There's a true art to building the perfect base in Evil Genius 2: World Domination. While there are arguably different kinds of lairs that will be better suited to different playing styles and strategies, the best-performing bases across the game tend to have a number of traits in common.

Keeping corridors to the ideal length, ensuring ease of access to fire extinguishers, and laying out rooms strategically are just a few of the ways that players can optimize their Evil Genius 2 base. There's more to it than meets the eye, though, so this guide covers some top tips for taking any base in Evil Genius 2 to the next level.

6 Build Over Multiple Floors

evil genius 2

One strength of Evil Genius 2 compared to the original Evil Genius is that the game allows players to build bases over multiple floors. Players can dig under or build upon the existing casino space they're given for their island, and doing so helps get the absolute most mileage out of the floorspace allotted to a single player.

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It's especially useful to put more sensitive, high-stakes rooms like Vaults and Communication Rooms on the floors above the ground floor. When placed higher up, it will take enemy Agents more time to reach these than if they were placed on the ground floor of the base.

5 Use Decor To Boost Stats

evil genius 2 gameplay

An aspect of base-building that plenty of Evil Genius 2 players overlook is the ability to install decor that boosts Minions' stats. Found in the decor tab of the base-building screen, items like water fountains and coffee machines don't cost much to install and are a great way of slowing the decline of stats like Morale and Smarts among Minions.

Keeping Minions' stats as high as possible for as long as possible will help them to stay more efficient and require less rest. As such, these types of decor are definitely a worthwhile investment.

4 Place Rooms Strategically

evil genius 2

Having a purpose for the layout of any base in Evil Genius 2 is crucial in ensuring that the lair's design flows, makes logical sense, and is as practical as possible. After all, world domination can't be achieved without efficiency.

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One way to achieve this is by building certain types of rooms as close together as possible. For example, keeping Armories close to Vaults is very sensible. Close proximity between these rooms will allow guards to respond to any attempts to infiltrate Vaults within the base almost immediately, and neutralize the threat fast. Scientists also tend to use the Canteen more regularly than other classes of Minions, so building Labs near Canteens is a handy way of keeping them as efficient as possible.

3 Re-Purpose Casino Floorspace

evil genius 2

As players progress through Evil Genius 2's campaign, they'll likely find that they have better use for much of the floorspace at their disposal that's being taken up by the Casino. Fortunately, the Casino can easily be remodeled to make it more effective for just about any purpose that the player sees fit.

All the Casino really needs to achieve is operating as a front for the player's base. Beyond that, the evil mastermind can do whatever they want with the space. Selling some of the Casino's decor early on can also be a good way to get a cash injection when it isn't all that easy to come by.

2 Easy Access To Fire Extinguishers

evil genius 2 base

Fire extinguishers are actually a crucial part of successfully neutralizing threats against the player's base in Evil Genius 2. Players can install them at their discretion, and use them to save their base whenever necessary.

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Installing fire extinguishers liberally around the entire base is a good idea. In particular, players should ensure that they have multiple fire extinguishers near every Generator in their base. Saboteurs in Evil Genius 2 typically target Generators, causing them to ignite. Just like in real life, fire extinguishers play an important role in putting out any fires as quickly as possible, thereby helping to nullify any threat against the base.

1 Corridors Are (Ideally) Kept Four Squares Wide

evil genius 2

It might sound somewhat banal, but many of Evil Genius 2's traps and doors are actually built to the same configurations. Specifically, they fit best into corridors that are four squares wide, so player should take care to accomodate this requirement.

This is actually the standard configuration for corridors in the base when players first take control of it. Sticking to this layout is the easiest way to ensure that traps and doors fit into all the corridors of the base, and that those traps and doors can easily be moved and relocated as needed. Time-saving hacks like these can mean the difference between victory and defeat in Evil Genius 2.

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