
  • Factorio offers addictive gameplay with complex mechanics for simulation game fans to enjoy.
  • Mods like Warptorio2, nullius, and Industrial Revolution 2 enhance the gameplay experience.
  • Integrated mods like LTN, Bullet Trails, and Shield Projector add new layers of depth to Factorio's gameplay loop.

Fans of simulation games will love the gameplay loop in Factorio. This construction and management simulator is a wildly addictive experience that ends up hooking players right after they grasp the complex mechanics of this title. The game's scope is massive and allows players to truly flex their creative muscles... that is, as long as they don't bite off more than they can chew. The true magic of Factorio comes with the slew of mods that can be integrated into the title.

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After all, the developers of the game intentionally wanted the game to be as moddable as possible. They even designed the title in a manner that gamers could pirate the title seamlessly but needed a purchase code to mod the game. These mods do everything from tweaking various facets of the gameplay to adding new things that players can mess around with in the game to make things easier or harder, depending on the nature of the mods that players want to integrate into this game.

Updated on April 9, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra:The allure of Factorio can't be stated enough. This intricate game lets players build and manage factories on an alien planet, trying to optimize processes while also setting up defenses to survive against indigenous wildlife. Most people would scoff at this gameplay loop, but Factorio manages to entice players by encouraging them to make the best factories around with no concessions. This is easier said than done, and players will fail quite a bit early on. However, once they understand the optimal way to play this game, Factorio becomes an experience that's impossible to put down. Players who want to make Factorio even more fun to play through will love using mods to add new gameplay loops and alter existing ones, and a few more of those excellent mods have been added to this list.

28 Warptorio2

Downloads: 27.4K

Warptorio2 mod for Factorio

The idea of turning Factorio into a tower defense game sounds rather odd, but this is precisely what Warptorio2 strives to accomplish. The fact that this mod succeeds in accomplishing the same is a huge testament to how clever its integration is.

Warptorio2 forces players to build their factories on a small platform while gathering resources and fighting against alien forces. There's a constant balancing act between harvesting valuable resources and escaping from the hordes of enemies that can potentially destroy their factory. Combat may not be Factorio's major focus, but this mod will force players to figure out the best strategies that can be used to take out the alien threats without incurring too much damage with each run.

27 Nullius

Downloads: 28.8K

Nullius mod for Factorio

This overhaul mod essentially serves as a prequel to Factorio and does a great job of justifying this setting. Having to build adequate resources in a world completely devoid of life can be a challenge, but Nullius makes things entertaining enough for players to give this mod a whirl.

Playstyles need to be changed to adhere to the limitations brought about by this mod. The changes are clever and fit in with the overall direction this mod takes as a precursor to the timeline of Factorio. Only veterans should think about checking this mod out, since some of the gameplay changes are brutal and take a while to adjust to.

26 Industrial Revolution 2

Downloads: 34.2K

Industrial Revolution 2 mod for Factorio

The Industrial Revolution 2 mod is one of the most comprehensive and impressive overhauls for Factorio. The sheer number of custom assets and mechanics in this mod are immense and well worth checking out for fans of the game who are seeking out a different experience.

The pace of this game is slower, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Players need to put more thought into how they run their factories while also dealing with the various other quirks brought about by this overhaul mod. If someone is bored of Factorio's regular gameplay loop, then this title will be right up their alley.

25 Resource Spawner Overhaul

Downloads: 135K

A screenshot of Factorio's gameplay

Players who want to explore the entire map of Factorio instead of settling on a comfort zone should download the Resource Spawner Overhaul mod. It changes the spawning system into a region-divided one that completely changes the way players go through the game.

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The fact that regions are richer the further players go from their starting point means that players are encouraged to roam around the map. It's a simple yet effective change that completely alters the way players approach the title.

24 Angel's Mods

Downloads: Varies (Highest - 185K)

Factorio Collision Rebuild

There's a huge collection of mods released by Arch666Angel that add a bunch of helpful gameplay tweaks and the like to the game. Smelting, ore refining, and petrochemical processing are a few of the many additions that are made by this mod.

