alluring, and engaging RPGs in Bethesda's oeuvre. Some of the most bizarre Fallout quests, characters, and locations can be found in this entry, and the game is all the more memorable for them. While atmosphere and worldbuilding may be the kings of Fallout 3 in many ways, there is still plenty of gameplay meat on its bones, and knowing the best approaches to take can be the difference between an easy playthrough and a grueling one.

Like many of Bethesda's older RPGs, moment-to-moment gameplay is greatly under-emphasized in Fallout 3. While it's the first Fallout game to feature real-time combat, the mechanics of this combat system are pretty straightforward, especially given the inclusion of the time-freezing V.A.T.S. ability. This ostensibly simple gameplay doesn't mean that Fallout 3 is easy, though. On the contrary, the game can often pose a significant challenge, especially for players who are underprepared or don't have a firm grasp on key systems like basic stats, gear, and enemy types.

How Fallout 3 Paved the Way for Starfield 15 Years Ago

Released in 2008, Fallout 3 was Bethesda's first big leap away from The Elder Scrolls, and a path can be traced from its release to Starfield.

Fallout 3 101

A man in a white lab coat crouching down to the camera and holding out a hand

Luck Is the Most Underrated Stat

At the start of Fallout 3, players can allocate points for their SPECIAL stats—the first major step in crafting a build. While stats like strength and intelligence might seem like the best options to invest in, luck shouldn't be overlooked. Indeed, a luck-heavy build can actually be one of Fallout 3's most powerful.

Each level of luck stacks the critical hit chance for all weapons, which can be incredibly useful for Fallout 3 players who favor firearms, especially those with a high rate of fire. Moreover, every two levels of luck will increase every skill by one point. A bevy of additional benefits can be enjoyed by way of a high luck stat, including better loot drops and better performance with certain perks, with a notable example being the Mysterious Stranger perk, which can become considerably stronger given a higher luck stat.

The Alien Blaster, one of the best weapons in Fallout 3 , can only be obtained through a random UFO encounter, which players are much more likely to come across if they have high luck. Getting this gun, especially early in the game, is one of the best rewards for investing heavily in the luck stat.

Leveling Can be Optimized Via Intelligence

Luck may be the most overlooked, but it's not the only SPECIAL stat with unexpected or unexplained benefits. With a base intelligence of one, players will earn eleven skill points per level, but this amount increases by one point with each level of the intelligence stat. This makes intelligence one of the best SPECIAL stats to invest in early on, as it pays dividends in the early game, allowing players to grow more powerful, more quickly. Even if players aren't looking for an intelligence-focused build, they should keep the stat in mind if they want to enjoy faster progression.

Not All Perks Are Created Equal

Although they are a key part of the franchise, some of Fallout 3's perks aren't worth acquiring. Being judicious when purchasing perks is important when it comes to build-crafting, but certain perks are, generally speaking, useless, regardless of a given build. For example, flat skill-point increase perks aren't worth it, especially when the Educated perk grants more skill points over time, and other perks like Lead Belly only grant insignificant benefits that can be easily enjoyed by other, lower-commitment means. Some of the best perks to purchase in Fallout 3 include Bloody Mess, Grim Reaper's Sprint, and Intense Training, as these provide meaningful and lasting benefits, rather than overly specific, minor buffs.