
  • Deathclaws in Fallout 2 almost had their own Power Armor, making them even more intimidating foes.
  • Originally created by the military, Deathclaws are apex predators in the Fallout wasteland.
  • The scrapped idea of intelligent Deathclaws with Power Armor adds an intriguing twist to the franchise.

The Deathclaws in Fallout 2 were almost even more intimidating, as they were originally supposed to have their own Power Armor in the game. Deathclaws have become notorious monsters in the franchise, but Fallout 2 almost made them even more difficult to face.

Originally created by the United States military, Deathclaws are genetically engineered creatures that were intended to replace human soldiers on the battlefield during close combat missions. However, after the events of the Great War, Deathclaws fled into the wild, quickly becoming one of the apex predators of America's post-nuclear wasteland. There are many horrifying threats that players should try to avoid in the Fallout franchise, but a run-in with a Deathclaw is one of the most dangerous encounters one can be faced with. These beasts are scary enough, but they were almost far more threatening.

Fallout 4 Player Notices Interesting Codsworth Detail

An eagle-eyed gamer notices an interesting detail about Codsworth in Fallout 4's introduction, that most players will miss during their playthroughs.

In a recent interview that TheGamer did with Fallout 2 developer John Deiley, it was revealed that Deathclaws were almost given their own Power Armor. Deiley's original idea for the Deathclaws in Fallout 2 was to make them far more intelligent. With this intelligence, the Deathclaws would have found ways to modify this Power Armor in order to fit their hulking bodies, making them an even greater force to be reckoned with. The history of Deathclaws is fascinating enough, but the addition of Power Armor is an intriguing idea.

Vault 13 in Fallout 2 houses a group of intelligent Deathclaws that would have brought this Power Armor idea to life, but they are eventually killed off by a member of the Enclave.

Armored Deathclaws in Fallout 2

Ultimately, the idea of making Deathclaws intelligent was scrapped, which meant the armored version of Deathclaws never saw the light of day. Although this could have been a compelling direction to take, it would have made the behemoths that much more terrifying to deal with in the wild. The Fallout franchise has come a long way since Fallout 2, but it's interesting to think about what could have been if this idea had been brought to life. Deiley states, "They were planning, once they were more secure, on altering power armor to fit their physique. And then they were going to pay the Enclave a visit and get as many vials of the FEV virus as they could, kidnap a scientist or two, and make some improvements."

They were planning, once they were more secure, on altering power armor to fit their physique.

Through the years, the various Fallout games have built upon a fascinating lore, but it's always interesting to think about the forgotten concepts that never got to be included in the final product. From intelligent Deathclaws to the mutated wolves that were cut from Fallout 3, there is a long list of fascinating ideas that sadly didn't get added to the franchise's world.