Angel's collection of mods is excellent in its own right, However, they shine the brightest when paired with another collection of mods that are in a class of their own.

23 Factorissimo2

Downloads: 205K

Factorissimo2 mod for Factorio

Players who want a greater degree of freedom in their copy of Factorio should opt for the Factorissimo2 mod. It's a great way to increase the level of immersion in their game.

With this mod, players can now construct walk-in factory buildings. This allows for more aesthetic constructions as players end up using these buildings to house their factory instruments and the lot.

22 Text Plates

Downloads: 231K

Text Plates mod for Factorio

This simple mod lets players install text plates across different parts of the factory for players who want to label every part of their massive foundation. It's a rather simple change, but players will likely appreciate the idea of toying around with something silly in a game that can get serious in the early going.

It's also an ingenious way for players to keep track of their factory as it grows over time, letting them manage things properly and label different buildings and structures. The effect is purely cosmetic but still worth checking out for players who love these additions to their games.

21 LTN - Logistic Train Network

Downloads: 228K

Logistic Train Network mod for Factorio

Players can set trains all over the world of Factorio. With this mod, the usefulness of these locomotives will be enhanced even further.

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The LTN mod adds anchor points for trains to create a fully automated network of trains. It chooses the best train for a particular job and assigns tasks properly to make the player's factory all the more efficient to use.

20 Equipment Gantry

Downloads: 230K

Equipment Gantry mod for Factorio

Players who want complete control over the equipment they use in Factorio will love the simplicity of the Equipment Gantry mod. It lets players insert any equipment into an item's equipment grid, letting them micromanage the items that it holds or processes.

It may sound rather unnecessary, but this mod is great for players who are well-versed with the game mechanics and want to eliminate any annoying issues that end up breaking the flow of their playthrough. Spidertrons, vehicles, and power armor can be deployed precisely how players want if the factory's automation isn't cutting it.

19 Auto Deconstruct

Downloads: 239K

A drill in Factorio

There's a lot of mining involved in Factorio, with players having to construct drills and send miners to potential excavation spots to gather as many resources as possible. However, once these resources are completely exhausted, these drills and the miners end up just standing around idly without doing any productive work either, and it can get annoying to micromanage their actions after this point.

For these players, the Auto Deconstruct mod will be a godsend in every way. It's a pretty simple mod that marks drills for deconstruction the moment they've run out of resources to mine. Any miners assigned to the task are also sent back to base, which negates the hassle of players having to manually order them to do the same.

18 Grappling Gun

Downloads: 257K

The grappling gun mod in Factorio

Grappling hooks and guns have become quite prominent in most games where exploration is one of the core pillars of gameplay. It's easy to see why this is the case since there's something oddly cathartic about zipping from one place to another as players carry out some great stunts in the process. These grapple mechanics become even more enjoyable when combined with combat, with some games managing to do so seamlessly.

While exploration may not be the most important part of Factorio, it's quite important in its way. To make this act easier for players, this mod adds a grappling gun to the game that players can use to circumvent certain obstacles in the way. After all, Factorio is an open-world game at the end of the day, and any mod that makes exploration more interesting is welcomed by the masses!

17 Combat Mechanics Overhaul

Downloads: 263K

Combat in Factorio

Combat is not the biggest focus in Factorio, so the game can be excused for being fairly simplistic in this department. However, some players would want this title to have a level of action that is on par in terms of quality with the rest of the game mechanics.

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This is where the Combat Mechanics Overhaul mod comes into the picture. It adds its fair share of unique changes to the combat system that make perfect sense and adds a much-needed layer of depth to this system.


Downloads: 264K

Factorio screenshot showing the Nuclear Setup

Players who go through Factorio enough times will become well-aware of the fact that they require certain recipes to progress in the game and make items that will help them out. Farming these recipes can become annoying in repeated playthroughs, so veterans would love the opportunity to use a mod that speeds up this process.

