
  • Crime Sorcière is an independent guild in Fairy Tail, comprised of former criminals who seek redemption by eradicating dark guilds.
  • The guild's main objective is to eliminate all dark guilds in Ishgar and rid the continent of Zeref's influence.
  • Crime Sorcière gained recognition and redemption when they aided in the war against the Alvarez Empire and were pardoned for their past crimes by the Kingdom of Fiore.

The continent of Ishgar is teeming with thousands of guilds, yet one independent faction stands out among the crowd – Crime Sorcière. Founded by former criminals and convicts, Crime Sorcière is the only independent guild in the entirety of Fairy Tail, meaning the guild is neither approved by the Magic Council nor does it violate any rules to be branded as a dark guild.

With two-thirds of the former Balam Alliance currently a part of Crime Sorcière, the guild has become a safe haven for criminal outlaws to redeem themselves and atone for their sins. The guild's purpose of existence is to eradicate every single dark guild in Fiore and beyond, a befitting goal for a ragtag group of former dark guild mages.

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The Founders of Crime Sorcière

Crime Sorciere's Founders

During Fairy Tail's stasis on Tenrou Island and the resultant seven-year time skip, Jellal Fernandes was broken out of the Magic Council’s imprisonment by former Grimoire Heart members Ultear and Meredy. After Grimoire Heart’s defeat at the hands of Fairy Tail, Meredy and Ultear escaped Acnologia’s rage on Tenrou Island and chose a path of repentance and atonement. For Ultear, the first step was to right her very first wrong – manipulating Jellal into believing he witnessed the spirit of Zeref.

With Jellal aware of the truth of the Tower of Heaven, he sought to repent for his misdeeds and atrocities. With the sole purpose of atoning for their sins, Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy laid the foundation of Crime Sorcière, an entirely independent guild that sought to eradicate every speck of Zeref’s existence from Earthland. Since the guild was never approved by the Magic Council, Crime Sorcière remained an independent faction that served as a vigilante group for the continent of Ishgar.

Crime Sorcière's Objectives

Jellal Fighting August

The primary and foremost objective of the guild is to annihilate every single dark guild within Ishgar, in-turn ridding the continent of Zeref’s followers and his beliefs. While spotting dark guilds and disrupting their dealings is mere child’s play for Crime Sorcière members, the true grunt work is investigating the black arts in a bid to find traces of Zeref’s magic power.

Jellal, Ultear, and Meredy had been successful in ravaging dark guilds throughout Fiore, yet the goal of finding traces of Zeref’s faint remnants remained largely unsuccessful. Jellal partook in the Grand Magic Games disguised as Mystogan for this very reason, as Crime Sorcière had located an odd, dark magic emanating from the capital city. The source of that magic was later revealed to be the Eclipse Gate, indicating that the magic energy was indeed linked to Zeref and his dark arts.

Crime Sorcière also aided the Fairy Tail guild in its war against the Alvarez Empire, serving as a critical back-up to aid the mages in holding up the warfronts. The guild played a major role in liberating towns in Southern Ishgar and guaranteeing victory for the entire region. While not exactly a dark guild, the Alvarez Empire was entirely led by Zeref, meaning the war aligned with Crime Sorcière inherent purpose of eradicating Zeref and his black arts.

Crime Sorcière's Expansion

Jellal Faces Off Against Oracion Seis

After the Magic Council’s fall, many of the council’s prisoners were released. The Oracion Seis members were among these prisoners, becoming free once the council no longer had a grip over its prisoners. Jellal fought against the released Oracion Seis members with the condition that all five members would join Crime Sorcière if defeated in a fair fight. The fight was initially in the Oracion Seis favor as the five mages outnumbered Jellal, overpowering him with ease.

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However, Jellal was able to turn the tide of battle by sacrificing his own eyes, thereby rendering Midnight’s illusions useless. He ended up defeating all five members, forcing them to oblige to his initial condition of joining the guild. Midnight, Angel, Cobra, Racer, and Hoteye joined Crime Sorcière after the conclusion of this battle, turning a new leaf and dedicating their lives to fighting Zeref and his followers.

Crime Sorcière's Recognition

Hisui E Fiore Pardons Crime Sorciere

Crime Sorcière initially went unrecognized by the Magic Council and the Kingdom of Fiore, especially since it was a small guild with no set headquarters. The guild abided by the Magic Council’s rules as well, meaning no alarm bells were set off to alert the council. However, the guild’s efforts soon began to echo within the Kingdom, especially after their timely aid in the war against the Alvarez Empire.

Crime Sorcière was eventually recognized by Hisui E. Fiore, the princess of the Kingdom of Fiore, and the guild members were pardoned for their past crimes. Their only punishment was to continue to make the future a better place through efforts of peace. This acknowledgment officially granted these former dark mages redemption, meaning they were no longer wanted criminals in Fiore.

Fairy Tail is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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