The fantasy RPG series Fable is about to begin a new chapter, but while most fans will be looking ahead to the future, Xbox Game Studios should still capitalize on the franchise's past with some timely remasters. Occasionally, remasters can come across as cynical cash grabs from studios eager to milk every dollar from releases, but if they contain genuine improvements and updates for classic games, they're definitely worth it. The original Fable launched in 2004, almost two decades ago, showing that the remasters are more than a little overdue.

The IP may have moved out of Lionhead Studios' hands after Fable's original developer closed down, and Playground Games may have its hands full with the upcoming installment, but that doesn't mean a remastered collection of the first three games is out of reach. Another studio could take the reins, and timing it to fit in around the next Fable's release would help to bring not only the newest entry to a fresh batch of gamers but also the much beloved older titles.

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The Right Time For A Remaster

A screenshot from Fable Anniversary of a human warrior with two large swords

Fable fans have already had a taste of a remaster with Fable Anniversary, which was released a decade after the first game originally launched. Although players and critics were impressed with the graphical improvements and other updates like added Achievements, the remaster was still plagued with some of the same issues as the original. It wasn't quite the extensive overhaul that many gamers were hoping for, and its mixed reviews probably put the nail in the coffin of future remasters.

With failed projects, canceled titles, and a studio closure, it's been a long time since players have had a new Fable game, and anticipation for the unreleased next entry is already high. There still isn't a clear idea of when it will release, so providing fans with some thoughtful, extensive, and suitably silly remasters would be the perfect thing to tide them over until the upcoming installment is ready for release. Gameplay and consoles have come a long way since the main three Fable games were launched, and developers could take advantage of these improvements to bring the humorous, fantastical, and heartfelt world of Fable into the modern gaming landscape.

The Future Of The Fable Franchise


Playground Games' take on the Fable series will definitely be interesting, especially given that the studio has exclusively developed racing games up until now. Despite some fan trepidation, Microsoft has stated that it's certain the future of the franchise is in the right hands. Players will need to wait and see what direction the developer takes the game in, but from what they've seen and heard so far, it looks as if the upcoming Fable will be embracing the fairy tale roots of the earlier games. This could mean that the newest iteration could serve as both an homage to the older titles and a fresh direction for Fable as a whole.

However, even if the next Fable is a critical and commercial success, this doesn't necessarily cement its future. While many players have spent hours enjoying the older games and might even have cut their RPG teeth on the irreverent series, the truth is that they are in desperate need of an update. In comparison to more expansive and ambitious modern titles, the original Fable games look dated and clunky. The essence of the games – the vibrant world, the colorful characters, the innovative morality system, and the fantastical creatures – holds up well, and combining this with a revised gameplay system, better graphics, and some other much-needed improvements could stand the Fable franchise in good stead for years to come.

Fable is in development for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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