The open world of The Elder Scrolls 5:Skyrim is filled with details and interesting places. With nine major cities to explore, as well as countless towns and smaller settlements, it's hard to get bored. There are reportedly over 300 different locations in Skyrim, all different and designed separately, which just goes to show how much the developers poured hard work and dedication into the game.

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This list will introduce players to the nine cities and the one major town of Skyrim, as well as their respective populations. Players might be surprised to find out just how few or how many NPCs live in these areas, given their size and scope.

Updated on July 26, 2022, by Anastasia Maillot: Following Skyrim's 10th Anniversary edition release, one could say that Skyrim has finally reached its peak existence. Bethesda's open-world RPG continues to be charming and immersive even over ten years after its conception, and one reason for that is the way in which the game studio designed cities. Should players find themselves bored, cities are the best places to go. Not only do cities provide tons of lore and interaction, but NPCs will also often carry some of the most important quests in the game. That's why, to complement this list of every major city and their size in Skyrim, their most important NPCs have also been featured.

10 Dawnstar: 33

Skyrim Dawnstar

Dawnstar is a coastal city located in the north of Skyrim. Notable for its trade, this snowy city has 33 inhabitants in it, which is surprising considering it's one of the smaller cities of Skyrim. Here, players will find the Windpeak Inn where they can rest their feet during their travels.

The Quicksilver Mine and Ironbreaker Mine are also both just around the corner, as is the hidden Dawnstar Sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood, just a few steps away from the city itself.

Most Important NPCs In Dawnstar

  • Silus Vesuius: Found at the Mythic Dawn Museum, he's related to the Mehrunes Razor Daedric quest called Pieces of the Past.
  • Erandur: Find him at the Windpeak Inn. He's related to the Waking Nightmare Daedric quest for Vaermina.

9 Falkreath: 20

Skyrim Falkreath

Falkreath is located almost in the exact opposite direction of Dawnstar in the south of Skyrim, slightly west, where the snow is less common. The city is surrounded by a lush pine tree forest, and a few steps outside of it is the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary. It shares a border with the provinces of Hammerfell and Cyrodiil.

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Falkreath has only 20 inhabitants, which is understandable given its size. It's another smaller city, with no grand stone walls to fend off attackers or invaders. Hence, the Jarl only has a Longhouse rather than a palace.

Most Important NPCs In Falkreath

  • Sinding: Head over to the Falkreath jail to find him, during the quest Ill Met by Moonlight.
  • Barbas: Just before entering Falkreath, down the road, players can find a talking dog related to the Clavicus Vile Daedric quest called A Daedra's Best Friend.

8 Markarth: 65

Skyrim Markarth

Markarth is found in the extreme southwest of Skyrim. One of the most visually stunning cities of the province, it's built into the mountain it hugs, with many of its facilities remnants of Dwemer architecture. It also overlooks a small city and some of its houses carve deep into the mountains behind.

Since Markarth is a bigger city, it's no surprise that it has an impressive 65 inhabitants, including those imprisoned and found in Cidhna Mine when the Dragonborn is also captured and imprisoned.

Most Important NPCs In Markarth

  • Vigilant Tyranus: Near the door of an abandoned house opposite the city gates, he's related to a Daedric Quest involving Molag Bal, called The House of Horrors.
  • Brother Verulus: In the Understone Keep, he's located just outside access to the Hall of the Dead, and is the starting point for the Daedric Quest for Namira, called The Taste of Death.
  • Madanach: A key character found in Cidhna Mine during the quest No One Escapes Cidhna Mine. The Dragonborn can find him in his cell during the quest.
  • Calcelmo: Found in the Understone Keep, left of the main door, just outside of the Nchuand-Zel Excavation Site entrance. He's tied to several quests in the game, but most importantly to Nimhe, the Poisoned One.
  • Thonar Silver-Blood: An important character and antagonist in the Forsworn Conspiracy and No One Escapes Cidhna Mine quests.

7 Morthal: 23

Skyrim Morthal

Morthal is one of those smaller cities that are sort of in the middle of everything, and not necessarily in a good way. The city is actually surrounded by marshes and a thick mist, which definitely makes it a fairly uninviting place to live in. Despite this, 23 inhabitants still stay in this small city.

Most of the buildings in Morthal are houses, with only the Moorside Inn and Thaumaturgist's Hut as points of interest. There's also a cemetery slightly behind the city, which becomes a central part of one of the quests involving the people of Morthal.

Most Important NPCs In Morthal

  • Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone: Found inside Highmoon Hall, Idgrod is one of the main quest-givers for the Laid to Rest quest in Morthal.
  • Falion: Found either outside or at his house in Morthal, he's the one person in Skyrim who can help the Dragonborn cure their vampirism during the quest Rising at Dawn. He's also involved in a quest from the Jarl called Falion's Secret.
  • Jorgen: A Keeper of the Razor, he holds the hilt of Mehrunes Razor during the quest Pieces of the Past. Players can find him at his mill across the river.

6 Riften: 58

Skyrim Riften

Riften is a beautiful city perched on a lake in the southeast corner of Skyrim. Most of the city is built on wooden and brick foundations, with an impressive dock that overlooks the lake. Home to the Thieves Guild and the Black-Briar family, it may have a bad reputation as being a shifty city, but it still has 58 inhabitants.

