Evil Genius 2: World Domination, the Bond-villain simulator from Rebellion Developments, recently arrived on the Xbox Game Pass. This means that new players diving into the world of schemes and espionage for the first time will begin by picking a Genius to play as. This is one of the most impactful choices in Evil Genius 2, as each character offers a very different set of skills.

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While some Geniuses are easier for beginners than others, ultimately players should choose based on their preferred playstyle. Maximillian, Red Ivan, Zalika, and Emma each have their own story in Evil Genius 2, as well as their own unique skills and approach to world domination.

Reasons To Play Maximillian in Evil Genius 2

Evil Genius 2 Maximillian

As a returning favorite from the first Evil Genius game (and the most prominent character in the game art) Maximillian is the face of Evil Genius 2. His balanced style is a great pick for new players, allowing them to explore all aspects of the game without needing to focus to be effective.

Maximillian's Work Harder ability allows him to reduce salaries while also prioritising important work, and his Train Faster ability can instantly complete Minion training. This is incredibly useful for new players because it allows them to quickly bounce back from Agent attacks and other disasters. Finally, his Large Work Force perk gives him more Workers at the start of the game, and reduces the salaries of all paid Minions in the Lair.

Reasons To Play Red Ivan in Evil Genius 2

Evil Genius 2 Red Ivan

Following the balanced Maximillian, each of the other geniuses in Evil Genius 2 is focused around a specific type of Minion. Red Ivan is all about the Muscle Minions, and is a great choice for players who prefer an action-packed game with plenty of Agent attacks and gunfights.

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Red Ivan's Do it Now ability not only prioritizes nearby work, but also grants an armor bonus to Minions in the area, making it a great tool for defense. Similarly, his Old School ability is a powerful rocket launcher that deals a huge amount of splash damage. Finally, his Might Makes Right passive perk gives a damage bonus to all Minions, not just Muscle, and reduces the salary of all Muscle Minions at the same time.

Reasons To Play Zalika in Evil Genius 2

Evil Genius 2 Zalika Scientist

For those who prefer technological domination to military, Zalika's scientific prowess allows her to excel in all fields. The third playable character in Evil Genius 2 is best suited for players who want to build up power from the safety of their Lair, protected behind a network of high-tech traps.

Zalika's My Plans Take Priority ability will not only prioritize nearby work, but will also cause Science Minions in the area to recover Smarts while working, allowing them to research for longer. In addition, her focus on traps is enhanced by the Repair ability, which will fix all broken items and extinguish fires around her. Finally, her True Genius perk greatly increases the speed at which Science Minions can research, as well as reducing their salaries.

Reasons To Play Emma in Evil Genius 2

Evil Genius 2 Emma Scheme

The final Genius in Evil Genius 2 is perhaps one of the trickiest for new players, but offers a unique and rewarding playstyle focused around Deception Minions. Emma is a former spymaster turned rogue agent with a penchant for poison and stealth, making her perfect for those who want to fly under the radar.

Emma's Pay Attention ability prioritizes work around her. It also increases the spotting power of nearby Minions, allowing them to spot disguised Agents. As a master manipulator, Emma makes great use of Evil Genius 2's Henchmen, and her Plotter ability can instantly reset the cooldowns of their unique abilities. Finally, her Spymaster perk allows all her Deception Minions to deal extra damage while distracting Agents, potentially turning them away at the cover operation before they even reach the Lair. It also lowers Deception Minion salaries, and gives Emma a bonus to reducing Heat across the world.

Evil Genius 2 is available now on PC.

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