The Fairy Tail anime series, a show about a fantasy guild and their many adventures, is set to end very soon, but fans can rest easy knowing that this doesn't mark the end for the franchise as a whole. After all, it was revealed earlier this month that it will be getting its own RPG next year. Developed by Gust Studios and published by Koei Tecmo, this will be the first Fairy Tale game to release outside of Japan. Initial details were scarce, outside of an announcement trailer, but the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation has revealed quite a few interesting bits of information that have thankfully been translated.

Firstly, we now know that the main game will last approximately 30 hours, which doesn't seem particularly long for a RPG but there will also be plenty of side content, such as character episodes and alternate costumes to acquire, which will no doubt lengthen the game. And while it's not entirely clear whether the game will adapt any of the stories from the Fairy Tail series (or, if that is the case, which stories it will adapt), it is now confirmed that players will get to meet brand new characters, with their own storylines and quests. Unsurprisingly, DLC is being considered as well, so we can probably expect even more costumes and maybe new quests to be added post-launch. Since players will be taking control of the members of the Fairy Tail guild, they will be managing the guild itself, upgrading its facilities by completing requests given to them by the townspeople. Increasing the guild's rank will also allow players to learn more powerful kinds of magic.

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tecmo koei gust studios

Some of the information was reiterated from previous announcements, such as the fact that battles will be command-based and that the game will feature more than 10 playable characters, including main protagonist Natsu, leading lady Lucy, and the fan-favorite Erza. More of the series' cast will apparently make appearances as support characters within the guild, helping out with the various facilities and the like. It was added that the bonds between the various party members will improve as they fulfill requests together.

Next year is looking to be a good one for anime fans as, aside from this, there is also Bandai Namco's RPG, Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, which will adapt almost the entirety of the Dragon Ball Z anime. Most recently, it was not only revealed that players will get to play through the Buu Saga, but they will also fight two relatively minor enemies that appeared in said saga.

Fairy Tail will release on PC, PS4 and Switch in 2020.

MORE: How to Prepare for Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

Source: Gematsu