A good hunter in Evil Dead: The Game can carry a bad team to improbable wins. By killing deadites before they can hit the party, the group can focus on managing fear and objectives. The hunter has a huge potential to win the game and that comes with a tremendous amount of pressure to fulfill the role perfectly.

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It all starts by picking the right survivor for the task. There are more options for the hunter class than any other class in Evil Dead: The Game. Although some players can make a sub-par class work for them, certain selections just seem to have a higher success rate than the others.

4 Kelly Maxwell

Evil Dead The Game Playing As Kelly In Multiplayer




When activated, you dodge without using stamina and your ranged attacks cause bleeding damage to your target for a short period.

Weapon Master: Meat Hammer

The meat hammer has a faster attack speed and deals increased damage, balance bar, and dismemberment damage.


Your next ranged attack after a successful dodge inflicts bleeding damage on your target for a short time.

Battle Frenzy

Your melee damage increases the longer you are in sustained combat.

The problem with Kelly is glaring; for a class that gets bonuses to ranged damage, her favorite weapon and final ability enhance her melee attacks. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using a bit of both for combat, but groups expect their hunter to handle problems from afar.

What ranged capabilities she does have focus on bleed damage. Against bosses, this is a great help, but most of the game is fought against deadites that should be dispatched in under a second. Given her inability to do that, she should really only be used when playing with a group of friends that understand she will need some extra help.

3 Ash Williams (Evil Dead 2)

Evil Dead The Game Playing As Ash (Evil Dead 2) In Multiplayer




Activating this ability exorcises the demon from any possessed survivor or basic unit. If used on a possessed or elite boss unit, the ability drains some Infernal Energy from the demon.

Treasure Hunter

See supply crates through walls at close range.

I'm The Guy With The Double-Barrel

Start the match with the double-barrel.

Weapon Master: Double Barrel

The double-barrel has a faster attack speed and deals increased damage, balance bar, and dismemberment damage.

Many might put Ash at the bottom of this list. There is somewhat of a compelling case for doing so since his specialization in the double-barrel is a tough sell. The standard shotgun is better and he'll be forced to choose between better options and using his class ability.

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His active ability is only useful in particular situations that don't come up in every match. What saves him is his ability to spot supply crates through walls. These contain weapons and juice to level up with for the entire team. He's not a spectacular hunter, but his support skill will be appreciated.

2 Amanda Fisher

Evil Dead The Game Playing As Amanda In Multiplayer



Ammo For Days

When activated, this ability allows you to temporarily fire your ranged weapons without expending any ammunition.

Trusty Sidearm

Start the match with a pistol.

Weapon Master: Pistol

The pistol has a faster attack speed and deals increased damage, balance bar, and dismemberment damage.

Accuracy Counts

Damage dealt by your ranged weapons increases with each consecutive hit.

In the right hands, Amanda has the highest ceiling of all of the hunters. Players from all consoles won't be able to contain their excitement as she increases her damage by 2% for each consecutive shot. Of course, miss one bullet and it's back to square one, but sharpshooters may enjoy the challenge.

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The pistol isn't the most exciting weapon, but Amanda can make it a bit more thrilling with extra ammunition at select moments. Like the other hunters, she'll be forced to choose between a better weapon rarity and her class preference pistol, but with a little luck, she'll do just fine.

1 Ed Getley

Evil Dead The Game Playing As Ed In Multiplayer



It's A Trap

When activated, this ability grants use of a unique flashlight that allows you to detect and temporarily disarm demon traps.

Enduring Light

Increases the battery life of your flashlight.

Weapon Master: Crossbow

The crossbow has a faster attack speed and deals increased damage, balance bar, and dismemberment damage.

The Collector

Increases the chance that defeated enemies will drop items; also improves the chance of finding crates of a higher rarity.

Ed's initial abilities can be defined as "not bad." Spotting traps isn't the most critical thing in the world, but he can do so for two-thirds of the game, so it adds up. Flashlights, likewise, aren't necessarily anything people think about, but being able to leave them on is neat. The crossbow specialty comes with the same drawback as the other hunters; sometimes a better weapon comes along.

But Ed gets top billing thanks to his final ability. The Collector increases enemy drops and crate rarity. This translates to better weapons and more ammunition to shoot with those weapons. it's a skill that helps the entire team as well as Ed himself. That might come off as more of a support than a hunter role. He's still a great hunter, he just shares the damage he can do with the entire team.

Evil Dead: The Game was released on May 13th, 2022, and is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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