The Lone Wanderer is the protagonist of Fallout 3, traveling through Washington DC and the surrounding area. The Lone Wanderer is unique against the protagonists of the game, as the Lone Wanderer was born outside of a vault and allowed inside one. While some of the exploits the Lone Wanderer achieved are up to the player, some are confirmed to have actually happened.

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By speaking to characters in Fallout 4 and by reading Afterword, players are able to learn about major events the Lone Wanderer took part in. Despite choices being up to the player, it can be discovered the Lone Wanderer did some good in the world.

10 Father's Appearance Changes Depending On Race

The Lone Wanderer's father is a major reason and is the cause of the game's story. It should be expected, but the Lone Wanderer's father will change appearance depending on what race the player chooses.

It is a nice little detail to see the father change appearance. Most players are more likely to only play as one race when they play Fallout 3, so it is a nice detail to include in the game.

9 Wasteland Survival Guide Found In Mojave Wasteland

When players first enter Megaton, they are able to help Moira Brown work on a survival guide. The Lone Wanderer is able to get a guide of their own, and Moira says she is going to publish them. The guide must have been popular, as it appears in the Mojave Wasteland, set 4 years after Fallout 3.

It would appear the survival guide the Lone Wanderer helped write became popular across former America. Other forms of the survival guide are found in Fallout 4, but it is unknown if these are the ones Moria published.

8 Born July 13, 2258

The Lone Wanderer has a confirmed birth date of July 13, 2258. This means the protagonist has one of the few confirmed birth dates in the game. It also confirms the Lone Wanderer was 19 at the time of Fallout 3.

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It is interesting to think that a 19-year-old changed the Capital Wasteland so much. By checking a calendar, players can also learn the Lone Wanderer was born on a Tuesday.

7 Becomes A Brotherhood Of Steel Knight

By speaking to Owen Lyons, the player can learn the Lone Wanderer joined the Brotherhood of Steel as a knight. This is different from most members of the organizations. This means the Lone Wanderer skipped over being a squire and an initiate.

After starting the Broken Steel DLC, the Lone Wanderer will be enlisted as a member of the Brotherhood of Steel. The Lone Wanderer will then go on to help the group take over the Capital Wasteland.

6 Can Become A Tunnel Snake

The Tunnel Snakes are a group of greasers that are found in Vault 101. The members consist of bullies Butch DeLoria, Wally Mack, and Paul Hannon. They can be spotted by the leather jackets they wear over their vault suits, which have a snake on the back.

Players can become a member of the gang as they escape the vault. By helping Butch save his mother, Butch will give the player a Tunnel Snake jacket. Butch can also be encountered in Rivet City, becoming a companion.

5 Had Potential Appearance In Fallout 4

According to cut content from Fallout 4, a Vault 101 jumpsuit was supposed to make an appearance. While it is unknown how the jumpsuit would be found, it could mean the Lone Wanderer was supposed to appear. It might seem like a stretch, but playable characters have made appearances in other games.

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The Vault Dweller was the playable character in Fallout but reappears in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. While the latter game is considered non-canon, it could be possible for Bethesda to confirm what the Lone Wanderer looks like.

4 Mentioned By Moira In 2297

Included in the Fallout 3 Official Game Guide, players can find an epilogue called Afterword. The epilogue takes place in 2297, 20 years after the events of Fallout 3. It confirms a few of the things the Lone Wanderer has done, such as saving Megaton.

It also confirms the Wasteland Survival Guide became very popular in the Capital Wasteland. Moira says at the end of the epilogue that the Lone Wanderer changed the Capital Wasteland. Moira also says she is working on a biography about the Lone Wanderer.

3 Weakened The Enclave

The Lone Wanderer helped destroy a good bit of the Enclave's power in the Capital Wasteland. The Lone Wanderer can kill the president of the Enclave, destroy the Enclave's base at Adams Air Force Base, and potentially kill a powerful colonel. It is also impressive, considering they are only 19.

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The Lone Wanderer isn't entirely alone when they take on the Enclave, as they fight alongside the Brotherhood of Steel. Despite this, the Enclave still loses its power and place in the Capital Wasteland.

2 Born At The Jefferson Memorial

The Lone Wanderer was not born in a vault, instead being born at the Jefferson Memorial. The Lone Wanderer's mother died during childbirth, causing the father to leave for a safer place. Because of the quick abandonment of the memorial, the player's birth room can still be found.

Notes and holodisks can be found that document the relationship of the Lone Wanderer's parents. In a way, it allows the Lone Wanderer to know what their mother was like.

1 Successfully Completed Project Purity

The Lone Wanderer's father had a project to clean the water of the wasteland. By speaking to President Eden at Raven Rock, the player can be convinced to sabotage the project. However, it would seem the Lone Wanderer did not choose this option.

By speaking to Deacon in Fallout 4, Deacon can say the water in the Capital Wasteland is drinkable and pure. This pretty much confirms that the Lone Wanderer finished the project their father worked so hard on.

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