
  • God Slayer Magic is a type of Lost Magic that rivals Dragon Slayer Magic in terms of power-scaling in the world of Fairy Tail.
  • The origin of God Slayer Magic is still largely unknown, but it is speculated that it can be obtained by learning directly from gods or through ancient knowledge tomes.
  • God Slayers possess the unique ability to consume elements produced by Dragon Slayers, and their own magic has a dark hue to it, indicating its ominous nature.

Fairy Tail has introduced all sorts of magic powers over its run, with each one raising the ceiling higher in terms of power-scaling. Dragon Slayer Magic is usually deemed the epitome of sorcery among the world of mages, yet a few notable contenders have debased this preset notion. One such magic is God Slayer Magic, a type of Lost Magic from ancient times that has resurfaced once more in the present.

The concept of gods has always remained sidelined in Fairy Tail, especially since the notion of divinity never truly existed in the earlier parts of the show. The presence of God Slayers indicates that these divine entities do exist within the series’ framework, a fact that is proven later on. However, much still remains unknown about this ominous magic, though the few instances of its usage are enough to acquaint fans with the workings of this Lost Magic.

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The Origins of God Slayer Magic

Zancrow's Black Flames

Similar to Dragon Slayer Magic, obtaining the powers of God Slayer Magic has different routes. The orthodox method would be learning this magic directly from gods, similar to how dragons and demons can pass along the powers of Dragon Slayer and Devil Slayer Magic respectively. This is highly likely since a few gods have been mentioned in the series, such as Ikusa-Tsunagi of the 18 Battle Gods.

Ankhseram is another omnipotent entity that ruled over life and death in the ancient city of Mildian. This god was responsible for afflicting Zeref with the curse of immortality due to his crimes. With the existence of such gods, it’s likely that the direct transfer of their magic power to humans is possible. However, the series has never confirmed that any of the God Slayers actually came into contact with divine entities.

Dimaria Yesta is the only character in the series that possesses the power of a god, the God of Chronos, yet her power was never deemed as God Slayer Magic. However, Chronos itself resides in her body, meaning Dimaria never learned the magic and only serves as a host to the god. Another method for learning God Slayer Magic is through ancient knowledge tomes and scriptures, though it still doesn’t guarantee gaining access to the power. Sherria Blendy is the only God Slayer to master this power by reading ancient tomes.

Characteristics of God Slayer Magic

Lightning God Slayer Magic

In essence, God Slayer Magic is a power capable of slaying gods, although this description likely alludes to the metaphorical aspect of rivaling god-like entities. Akin to other Slayer magic, God Slayers cannot eat their own element to replenish magic power, though they can still consume the same element produced by Dragon Slayers. This is an advantage that only God Slayers possess since the opposite isn’t possible for Dragon Slayers.

Elements produced by God Slayer Magic have an ominous touch to it, which is represented by a dark hue that surrounds the magic produced by God Slayers irrespective of their element. While Zancrow’s flames were already black, Sherria’s wind and Orga’s lightning had a dark hue surrounding their elements.

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Unlike Dragon Slayers and Devil Slayers, God Slayers lack an empowered form of their powers. While it's possible that a concept such as God Force may exist, it was simply never used on screen. Therefore, they also lack any adverse side effects of overusing their powers, since it has never been hinted at that God Slayers can eventually turn into gods themselves.

Users of God Slayer Magic

God Slayer Magic Users

Zancrow, a member of the Dark Guild Grimoire Heart, was the first God Slayer introduced to the series, and his unique powers opened up an entirely new avenue for magic within the Fairy Tail universe. However, he was killed off rather quickly, which left this magic power in its mysterious state. Still, Zancrow left a few clues about this magic power and its uses. He also mentioned that he was taught this power by Hades, meaning he was never directly in contact with a god.

Orga Nanagear of the Sabertooth guild was the second God Slayer to be revealed, though his lack of significance in the series’ premise resulted in little to no screen time and a quick defeat at the hands of Jura Neekis. Since he was a mere side character, it's unlikely that he learned his powers from a god, leaving ancient knowledge tomes as the only source of his power.

Sherria Blendy of Lamia Scale is the third and last God Slayer in the series, with mastery over Sky God Slayer Magic. Her battle with Wendy revealed much about the magic power and its omniscient nature. As a Sky God Slayer, she can consume the surrounding air to constantly replenish magic and heal herself, making her entirely invincible. It was also revealed that she gained her God Slayer powers through an ancient magic book.

Fairy Tail is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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