It feels like Fable 4 has been a long time coming, with three years passing since it was first confirmed in 2020 and only a handful of updates emerging over the years. Fans of the original series were pleased that the closure of Lionhead Studios didn't mean that the franchise was at an end too, but there is some trepidation now that Fable 4 is in brand-new hands. When it comes to RPGs, Playground Games is untested, but it will be interesting to see what the studio decides to retain from the previous games, and what it introduces.

Unsurprisingly, gamers who loved the first Fable titles have their own ideas about what they want to see in Fable 4, from returning characters to new features. So far, not much is known about Playground Games' upcoming title, and what information has been released hasn't given a definitive idea of what players can expect from Fable 4. However, there are some things that fans hope will make an appearance in the exciting next chapter of the Fable franchise.

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A Return To Fable's Roots

Fable 3 Male and Female heroes

The Fable games progressed the history of Albion with each entry, starting from a more classic medieval fantasy landscape and moving into an industrial age with a steampunk aesthetic. While it was fun to add guns to the mix in Fable 2 and Fable 3 as the technology of the in-game world developed, many fans are hoping that the reboot returns to its roots and focuses on more of a fairy tale world full of magical lore, mythical beasts, and simplistic societies. There are indications that this will be the case thanks to the style of Fable 4's trailer, but embracing this and pushing it further with more unique monster designs and magical elements would be key.

Although some aspects of the original Fable games might not have aged as gracefully as others, one of the things that helped the series stand out from its competitors was its silliness. The irrepressible humor, the unrepentant embrace of ridiculousness, and the cartoonish elements all worked really well together and made Fable a fun experience. However, there was usually a good balance between the humor and the more serious, emotional aspects of the narrative, which the Fable reboot would do well to emulate.

Fable Customization Options


Alongside elements that players might want to see make a return or be developed further like Fable's fairy tale world, there are some things that the reboot should essentially reinvent. Although there was an element of character customization in the original Fable games, the morphing system feels dated and simplistic compared to what's on offer now. As players tend to hugely enjoy this aspect of RPGs, Fable 4 should present them with a fun, diverse, and fully customizable character creation feature. This could also extend to the world around the player, letting them shape the relationships and friendships they can enter into, where they can choose to live, and how Albion is affected by their actions.

Leveling up, combat, and magic were fairly straightforward processes in the first three mainline Fable titles, and Fable 4 could present players with more of a challenge if it makes these more complex and engaging. Players could choose different approaches to combat for the most part in the previous Fable games, but this was also a little limited. More variety in weapons, magical abilities, and playstyles would help Fable 4 impress both returning fans and new ones.

Fable 4 is in development for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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