
  • The Witchdoctor Exosuit in Exoprimal is a powerful support tool with excellent utility for assisting a team and keeping teammates alive.
  • The Sprawling Shock module increases the range of the Witchdoctor's shock prod but significantly delays the paralysis effect, impacting the suit's effectiveness against large dinosaurs.
  • The Safety Leap module increases the cooldown of the Rescue Leap ability but provides additional charges of the Repair Field ability, making it a must-have for proficient Witchdoctor medics.

As the first support Exosuit most players will get hands-on experience with in Exoprimal, the Witchdoctor can very quickly become a powerful tool for assisting a team. This suit might not have the damage-dealing capabilities of other Exosuits that build out the support role, but it makes up for it by having some of the best utility in the entirety of Exoprimal.

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Witchdoctor's primary weapon is great for crowd control and laying into larger dinosaurs to keep them paralyzed for several seconds. Meanwhile, the suit's abilities are focused on keeping teammates alive and fighting, which will keep a team's DPS consistently high. Modules are a great tool for altering these abilities, and making them better fit a certain player's gameplay style: here are the best modules for the Witchdoctor Exosuit.

6 Sprawling Shock

Witchdoctor Exosuit shocking a small horde of raptors in front of a plane hangar.

One of the crucial roles of the support Exosuits in Exoprimal is crowd control: immobilizing the dinosaur hordes so that the heavier-hitting Exosuits on a player's team can make short work of them. The Sprawling Shock module increases the range of the Witchdoctor's shock prod, but it comes with a nasty tradeoff if players haven't leveled this module all the way up.

Increased range is a great way to paralyze more dinosaurs, but Sprawling Shock makes it so that paralysis takes significantly more time for that paralysis to take effect. When dealing with large dinosaurs, this has the potential to be a death sentence and hurts Witchdoctor's potential to contribute to the team. Players should stay far away from this module unless they have the BikCoins to rank it up.

5 Quick Leap

Witchdoctor Exosuit performing a Rescue Leap and landing by their teammates, fighting a Triceratops.

Sometimes, a whole team's survival hinges upon the support player staying alive. Witchdoctor's mobility ability, Rescue Leap, is one of the best tools in the game for getting into or out of combat; it's extremely important to be able to reach critically damaged teammates or make an escape when the enemy begins overwhelming the player.

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Quick Leap is a very simple module. It reduces the cooldown of Rescue Leap by up to 6 seconds, allowing Witchdoctor gameplay to become a much more fluid experience. This module has no downsides - except for the fact that a better module can be slotted in the same loadout spot.

4 Safety Leap

Witchdoctor Exosuit performs the Rescue Leap, which is in turn resetting the cooldown of 1 charge of the Repair Field ability.

The other Rescue Leap-altering module is Safety Leap. This module couldn't be any more different than Quick Leap; rather than reducing the cooldown on the Rescue Leap ability, the Safety Leap module actually increases the ability's cooldown timer.

What makes Safety Leap so powerful, though, is that the tradeoff for that increased cooldown timer is a much more powerful ability synergy. With the Safety Leap module installed, Witchdoctor gains one charge of the Repair Field ability every time he activates Rescue Leap. If players pay attention to ability usage, they can effectively wield three charges of the Repair Field ability - arguably the strongest non-Overdrive team healing ability in the game - making this module a must-have for astute Witchdoctor medics.

3 Shock Therapy

Witchdoctor Exosuit shocks a small group of raptors by a military airplane. More raptors are burning to the left of the Witchdoctor.

The Shock Therapy module is all about maximizing Witchdoctor's crowd control capabilities. It's a very simple module to use; for every level of the Shock Therapy module, enemy dinosaurs get paralyzed by Witchdoctor's shock prod slightly faster.

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This module allows Witchdoctor players to stay in the frontline alongside their team even longer, preventing dinosaurs from doing any damage while pumping out overheals in case the situation goes south. The Shock Therapy module also lets Witchdoctor players control the flow of combat when large dinosaurs enter a Dinosaur Cull.

2 Adrenaline Feed

Witchdoctor Exosuit uses the Feed ability on a Triceratops, paralyzing it and earning a High Voltage medal.

Witchdoctor's Feed ability is great for massive healing on single targets. Usually, Witchdoctor players will be using this ability to run into combat and make a quick save on a critically injured teammate, or to top off one of their teammates fighting on the fringes of a battle. The Adrenaline Feed module changes the player's interaction with the Feed ability altogether.

When players are running the Adrenaline Feed module, the Feed ability doesn't just heal teammates: it also provides them with a unique 20% damage buff for a short time afterward. This buff can make the difference between a team fight being won or lost, especially at the tail end of the game when both teams brawl to secure their objectives. Witchdoctor's Adrenaline Feed module turns a normal cooldown ability into a game-changing enabler, and it's well worth the investment for any good support player.

1 Repair Boost

Witchdoctor Exosuit overheals their teammates within the green radius of the Repair Field ability.

The Repair Boost module is Witchdoctor's best module in Exoprimal right now. Much like the Shock Therapy module, Repair Boost takes one of Witchdoctor's base kit abilities and cranks the stats up to make it far more powerful.

The Repair Field is already the best tool in Witchdoctor's kit, healing every single teammate (as well as the Witchdoctor that cast the ability) while they stand within the radius. It promotes strong team cohesion as a unified front against both the AI-driven dinosaurs and the enemy team. The Repair Boost amplifies this healing effect, allowing the Repair Field to outheal many onslaughts of damage, short of an enemy Overdrive ability or Dominator invasion.

Exoprimal is available now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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