MyTeam Career Mode is one of the most popular game modes in F1 23 and has been a favorite in the series for some time. Although much of EA's focus was spent on the game's story modes "Braking Point" and "F1 World", it is the ability to create one's own driver and a customized car that appeals most to the majority of fans of the series.

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While Career Mode remains largely unchanged from prior F1 games, newer players may wonder where to get started or how to get better in MyTeam Career, since it can be the most rewarding game mode of all. Players will be able to create their own story and battle through the ranks as a rookie, or choose to start with a higher budget and continue their careers where they left off in previous games.

5 Answer Interview Questions For Production Bonuses

F1 23 MyTeam Career Interviews

At various stages throughout a player's career, and particularly at the start, they will be confronted with interview questions and dilemmas that present them with an opportunity to either improve or damage relations within any given department. Questions might range from the secrets behind a successful performance to why a teammate is not performing well with the same machinery, and it is important that players manage their responses and understand how they might affect their team. Carefully navigate these interview situations, since a negative answer might reduce the morale of a given department or cause a teammate to lose confidence.

Similarly, these interview questions will offer the chance to gain certain bonuses such as development boosts, so it is always important to praise a department when planning to install new upgrades there since these bonuses can speed up production time, reduce the risk of failed development, and lead to an overall better-performing race car. Interviews will typically occur at season intervals, but occasionally during race weekends as well.

4 Fill Activity Slots

F1 23 MyTeam Career Activities

At the start of a Career season, and in the spare time between race weekends, players can assign different activities to the calendar from an array of options, each varying in the length of time it will take up as well as the bonuses it will produce. While it is up to the player which specific area they choose to focus on, it is important to try to fill as much of the available time as possible and organize the team activities efficiently.

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Benefits can range from additional cash to improving teammate statistics and granting morale bonuses for different R&D departments. Some of these activities will offer balancing dilemmas and may reward one aspect of the team with a certain bonus, while simultaneously detracting from another area of development. After certain events such as scoring a podium or race win, additional options may become available for a limited time such as Podium Celebration Parties which will offer significant boosts when compared with the standard activities.

3 Complete Practise Sessions

F1 23 MyTeam Career Practise Sessions

Practise sessions are an important part of each race weekend, allowing players to gain additional bonuses such as chassis weight reduction and ERS efficiency as well as resource points for use in Research and Development. There are three main focuses for each practice session: Track Acclimatization, Qualifying Pace, and ERS Management. These tasks can be completed either on-track, where newer players can get a feel for the layout of a given circuit, or in "Quick Practise" for more experienced players, which will simulate the result of each session.

Successfully completing all objectives within a given focus will also grant additional bonuses to the player's Acclaim and XP overall. The benefits provided by completing these sessions can be instrumental to the team's development as many different areas of the car will receive bonuses. A huge amount of Resource Points can also be generated this way, which will be essential for the development of the car and the team in general.

2 Upgrade Facilities

F1 23 MyTeam Career Facilities

Facilities are the production line and backbone of the team and will have big implications for the development of different car parts. Each facility is tied to a Research and Development department, as well as having two additional departments for PR and personnel, which will affect the team's 2nd driver as well as the weekly acclaim and income the team generates.

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There are four main focuses when it comes to upgrading facilities: Fabrication, Build Time, Quality Control, and Resource Points. Fabrication will affect the number of parts any given department can work on at one time. Build Time will increase the speed at which new parts are developed. Quality Control will determine how frequently developing parts might fail, with better control making them less likely to fail even if "Rushed". Resource Points will determine how many resource points this department contributes on a weekly basis.

1 Use The R&D Tab To Produce Car Upgrades

F1 23 Development Facilities

The Research and Development tab is the central hub from which any modifications and upgrades can be made to the car. Developing new car parts will be crucial to staying competitive since all other teams and car constructors will be working to develop new parts and improve performance throughout the season. At the end of each season, regulation changes may mean that certain parts have to be de-developed.

R&D is split into four main components: Aerodynamics, Chassis, Powertain, and Durability. Aerodynamics will affect the car's straight-line speed, as well as achieving a higher top speed along straights overall. Chassis will determine the car's overall weight and stability, which will also affect areas such as tire wear on the racetrack. Powertrain is centered around the car's engine and energy management in addition to optimizing fuel consumption. Durability will affect how reliable the car is, the frequency of mechanical and technical faults as well as the wear on different engine components.

F1 23 is available on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms starting June 16, 2023.

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