Evil Dead: The Game is a thrilling, challenging, harrowing, and often hilarious take on the asymmetrical multiplayer horror experience. Taking aspects of Dead by Daylight and mixing them with Friday the 13th: The Game, Evil Dead: The Game stands apart from its counterparts with fantastic source material and strong gameplay. This game sees players take on the role of either a survivor or a Kandarian demon and its army of darkness. Four survivors must find missing pages of the Necronomicon in order to put it together with the Kandarian Dagger, which in turn banishes it from existence, thus stopping the demon invasion.

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Asymmetrical multiplayer games are a lot of fun but often take a significant amount of skill and understanding in order to perform well, especially in the case of Evil Dead: The Game. Survivors will have a tough time taking on the Kandarian demon and its army of darkness, with matches lasting upwards of 30 minutes, if not longer. While the game does offer a good tutorial for both playing as a survivor and the Kandarian demon, it's still likely that most players will end up making the following mistakes while playing.

5 Abandoning The Team To Play As A Lone Wolf (Survivor)

Evil Dead The Game Fifth Mission Killing A Guardian Of The Barrier

Make no mistake about it, Evil Dead: The Game is a highly team-centric experience, at least while playing as the survivors. Playing as the Kandarian demon is, of course, a solo affair. For those hopping into a survivor match, simply put, be sure to stick with the team. Staying together during a match not only increases survival odds but ensures each player's fear level stays in check. Survival in this game is tough but having other players close by can mean the difference between life and death.

Given the large maps in the game and the various objectives, it can be easy to stray from the pack. Fortunately, the game gives players a handy mini-map and a larger map to reference at any time. Be sure to view this map to get an idea of where fellow survivors are, especially if/when a player is bleeding out or needs their soul recovered.

4 Forgetting To Quell High Fear Levels With Strong Light Sources (Survivor)

Evil Dead The Game Playing As Henry The Red In Multiplayer

One of the most important, yet easily missed gameplay mechanics in Evil Dead: The Game is that of a player's fear level. Denoted underneath a player's health bar is a bar that increases or decreases based on fear. Fear can come from straying from other survivors, taking part in demonic battles often, or from the many scares and traps that the Kandarian demon can utilize. A player's fear level is just as important as health and shields.

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In order to properly lower the fear level gauge, a strong light source must be present. Strewn all across the game's map are areas that can be set ablaze in order to lower fear. Lanterns, fireplaces, and campfires are all things to keep an eye out for and they are marked by a red indicator. However, these light sources generally need matchsticks, something that isn't always easy to stumble across during a match. A player's fear level can also be reduced by staying in the survivor ring.

3 Completing Forgetting To Upgrade During A Match (Survivor)

Evil Dead The Game Third Mission Blocking A Ranged Attack From The Final Boss

Another easily missable gameplay mechanic that leads to many survivor mistakes is that of upgrading a survivor during a match. Survivors can be upgraded via Pink F bottles which are typically found in survivor crates all around the map, typically in points of interest. These bottles are automatically picked up once a crate is opened. The Pink F bottles can be used to upgrade health, stamina, fear resistance, and weapon damage.

Many players completely forget to upgrade their survivor character during a match since it isn't always obvious that Pink F bottles are being carried. In order to fix this mistake, simply keep track of the Pink F bottles in the lower right corner of the screen. Once some of them have been picked up, simply open up the upgrade menu to add bottles to each of the upgrade areas. Often it's best to first focus on upgrading health, shields, and fear resistance in order to survive just a bit longer.

2 Only Focusing On Certain Parts Of The Map (Kandarian Demon)

Evil Dead The Game Fourth Mission Best Path To Take For The Escape

It's not just survivor players that make mistakes while playing Evil Dead: The Game. The player playing as the Kandarian demon can often make myriad mistakes, mostly because this role is highly complex and often overwhelming to take on, even after playing through the extensive tutorial. One mistake players often make as the Kandarian demon is that they only focus on specific parts of the map during a given match. Since the game's maps are so darn large, it's very easy to just stay put in one area when playing as the Kandarian demon.

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The Kandarian demon controls an entire army of darkness and must stay mobile and aware of the entire map during a match, especially in areas where parts of the missing Necromicon pages are. During the start of the match, take time to scour areas of interest in order to see where survivors might head next. Map knowledge is one of the best skills for a good Kandarian demon to get to grips with in this game.

1 Forgetting To Lay Traps And Choke Points (Kandarian Demon)

Evil Dead The Game Looking At The Necromancer In The Selection Screen

The best Kandarian demon players will understand the importance of laying traps and setting up choke points. However, most players that play as the demon tend to completely forget about these tasks. Kandarian demons have a host of devious tools in their army of darkness arsenal. Everything from setting up demon portals, setting up haunted trees, and even tailoring survivor jump scares can mean the difference between victory and defeat for the Kandarian demon.

In order to get better at these things, find locations that survivors will likely head to, specifically areas where strong loot might be found such as houses, barns, and certain forest areas. After proper traps and chokepoints have been laid out, a good Kandarian demon player will then focus on possessing survivors and demons, and most importantly, warping in the titular demon such as the Necromancer to deal out some serious punishment.

MORE: The Best Things About Evil Dead: The Game (& The Worst)