The warlord has gotten the reputation of being the "starter" demon in Evil Dead: The Game. It's true that the demon is beginner-friendly and forgiving with the controls. But many experts who level up all of their demons keep coming back to the warlord for valid reasons.

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The ceiling for Henrietta is very high. With a few skill points, she becomes a source of non-stop harassment, taking teams down through attrition. Her deadites might look "average" but they are strong, capable, and ready to ruin the day of any group of survivors that takes them head-on in Evil Dead: The Game.

Skill Tree

Evil Dead The Game Ideal Warlord Skill Tree

Without any dispute, the warlord has the best basic unit in the game. They only have three skills, but all three of those skills dramatically change the landscape of the game. Since each one can rip off their own arm and use it as a weapon, they automatically deal more damage than their counterparts.

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Next up is the dodge skill. Being able to dodge avoids melee attacks and gives ranged attackers a difficult time. And finally, there is the projectile vomiting that prevents other players from dodging when they get puked on. With so many advantages to this unit, it's best to put all of the eggs in this basket.

The best part is, because the unit is so inexpensive and plentiful, the boss and her elite soldiers can act as bonus damage. Players who invite their friends to the team might be able to coordinate against the bosses, but it'll be the little guys that bring them down at the end of the day.


Evil Dead The Game In Game Upgrade Priority For The Warlord

Because the warlord is going to be using and possessing basic units, she'll require a steady influx of Infernal Energy. Start by increasing that Infernal Energy skill to the maximum. Then, predictably, the Portal: Basic and Possession upgrades should be the next in line to top off.

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Players from across all consoles will be infuriated by Henrietta's easy dominance through these plentiful units. With all the extra health, lower cooldowns, and increased damage through the active skill, parties will be facing off against her best units well before they have the chance to equip themselves.

This build will end many matches in the early stages because the important upgrades can be maxed out within the first few minutes. But don't give up when a well-coordinated team survives past the halfway marker. The elite and boss units can act as threatening distractions for the basic deadites and deal a good amount of damage themselves when players realize they aren't the biggest threat.

Evil Dead: The Game was released on May 13th, 2022, and is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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