
  • Oración Seis, as the first dark guild introduced in Fairy Tail, set a grim tone for the show and showcased the potential of the series' antagonists.
  • Unlike other dark guilds in the Balam Alliance, Oración Seis had its own unique goal of bringing chaos and destruction to the world by acquiring the lost magic known as Nirvana.
  • Despite being the weakest of the three dark guilds, Oración Seis proved to be the most difficult for Fairy Tail to face, requiring the formation of an entire alliance and strong guilds to fight against them.

The Fairy Tail guild has gone up against all sorts of antagonists and outlaws, yet the series’ villainous landscape has always remained dominated by three dark guilds that comprise the Balam Alliance. Out of these three, the Oración Seis stands out due to its novel goal and recurring presence. Being the first of the Balam Alliance to be introduced to the series, Oración Seis set a grim tone for the rest of the show, showcasing the potential of Fairy Tail’s antagonists.

Despite being the first of the three great dark guilds to fall, the Oración Seis became a significant part of Fairy Tail’s premise, primarily due to its members’ recurring appearances. Unlike its counterparts, the Oración Seis followed its own novel goal, one that had nothing to do with the dark wizard Zeref, in turn creating an identity that separated it from the rest of the Balam Alliance.

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The History Behind the Formation of Oración Seis

Oracion Seis as Children

A significant portion of Fairy Tail’s villains can be traced back to the Tower of Heaven, a project undertaken by Zeref’s followers for his revival. The members of Oración Seis are no different as the roots of their villainy are tied to the Tower of Heaven. Brain, the leader of Oración Seis, conscripted five former slaves from this inhumane project and trained them to become members of his own dark guild.

Children that possessed the highest magical potential were chosen, and they were later turned into keys to seal Brain’s own alter-ego called ‘Zero.’ Ultear was also considered to be chosen as a member of the guild, though her immense magic potential deemed her far too powerful to be used as a key. Her ties with Grimoire Heart may have also interfered with her conscription.

The Oración Seis’ Goals

Nirvana's Stages

Almost every single dark guild within the series has been tied to some sort of belief propagated by Zeref, essentially branding them as Zeref’s followers. The other two members of the Balam Alliance, Grimoire Heart, and Tartaros, also had goals pertaining to Zeref and his revival. Oración Seis, on the other hand, aimed for an entirely different goal – bringing utter chaos and destruction to the world.

The dark guild’s goal was to acquire the lost magic known as Nirvana, a power capable of turning light to darkness and vice versa. Nirvana was responsible for the eradication of its creators, the Nirvit, and its power is capable of an event of cataclysmic nature. The Oración Seis’ objective was to acquire this magic power to wreak havoc throughout the lands and give birth to utter chaos.

The guild also sought to recruit Jellal Fernandes, since he was the only mage aware of Nirvana’s location. Moreover, his immense power and expertise would have served as a powerful addition to the guild. However, the Oración Seis failed to convince Jellal to join their cause since he had suffered from amnesia, leading to him siding with the protagonists.

The Oración Seis’ Strength

Oracion Seis Dark Guild

Despite being the weakest of the three dark guilds that comprise the Balam Alliance, the Oración Seis were arguably the most difficult one for the Fairy Tail guild to face. It’s also worth noting that an entire alliance had to be formed to fight off the Oración Seis, one that consisted of some of Fiore’s strongest guilds. Moreover, Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus had sent their strongest teams, yet the alliance still struggled against the dark guild.

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All six members were truly a force to be reckoned with, a fact that becomes apparent from their battles. Each member of Oración Seis went up against two opponents simultaneously, yet the fights were still neck and neck. Racer went up against Gray and Lyon, almost defeating the two had they not figured out the dark mage’s power. Angel was close to defeating Lucy and Hibiki, though she only lost due to the latter unleashing a lost magic.

Hoteye was able to rival Jura Neekis, one of the Wizard Saints of Ishgar, countering almost every single move with ease. The battle would have been cataclysmic, though Nirvana’s power intervened and converted Hoteye to light. Cobra, Midnight, and Brain were some of the stronger members, with the alliance immensely struggling to defeat them. As the leader, Brain was the strongest member, and his alter-ego Zero proved to be an even bigger threat. The alliance would have been defeated if it wasn’t for Igneel igniting Natsu’s inner flame.

Oración Seis’ Reappearance

Jellal Faces Off Against Oracion Seis

The Oración Seis makes several appearances within the series, making the group a significant part of the premise. After their initial defeat, the group reforms and brands itself as Oración Seis Reborn. The dark guild aimed to usher in an era of chaos and destruction, though their method of doing so involved using the infinity clock. However, it's worth noting that this arc was merely anime-exclusive content, a fact that questions the legitimacy of this arc.

The Oración Seis makes another appearance later on, although this time the group is challenged by Jellal, with the condition that their loss would mean they become members of the independent guild Crime Sorciere. After losing to Jellal, the former members of Oración Seis (excluding Brain) join Jellal in his pursuit of ridding the dark guilds from Ishgar, deeming this a sort of redemption for the antagonistic group.

Fairy Tail is available to stream on Prime Video.

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