Trying to keep the entire team alive in Evil Dead: The Game? Good luck! Demons won't be playing nice and waiting for long cooldowns to come up. Frankly, they can attack faster than any survivor can heal. At least, that's how it starts, but it doesn't have to remain that way.

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By investing in the best support skills, every match in Evil Dead: The Game becomes a likely victory. Strong support heroes are the most important part of any team, at the moment. By prioritizing the best skills, the support survivor can compete without any outside assistance. With some help, the demon is in trouble.

10 Devastating Force

Evil Dead The Game Support Skill Devastating Force Description
  • Increases melee weapon damage.

The isn't World of Warcraft. Healers aren't going to be comfortably in the back keeping their allies alive. There aren't enough healing skills to be casting some type of buff most of the time. In truth, support heroes that invite their friends to a group will spend nearly all of their time fighting like any of the rest of them. And that sometimes means getting up front and smashing deadites. Deadites that die faster lead to less health loss, and that makes support survivors happy.

9 Hollow Points

Evil Dead The Game Support Skill Hollow Points Description
  • Increases ranged weapon damage.

In the spirit of dealing damage for most of the game and healing later, it's wise to make the most of those long stretches of time. The support won't be able to touch on the hunter's damage from range, but players from all consoles can agree that the support is hardly negligible. The rest of the team needs a little help to win the game, support heroes that can dish it out from afar will be a lot of help and secure easy wins.

8 Reinforced Amulet

Evil Dead The Game Support Skill Reinforced Amulet Description
  • Incoming damage is reduced when you have a shield active.

Taking hits is just part of the game. Even the best support units are going to take it on the chin every so often. Unlike warriors, who should remain in the thick of a frenzy, support heroes should duck out before they take multiple attacks. Still, these few attacks can add up without a solid defense. By reducing these initial hits against the shield by a bit, players extend the duration they'll be thriving for.

7 Tougher Than Hell

Evil Dead The Game Support Skill Tougher Than Hell Description
  • Reduces the amount of damage you receive.

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Without any stipulation at all, a few points into Tougher Than Hell and the support hero si taking 10% less damage regardless of the source. That's pretty big, considering players will be taking hits in between healing cooldowns. An extra 10% to survival extends the window at which the survivor will live to see the next big heal. The support hero should never be a tank, but enemy demons will likely target the support hero first, so some protection is necessary.

6 Fast Forward

Evil Dead The Game Support Skill Fast Forward Description
  • Reduces the duration timer for objective events.

Support does not equal healing. Already, this list is full of damage and tanking skills. This is the first of a few support skills but it's very unique. This isn't healing in the traditional sense, it reduces the time to capture a point. Why is this so important? The reduced timers hurt demons badly. These moments are times when the demons expend all of their energy dealing making units, traps, and eventually summoning a boss. Shorten up the time limit and they won't be able to hit the crescendo of their attack.

5 Shemp's Plus

Evil Dead The Game Support Skill Shemp's Plus Description
  • Shemp's Cola restores more health.

The three support survivors all have different ways to keep their team alive, but all of them share one thing in common; when they drink a Shemp's Cola, the team gets a portion of the healing. It's very important that the team knows to have the support grab these items until they hit the max for that reason. In turn, the support must use the Shemp's Cola to heal more than just themselves. This skill allows them to increase this shared healing for the whole party.

4 Deep Pockets: Amulets

Evil Dead The Game Support Skill Deep Pockets Amulets Description
  • Increases the maximum amount of amulets you can carry.

Support survivors make better use of amulets than their counterparts due to their frequent healing and ability to stay further back from the front lines. Their shields double as extra frustrating for the enemy, who generally wants to target the support survivor before the rest of the group. All this considered, it helps to have some extra carry space for more amulets since there will be times when the team is at full health and an amulet drops. Don't leave them behind!

3 Improved Amulet

Evil Dead The Game Support Skill Improved Amulet Description
  • Increases length of shield bars.

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The point has surely been made that taking hits matters. The support should be the toughest unit on the squad due to the targeting they will receive from the demon. To cap off the medley of tanking skills, Improved Amulet gives the survivor longer shield bars. That is enough to drive any demon player to quit the game; finding out that all those hits didn't even scratch the health bar. Talk about demoralizing for opponents.

2 Packing Pop

Evil Dead The Game Support Skill Packing Pop Description
  • Start the match with an extra Shemp's Cola.

Survivors will likely be using their class ability for primary healing, but that won't be enough to cut it. To pull a team through a full match, survivors are going to have to drink a Shemp's Cola in between their big cooldowns to keep their allies alive. Starting off with extras on-hand is a power supply for this type of healing.

1 Deep Pockets: Shemp's Cola

Evil Dead The Game Support Skill Deep Pockets Shemp's Cola Description
  • Increases the maximum amount of Shemp's Cola you can carry.

Players will usually curse their luck when they run out of Shemp's Colas at that moment they have none left, but the actual time to realize the problem is when a Shemp's Cola is available and the support survivor lacks the space to pick it up. Maximizing the inventory space for Shemp's Colas makes this skill the most valuable to any support survivor since it increases their healing output. And this is the number one reason people want the character on the team to begin with.

Evil Dead: The Game was released on May 13th, 2022, and is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

MORE: Evil Dead The Game: Every Demon, Ranked