Those wanting to delve further into the nightmarish world of Evil Within 2 will enjoy these twenty horrifying minutes of gameplay.

In Evil Within 2, protagonist Sebastian Castellanos will face off against truly nightmarish creatures, and this selection of gameplay opens with a showdown against one of the game's creepiest. The Giggling Guardian, as she's referred to in an earlier trailer, earned her name from the way she gleefully laughs as she tries to cut you down. Made of assorted body parts, several women's heads, masses of hair, and a buzzsaw for an arm, she pursues Sebastian earlier in the game when he is less protected and at her mercy. At this point in the game, he's prepared and ready for one final confrontation.

From here Sebastian continues his pursuit of the deranged photographer Stefano Valentini, the game's primary antagonist. Valentini was introduced to audiences last month through his own trailer that took a deeper look at the madman's history and motivations.

As Sebastian delves further into the dark world of Union, he'll face more and more of Valentini's trials. Some will see Sebastian pitted against more monsters, while others will challenge players in different way -- such as the photography puzzle presented in the gameplay video. Many of the puzzles in the game appear to still have eerie elements that match the game's theming, but help slow down the pace briefly and allows players a reprieve from all the madness.

Now that his brains have been tested, Sebastian must once again use his brawn against another one of Valentini's creations. Not before a little ribbing from the man himself, of course. After toying with his prey, Valentini unleashes a creature that is a unique and twisted take on the camera and tripod, called Obscura.

Evil Within 2 premiered at E3 2017 with a spooky trailer that set the tone for Sebastian's second adventure. Though it was the world's first official look at the game, it was dated for release the same year. Now it's just a month away before it launches, appropriately, on Friday the 13th.

The Evil Within 2 launches on October 13, 2017 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.