
  • A Super Mutant Behemoth in Fallout 3 surprised a player by parrying a mini nuke attack, showcasing unexpected skills in battle.
  • With only five Behemoths in the game, encountering one can be a terrifying and challenging experience for players, even if they don't deflect a nuclear device.
  • The Fallout franchise is experiencing a fresh burst of popularity, and it will be interesting to see if more moments like this unexpected Behemoth move are shared online.

One Fallout 3 player recently had one of the game's most powerful weapons turned against them by one of the biggest bad guys the game has to offer. While mini nukes launched by a Fat Man have enough stopping power to take down almost anything Fallout 3 can throw at a player, one Super Mutant Behemoth managed to somehow avoid nuclear annihilation.

There are only five Super Mutant Behemoths in Fallout 3, and players are likely to encounter their first while trying to reach charismatic Galaxy News Radio DJ Three Dog as part of the game's main storyline. While Fallout 3 saw a lot of changes over the first two games in the series, with Bethesda Games Studios and Bethesda Softworks taking over as publisher and developer, respectively, Behemoths provided a surprising and intimidating challenge — a massive, melee-focused enemy that took advantage of the switch from the old top-down isometric view to first-person 3D.

Next Fallout Game May Release Sooner than Expected

The Fallout franchise is surfing a heady wave of popularity thanks to the Amazon show, and Xbox reportedly wants to capitalize on it with a new game.

In this case, though, the Behemoth showed off a skill not many players are likely to have witnessed before. In a video posted to Reddit by user MrTRossa, the player, armed with a Fat Man mini nuke launcher, entered VATS and launched a tiny warhead directly towards the head of the massive mutant. Not one to go down easy, though, the behemoth surprisingly managed to swing its fire hydrant club at just the right moment, causing the mini nuke to ricochet harmlessly to the right and causing no damage to anyone, save for the dead Brotherhood of Steel knight in classic Fallout power armor lying on the ground nearby, whose body was humorously launched halfway across the screen by the blast.

Super Mutant Behemoths have Some Tricks up Their Sleeves

Reactions to the video show that not a lot of people were expecting the Behemoth to be able to parry the attack from one of the best explosive weapons in Fallout 3. While the VATS overview showed only a 32% chance of success for the targeted attack on the head, the mini nuke seemed to be right on target as it soared through the air. This battle appears to be happening just outside the Galaxy News Radio building, the site of the game's first mandatory Behemoth fight, and as one commenter added, it "would be a terrifying thing to have happen in the first encounter with one."

With a lot of players coming to the Fallout games for the first time thanks to the streaming television show on Amazon Prime, this is probably an especially terrifying sight. With one season down, the show has given Fallout a break from super mutants, instead focusing on some of the key human players in the nuclear annihilation of 2077 and the factions that have sprung up since the cataclysmic event, but knowing that even the biggest and scariest super mutants are capable of more than what even longtime players have though possible may draw up some support for putting them back in the spotlight.