The second mission in Evil Dead: The Game is unlike the other missions. Instead of a linear path, there are five objectives ready to go and players are permitted to knock out those objectives in any order they see fit. That's a huge amount of free considering it's so early into the campaign.

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But go in the wrong order and players are likely to be facing down a tough challenge with inferior equipment. And that spells disaster in Evil Dead: The Game. Instead of trying a bunch of combinations and hoping for the best, try this tried and true order to get everything right the first time.

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The Nearest Point

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Looting The Station At The Start

There isn't anything tricky about the first objective next to Ash at the beginning. It's not trapped and no fight triggers after picking up the Wiseman's Brew. However, before venturing onward, be sure to loot the station next to it. This equipment will come into use in short order.

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There is a Shemp's Cola on the pitch out front and an Amulet inside (go ahead and use that amulet right away). Take all of the ammunition since multiple weapons will ideally be used during this mission. Grab the shovel for a melee weapon. Between the shotgun and the revolver, the revolver is better for these objectives.

The Northern Objective

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Entering The Unmarked Garage

On the way to the northern-most objective, an unmarked garage will be on the way. Head inside and loot some more valuable (including a Shemp's Cola on the workbench on the back porch). Hang around until Ash's fear bar is completely empty.

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Tree That Attacks If Ash Gets Too Close

The tree next to the Wiseman's Brew will attack Ash if he gets too close. There is some ammo right next to it, but the tree will get a free hit, so it's likely best to avoid the loot altogether, there should be more than enough ammo if the objectives are done in the correct order.

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After picking up the brew, a deadite surge of nine enemies will occur and it must be defeated to advance.

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Finishing Off The Second Miniboss At The North Point

One headshot or two body shots with the revolver will put the minions out of their misery. With the shovel, the combo is a light hit, then a button prompt, followed by a heavy hit to finish them off before they can attack. Be warned; two of these deadites are mini-bosses that will require using the revolver to survive without taking a beating.

Players who beat the first mission had to defeat at least three of these guys to advance, so they shouldn't be too much trouble. Just remember to keep them at range and, if they charge, don't dodge until after they jump up in the air. The last one will drop a Shemp's Cola for a reward.

The Eastern Objective

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Second Tree That Attacks If Ash Gets Too Close

Take a swig of this Shemp's Cola if Ash has taken too much damage. By this point, players should be completely maxed out on special ammunition, so the eastern point gives Ash a chance to unload these munitions in style. Watch out for the tree in the corner of the cemetery, it will also attack if Ash gets close to it.

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Looting The Legendary Crossbow

Gamers have their choice of two legendary weapons. Between them, take the crossbow. Nothing against the pistol, but for the fight coming up, this special ammunition is going to come in very handy. Loot the graveyard and then the brew to trigger a boss fight.

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Fighting The Boss At The Second Location

This boss has the same look and moves as the previous mini-bosses. But it gains full boss status due to its preposterous amount of health. Don't hold back or try to conserve ammunition with the crossbow, it's onyl purpose is to win this fight. As usual, attack it from range until it goes down.

The Southern Objective

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Picking Up A Common Shotgun

With the special ammo mostly spent, it's time to switch guns. The legendary pistol makes a strong case, but the common shotgun is better suited to the task ahead with its high burst damage. It feels sacrilege to pass up on two legendary weapons for a common one, but that's probably a trap for gamers who have trained themselves to value rarity above production.

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Location Of The Shack With The Shemp's Cola

On the way to the southern point, find an open shack to the southwest of the graveyard. It's got a light for Ash's fear meter and a Shemp's Cola on the table. Take it and drink it if Ash could use some more health.

The houses in Dead End are all very lucrative, with items like Shemp's Colas and ammunition inside. Following this guide probably has players close to the maximum on all of that, but if Ash is a little lower on supplies, feel free to explore these homes. There are a few minions inside, but nothing that should pose a risk greater than the reward.

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Mini Boss At The Southern Location

After grabbing the Wiseman's Brew, ten deadites will spawn to attack Ash. Like with the first point, he must dispatch them before moving on. Also like the first point, the shovel combo of light attack, button prompt, and heavy attack will kill the smaller deadites before they can get a swing in.

Only one mini-boss will spawn this time but he's a little bit different than the previous mini-bosses. He wields a hatchet and attacks like most other deadites but he's heavily resistant to melee attacks. Thankfully, the shotgun is strong enough to take him out with just a few blasts. Since the shotgun's clip is five, he'll go down without any issues.

The Eastern Objective

Evil Dead The Game Second Mission Mini Boss By The Final Location

Before heading out, go inside a Dead End home, grab a Shemp's Cola, drink it, and wait for Ash's fear bar to empty again. The mission will end immediately after grabbing the next Wiseman's Brew, so don't hold back when it comes to topping off on health.

Unlike the other Wiseman's Brews, the final bottle at the eastern location does not prompt a fight. The only battle is beforehand, a charging mini-boss with tons of health mans the counter and waits for Ash. Unfortunately for him, he's watching the door and not the front window. Before going inside, blast him down with the shotgun.

Snag the brew and that ends the mission!

Evil Dead: The Game was released on May 13th, 2022, and is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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