FNEI does the simple yet much-welcome job of giving players access to every recipe in the game, taking care of this headache. The sheer convenience players can enjoy with this mod makes it clear why Factorio players love it so much. That being said, new Factorio players should wait a few playthroughs before thinking about using this mod.

15 Krastorio 2

Downloads: 299K

Krastorio 2 mod for Factorio

There's a reason why many fans feel that Krastorio 2 is the best mod for beginners to check out. It might be an overhaul mod, but the balancing of this mod, coupled with the improved endgame possibilities, make it truly amazing to behold.

The fact that Krastorio 2 doesn't try to make the game a nightmare to get through is an accomplishment in itself, especially given the volume of changes it brings to the table. It helps that the sheer polish and high quality of this mod help it blend seamlessly with the base game itself.

14 Even Distribution

Downloads: 330K

The map of Factorio

When trying to distribute items over multiple buildings in the vanilla build of Factorio, players would've realized that the distribution of these resources was quite uneven. This was a source of great frustration that this mod has taken care of.

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Installing the Even Distribution mod allows players to select multiple buildings and distribute resources evenly. Now, players won't have to painstakingly assign a set number of resources individually for each building.

13 Bullet Trails

Downloads: 353K

A weapons factory in Factorio

While combat is not a huge part of Factorio's gameplay, it's something that needs to be kept in mind if players don't want to succumb to the aggressive fauna that resides on each alien planet. A factory that is working smoothly is bound to release a bunch of pollutants after a point, which attracts the local wildlife who become aggressive towards the machinations that are polluting their planet.

As tragic as it may be, players need to set up defenses to take out this fauna before it ends up destroying their entire factory and ruining their playthrough. There are many weapons that players can set up for the same, and the Bullet Trails mod is a simple one that makes combat look more visually appealing. It adds bullet trails to the weapons fired in the game, making things look rather hectic and engaging as the factory tries its hardest to defend itself.

12 Bob's Mods

Downloads: Varies (Highest - 358K)

A rocket blasting off, signifying the end of a Factorio game

Out of all the mod collections present for this game, Bob's mods are pretty much a necessity to enjoy the definitive Factorio experience. The immense utility of all these mods makes this collection a must-have for any Factorio player who wants their game to have more flair and panache.

User Bobingabout has put a ton of work into creating these excellent mods that bring a ton of stuff to the table. These mods augment everything from crafting to warfare and turn Factorio into an even more complex and addictive behemoth that most fans won't be tired of anytime soon.

11 Helmod

Downloads: 363K

Helmod mod for Factorio

Factorio might be an excellent game, but one can't deny that it's anything but beginner-friendly. Getting into the game can be quite an arduous task, and an in-game assistant that would show players the ropes would've been quite a welcome addition indeed.

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This is where Helmod comes into the picture. It adds a virtual assistant that tracks all the metrics of the base and reminds players of any urgent requirement that needs to be taken care of. It might not feature a tutorial, but the helpful tips and reminders it provides will prove to be quite useful for new players.

10 Squeak Through

Downloads: 420K

Squeak Through mod for Factorio

Walking around in Factorio can become quite annoying after a point due to the sheer level of buildings present on the map. Ideally speaking, a character should be able to squeeze between two structures, but that's not the case in the vanilla game.

This changes with the advent of the Squeak Through mod. Now, players can easily roam around the map without having to worry about their walking space becoming limited as a result of economical building placement.

9 Space Exploration

Downloads: 431K

Space Exploration mod for Factorio

Players who want to significantly overhaul the entire experience of playing Factorio should opt for the Space Exploration mod. The sheer number of changes it brings to the game is nothing short of immense.

From creating space stations to exploring new planets — the Space Exploration mod is easily one of the most impressive mods for Factorio. Players who might be getting bored of the vanilla Factorio experience would be well-serviced by this mod.