Lionhead Studios' Fable series was known for many things, but in-depth character customization was not necessarily one of them. While the previous games featured options for players to individualize their protagonists, these were by no means extensive. Fable fans are hoping Playground Games improves on many things when its reboot hits shelves at some point in the next few years, and having a more comprehensive array of customization options is definitely one of them.

The Fable reboot signifies a big change for the franchise, not just in terms of its developer but also potentially its setting, cast of characters, and gameplay systems. This is a chance for Playground Games to break new ground for the Fable series and add lots of fresh and improved aspects that have become industry standard in the years since Fable 3 was released. There are plenty of potential easy wins to score in this space, but Playground Games also has the opportunity to think creatively when it comes to greater customization and giving gamers a better say on what their main character is like.

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Character Creation In Fable


Any modern RPG worth its salt is likely to have a robust character creator. It's a popular feature of most games, and recent releases like Elden Ring and Saints Row have demonstrated just how complex and satisfying a comprehensive character creation tool can be. Not only does it give players more freedom and provide a lot of entertainment before the game even gets underway, but it also allows gamers to get more invested in their protagonist, which is particularly important in a story-driven RPG like Fable.

Playground Games' Fable reboot needs to make sure it's able to compete with similar games on the market, albeit with its own unique twist on character design. In previous Fable games, character creation hasn't really been a factor. Other than choosing a gender and being able to change their hairstyle or outfits, there weren't many options even as the series progressed. Lionhead Studios included fun aspects in some of the games that players could influence, like the name they would be known as throughout the lands as they performed good deeds or wreaked havoc, but these were largely superficial. Addressing these in the Fable reboot would be a good way to set it apart from its predecessors while also modernizing the beloved formula.

Improving Customization In The Next Fable

Fable teaser fairy and sword

While gamers could pick some things about their protagonist, the emphasis wasn't really on creating an individualized character at the outset, but molding them throughout the game through their actions in Fable's unique morphing morality system. Performing good deeds or committing evil acts would change a character's appearance over time, showing their moral alignment in physical ways. There were other details, like how eating certain foods would make protagonists gain weight, or how investing in certain attributes would shift a character's proportions as well.

This was innovative at the time and still feels fairly unique in games today, and it's definitely something the Fable reboot should look to emulate in some way. Obviously, there were elements of the morphing system – particularly with regard to morality – that feel dated. For example, in the first Fable, being a particularly pious and heroic character would change the protagonist's hair to blonde and give their skin a light glowing look. Equating obvious whiteness and blondness to "goodness" is something that modern gamers will recognize as problematic, but the new game could mesh the morphing system with character customization so that it's still an original feature but doesn't manifest in such controversial ways.

Fable is in development for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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