Fallout 3 is a post-apocalyptic RPG that takes place in the Capital Wasteland, home to many unique locations that the player will discover. One such place is called the Underworld. The settlement was formed by ghouls in the Museum of History. There are banners that hang on each side of the entryway that read, "An exhibit on death and the afterlife" and the entryway itself is marked with "Underworld Journey."

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The ghouls that live there are a group of inhabitants from all over the wasteland. While being weary of strangers, they still welcome visitors so long as they behave themselves. Inside are several characters that the player will get to know well.

10 Willow

willow, fallout 3

Willow is a ghoul who serves as Underworld's guard outside the entrance. She is a young and satirical woman who frequently calls visitors in the mall "tourists." Upon meeting her, she asks the player if they have a death wish, as they have entered a combat zone to get there. She provides basic information about Underworld and directions for the player.

She claims to never be harassed by the super mutants in the area, instead having issues with humans. Willow refers to the Brotherhood of Steel and Talon Company as "testosterone and guns" and "psycho," making no attempt to hide her dislike for them. Overall, Willow is a blunt and straight-to-the-point individual.

9 Cerberus

Cerberus, fallout 3

Cerberus is a Mister Gutsy robot that defends Underworld on the inside. He lives up to his name, acting as a "guard dog" which is maintained by Winthrop. With self-awareness due to his malfunctioning neural network, he is constrained by Winthrop's programming.

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He hates being shackled and wants to open fire on the ghouls. Cerberus masks his self-awareness and speaks normally when outsiders are present. The most he can manage to do is curse the ghouls under his breath when none are around. The player learns of this secret malicious behavior, as his systems are ancient and worn, but nothing can be done.

8 Winthrop

Winthrop, fallout 3

Winthrop is Underworld's only technician. He checks on and fixes several problems, such as electrical issues, and makes sure that any plumbing is in working order. The inhabitants generally rely on him to take care of anything maintenance-wise. Winthrop restored and reprogrammed Cerberus, the Mister Gutsy robot. He is responsible for his maintenance as well.

Winthrop only sleeps for a few hours in his small workshop and is occasionally accompanied by his friend Greta. He is able to repair items for the player, and says, "For every five bits of Scrap Metal you give me, I'll give you a Stimpak, some RadAway, or a dose of Rad-X. I need scrap, you need goods. We both win."

7 Patchwork

Patchwork, fallout 3

Patchwork, also known as "Patches," is the resident drinker of Underworld. Most of the other ghouls tend to ignore him except for Ahzrukhal and Winthrop.

His physical state is in poor condition and frequently has to have his body parts sewn back on, hence the name "Patchwork." Upon meeting him, he will tell the player not to sneak up on him, as he almost lost an arm that way last time. Though clearly suffering due to his drinking addictions, players can find comic relief in him.

6 Quinn

Quinn, fallout 3

Quinn is a friendly wandering ghoul scavenger of Underworld. As a veteran of many battles across the wastes, he is Underworld's primary lifeline, moving goods and caps from the Underworld and bringing back whatever he finds. Quinn delivers goods for several of the residents and is the third-biggest recipient of caps for trade. Quinn is a good judge of character and is impeccably polite.

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He shares stories and gossip from the wastelands, especially around the Mall, and is cautious about sharing information for free. He enjoys solitude, and his long life has taught him to distrust many humans. Since Underworld doesn't get many human visitors, he tries to make the most of the player's visit, telling them his stories.

5 Ethyl

Ethyl, fallout 3

Ethyl is one of two "glowing one" test subjects in Underworld. She is held in the Chop Shop's containment area and is Doctor Barrows' test subject. She is a former resident of Underworld who was exposed to intense amounts of radiation. She turned feral, which prompted the doctor to become interested in her.

Doctor Barrows seeks to understand the condition while also managing other illnesses in Underworld. The G.E.C.K. contains a non-feral ghoul version of her. Ethyl serves as a dark reminder that turning feral can happen to any of the residents at any time.

4 Tulip

Tulip, fallout 3 (1)

Tulip is the owner of Underworld Outfitters. She is known for her perceptive business sense and her well-stocked inventory. She is also known to have the ability to obtain unique items, however, she doesn't sell much. When she isn't selling, she reads up on pre-war books. Her reading has allowed her to become a knowledgeable person on the history of Underworld.

Tulip is also a member of The Railroad, an underground movement to free sentient synths from the Institute. During the quest "The Replicated Man," she is in possession of one of the holotapes which holds a mysterious message about an android.

3 Ahzrukhal

Ahzrukhal, fallout 3

Ahzrukhal is the proprietor and owner of the Ninth Circle, a bar in Underworld. As the main bartender, he is clever and fashionably dressed. His ultimate motivation is to milk all the residents of their wealth. The more they suffer, the more caps he makes. He crafts his personality specifically to convince the residents to buy from him.

He believes all competitors must be eliminated to maximize his profits. He owns a slave guard named Charon, but even he is up for sale for the right amount of caps. He does not care about the history of the Underworld or the Mall. However, he is the sole owner of the Stradivarius violin, an expensive and rare artifact, and uses it to draw in more customers for profit.

2 Carol

Carol, fallout 3

Carol is the owner of Carols's Place, a restaurant and hotel located on the upper floor of Underworld, and runs it with her partner Greta. Carol always had a lifelong dream of owning a bed and breakfast, but never had the means to until she met Greta. Carol takes over anything that has to do with food, while Greta handles the hotel area.

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She "adopted" a younger ghoul named Gob, who was like a son to them. Though she faces all the lifelong drawbacks of being a ghoul, she wears a sundress and has a positive outlook on life. After Gob failed to return from a trip outside, she began to struggle with depression but puts on a brave face for others. The player has a chance to let her know that, while a slave, Gob is safe in Megaton and misses her.

1 Charon

Charon, fallout 3

Charon is the bouncer of the Ninth Circle and a possible companion. There is not much to know about his past, as he is a mysterious character for players to meet, but this makes him interesting. Ahzrukhal, his owner, will tell the player that he is compelled to follow whoever has his contract.

During the "Hired Help" quest, the player can receive Charon's contract by killing Greta for Ahzrukhal, or by paying a large amount of caps. After the contract is gained, Charon will murder Ahzrukhal as revenge.

Fallout 3 is currently available on PC and legacy consoles.

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