Fans of the horror-comedy genre will find that Evil Dead: The Game offers an experience that is both original and exhilarating. Players will face off against one another in a fight to the death in the Splatter Royale mode of the game, which requires them to navigate a battlefield that is riddled with dangerous traps, hordes of undead enemies, and other dangers.

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The popular battle royale genre served as the inspiration for the Splatter Royale game option, in which players compete to see who can stay alive the longest. Picking the right character in Evil Dead: The Game can make the difference between life and death. Each player character have their own set of skills and traits that gives them an edge in the game.

7 Ash Williams

evil dead the game ash williams face

Ash is a powerful character who carries a range of weapons, including a chainsaw and a shotgun. Ash also has a high endurance level, which allows him to take more hits and continue in a fight compared to other characters. He possesses a special ability known as the Boomstick, which may cause significant damage to numerous enemies at the same time.

Ash's strengths lie in his skill with weapons and his ability to manage himself in a fight. He is ideal for players that like a well-rounded, balanced character who can take on any challenge. Ash can inflict harm from a distance with his shotgun or close-up with his chainsaw hand.

6 Cheryl Williams

Cheryl knows a lot about the supernatural and is an expert in occultism. Her skills in Splatter Royale are based on what she knows about the supernatural. She can call creatures to help her fight, which gives her an advantage in battle. Cheryl can also use her special move called the Possession, which lets her control her enemy and turn them against their allies.

Cheryl is great for players who like to play in a unique and strategic way. Her skills are mostly about calling up creatures and taking control of enemies, which makes her a good support character. Cheryl isn't the best at fighting directly, but her skills can change the way a battle goes.

5 Scotty

Evil Dead The Game Playing As Scotty In Multiplayer

Scotty has a high strength level as he can do a lot of damage with his fists or any other close-range weapon he grabs. He also has a special move called Berserk that temporarily makes him faster and stronger.

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Scotty is great for players who like to play in a direct, aggressive way. He is great at close combats, and his attacks are so strong that he can quickly kill enemies. Since he is both strong and fast, he can move quickly and hurt his enemies before they have a chance to do anything.

4 Annie Knowby

Evil Dead The Game Playing As Annie Knowby In Multiplayer

Her abilities to heal, buff, and summon make her an important part of any team. She has extensive knowledge of the occult and this gives her a special advantage in fighting supernatural enemies and dangers. She can do many different things, which makes her a well-rounded person who can handle any situation.

Her style of play is different, and players have to think carefully about when and where to use her skills. Players have a better chance of survival and can stay in the fight for longer if Annie is on their side. Annie Knowby is the best character to choose for those who like to play in a supportive and strategic way.

3 Pablo Bolivar

Pablo Simon Bolivar holding a gun

He is the ideal character for gamers that want to switch between offensive and defensive strategies. The Brujo Blast is his major ability, and it is a powerful-ranged strike that causes a substantial amount of damage to enemies. Together with it, he may call out a shield that will deflect bullets and keep his teammates safe.

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He possesses Soul Vision which gives his team a tactical advantage by revealing unseen threats and obstacles on the battlefield. Pablo has a versatile style of play and can easily adjust to new challenges.

2 Kelly Maxwell

Kelly Maxwell holding a wepon

She is the ideal character choice for gamers who enjoy a more combative approach to the game. Her main ability is the Double-Barreled Shotgun, a devastating close-range strike that causes a lot of damage to foes. Furthermore, she has the ability to call forth a bat army to swoop down on her enemies and distract them long enough for her allies to strike.

Kelly's Deadite Dash skill lets her move fast across the map while avoiding attacks. Her fast-paced and aggressive playstyle makes her a good choice for players that want to inflict a lot of damage rapidly and get in and out of combat swiftly.

1 Lord Arthur

Lord Arthur holding his sword

He's a fantastic choice for gamers that want a melee-focused playstyle. His major skill is the Kandarian Sword, a devastating melee strike that causes tremendous damage to enemies. He can also conjure zombie minions to help him in battle, doing additional damage and distracting his opponents. Lord Arthur's Regeneration skill allows him to repair himself, making him a tough and self-sufficient character.

His playstyle is distinct, requiring players to think tactically about when and where to employ his skills. Players can control close-range combat and fight enemies head-on with Lord Arthur on their team.

Evil Dead: The Game is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

More: Evil Dead The Game: Every Demon, Ranked