Seeing as it has years since the last mainline Fable game, fans have been hungering for more of Albion. The last entry put a bad taste in some fans' mouths, but that's a thing of the past, as the community has been abuzz since the teaser trailer was first shown. The new Fable teaser feature magical creatures and a return to the humor that has made the series famous, but the new game is being made by Forza developer Playground Games after Lionhead Studios closed down in early 2016.

Except for the trailer and a few comments made by the developer, there have been few details released about the game. Many fans can't wait to hear more about the future of the Fable franchise, and that includes exactly whether the game will be Fable 4 or a new start to the classic IP. Despite the tight lid on development thus far, there might have been a few potential clues about what this new title will look like.

RELATED: Fable Fans are Hopefully Closer to the Next Game than the Last One

A New Start for Fable 4

fable logo

Many fans were quick to express their displeasure with the features in Fable 2 and Fable 3. While the first entry had more of an emphasis on magic and medieval weaponry, the second and third Fable took a hard right turn towards industrialization with guns, science, and logic. Although a fun adventure to play through, Fable 3 plopped players into the role of a royal, leaving behind the origin story and sense of growing a character that was there in the first two entries. Fable 2 made the mistake of leaping 500 years into the future after the first game, and the series could stand to go back to its origins.

It seems that Xbox and Playground Games thinks this as well, with a desire to go back to Fable's roots. The general manager of Xbox Games Marketing, Aaron Greenberg, has said that the next game will give the Fable franchise a "completely fresh start." Xbox has put a lot of faith in Playground Games, but feels assured that the IP is in good hands of professionals in England, where the previous games have taken a lot of inspiration. Greenberg didn't let a lot slip, but told fans that the developer would tell them more when it's ready.

Fable 4 Features Leaked

fable forza horizon

There haven't been any details released other than the next Fable is definitely coming. That being said, there have been a few high profile leaks that might give an idea about what fans can expect. The next Fable will not only go back to its roots, but will be able to reach new heights thanks to Playground's Forza game engine. Leaks have said that Fable 4 will be an open-world RPG that will allow players to explore the world and take on tasks at their own speed, even avoiding the main quest if they want to. Thankfully, Playground has taken a note from fans and removed guns from the IP, according to the leak.

It's been rumored that Fable 4 has been in development for a few years, but only the teaser trailer has been released so far. It's likely that it could be a little longer before there is a full game, but this year's E3 would be the perfect chance to give the community a little more information. For now, fans will just have to wait and see.

Fable is in development for PC and Xbox Series X.

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