When the Xbox Series X was originally released in Winter 2020, Microsoft was keen to share that numerous exclusives were in development and would one day grace the consoles. One of the most anticipated exclusives would be Playground Games upcoming Fable reboot. While little has been revealed about Fable, this hasn't stopped fans from speculating about the sought-after open-world action RPG and what unique qualities it can bring to the table. If Playground Games hopes to use the reboot as a means to return the dormant franchise to prominence, then it should look toward its NPCs and how they interact with the world.

It's already been suggested that Playground Games should keep Fable's world smaller and denser with detail, but that's only half the equation. Part of what makes any RPG feel more realized is the relationship NPCs and party members have with the world around them. When playing a role-playing game, it's important to see the effects of the player's role and how they manifest in the game's world. Having those effects play into teammate dialogue is one of the most effective means to convey this sort of dynamic. If Playground Games can study other games that came before Fable, then an opportunity for the upcoming reboot to stand ahead of the pack is on the table.

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How Fable 4 Can Outshine Other RPGs With NPC Rapport and Reactions


One of the most effective ways to plan for the future is to honor the past. Fable not only has history on its side, but it also has the histories of its contemporaries to draw from. The Fable franchise has always utilized a morality system, and the increased power and storage of the Xbox Series X/S allows Playground Games to take this to new heights. As the world changes depending on players' reactions, it'd be powerful to have party members change with it. Playground Games can look to Obsidian's stellar work on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords for a perfect example of this dynamic in play. Watching kind and likable characters radiate with light side energy, or have their appearances warp with dark-sided corruption is still impactful to this day.

Another way to bring Fable's world to life is having party member's response to things change depending on the player's morality. If party members fall into darkness with the player, it would be powerful to see formerly wholesome members cheer on evil deeds. Fable can learn from Fallout 4 and create personable and likable companions who have their own morals but are still subject to some degree of influence and adaption. Pushing players to be tactful with their responses in order to ensure their desired NPCs like them is an effective and engaging way to connect players with games.

Studying other Western RPGs with excellent world-building can help Fable shine. As important as it is to have ample reading material in an RPG, it's even better to have the party build the world with the player. Having characters respond to certain villages, natural landmarks, or enemies can immediately help bring the world to life. It's one thing for a game to tell fans that their character is bad; it's another thing to watch a favorite NPCs to tell the player that they burned down their childhood home and murdered their parents. Such revelations can change players' responses and perceptions and make them question their play style and method of role-playing. The Fable reboot can look to The Outer Worlds for a case study on how to do this dynamic effectively.

Playground Games has inherited a vast legacy with Fable, and many gamers are eager to see the system-selling franchise return to form. While the original games excelled in creating a world that responds to player choices, Playground can one-up them by developing party members that respond to the main character and build the world through banter and observations. There's ample material to study, and Playground has the tools for success at hand to craft a gaming experience that can innovate and truly be something special.

Fable is in development for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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