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Riften's special areas include its orphanage, which is the subject of one of the Dark Brotherhood quests. Underneath the city is the extensive Ratway that leads up to the Ragged Flagon and further into the den of the thieves that rule the city.

Most Important NPCs In Riften

  • Brynjolf: When first entering Riften, he's found at the marketplace and will offer the Dragonborn a small job. After that, he can be found in the Ratways and is one of the central characters in the Thieves Guild quest line.
  • Maven Black-Briar: Found in multiple locations around Riften, including the inn, the meadery, and the marketplace, she's the head of the Black-Briar family, one of the most prominent families in all of Skyrim. She's primarily involved in the Thieves Guild quest.
  • Maramal:In order to get married, players should speak to Maramal, first seen at the Bee and Barb Inn, and later at the Temple of Mara.
  • Grelod the Kind: Head of the local orphanage, Grelod the Kind is the first target players must assassinate in the Dark Brotherhood quest line after speaking with Aventus Aretino in Windhelm.

5 Riverwood: 17

Riverwood in Skyrim

While Riverwood is not exactly a city, it has a considerable size compared to many of the other towns and settlements found all around Skyrim. Known as the very first town players are likely to walk into after escaping Helgen, Riverwood has a special place in every Skyrim fan's heart as the starting place of the story.

Riverwood has 17 inhabitants, including a dog, which is why it's surprisingly busy for a small town. Located by a river and one of the major highways running through Skyrim, it's an ideal place to pass through when traveling from the south towards central Skyrim.

Most Important NPCs In Riverwood

  • Lucan Valerius: Found at the Riverwood trader, he's the quest giver for The Golden Claw quest that sends players to Bleak Fall Barrow.
  • Sven & Faendal: Both of these NPCs are tied to the Love Letter quest, and can be found wandering around Riverwood, pining for Camilla Valerius.

4 Solitude: 62

Skyrim Solitude

Solitude is a special city due to being the capital of the entire province. From its Blue Palace, the widowed Jarl Elisif now rules despite the absence of her husband, the former High King Torygg of Skyrim. With the Thalmor Embassy right by the mountains near Solitude, this is the place where politics clash repeatedly.

Solitude has 62 inhabitants and is quite significant in size. From its docks found outside of its walls to the magnificent houses that dot its cobblestone streets, as well as the headquarters of the Imperial Legion, it's a busy city with tons of things to see and do for adventurers.

Most Important NPCs In Solitude

  • General Tullius: Leader of the Imperial war effort in Skyrim, players will speak to him briefly upon arriving to Solitude if they wish to join the Imperial Legion. He will be frequently visited at his primary location in Castle Dour.
  • Falk Firebeard: The Jarl's trusted assistant, he's closely involved in the Wolf Queen quest line that comes in two parts, The Man Who Cried Wolf and The Wolf Queen Awakened.
  • Jaree-Ra: Usually around the main street of Solitude, this Argonian bandit is the quest giver and antagonist for the Lights Out! quest.
  • Dervenin: Find this odd man outside of the Blue Palace to start the Mind of Madness Daedric quest involving Sheogorath.

3 Whiterun: 74

Skyrim Whiterun

Whiterun is another very special place for dedicated Skyrim fans since it's likely the first city the Dragonborn will wander into if they follow the main quest from Helgen. Perched on top of a hill in the very middle of Skyrim, Whiterun is a place where people stop by to rest and trade their goods.

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Whiterun is significant in size, with 74 inhabitants. It's a surprise the city isn't considered the capital of Skyrim based on those statistics alone, even if it is considered as such in spirit.

Most Important NPCs In Whiterun

  • Eorlund Gray-Mane: The best blacksmith in Skyrim, he can be found at the Skyforge located next to the Jorrvaskr on a little cliff. He's a side character in The Companions quest line, and a decent vendor to visit.
  • Kodlak Whitemane:Leader of The Companions, he's usually within Jorrvaskr's bottom floor in his chambers where the Dragonborn will first speak with him about joining The Companions.
  • Danica Pure-Spring: Working at the Temple of Kynareth on the left of the stairs leading to Dragonsreach, she's the quest-giver for The Blessings of Nature quest.
  • Jarl Balgruuf the Greater: Jarl of Whiterun and one of the most important characters of Skyrim's main quest, he's always in Dragonsreach and easy to find. He's also a character in a few other quests, like the Skyrim civil war.
  • Proventus Avenicci: Steward of Balgruuf, players will need to find him at Dragonsreach in order to upgrade their very first home in Whiterun, hence why he's more remarkable than other Stewards in the game.
  • Farengar Secret-Fire: Balgruuf's court wizard Farengar is important for beginner mages and for the Bleak Falls Barrow quest at the beginning of the game. Inside Dragonsreach, his room is to the right of the throne room.
  • Olava the Feeble: During the Dark Brotherhood quest, players will be able to speak with Olava who can, in exchange for a token, read their future. She's found wandering around Whiterun's lower area.
  • Nazeem: Usually somewhere near the marketplace or the road leading to it, every player should know where to find Nazeem when they want to unleash their anger on an NPC.

2 Windhelm: 56

Skyrim Windhelm

Windhelm is a snowy town located in the eastern parts of Skyrim, right by the sea and the mountains. Surrounded by tall stone walls, it's an extremely old city and the headquarters of the Stormcloak movement. Here, Ulfric rules as High King from his throne, despite his city being riddled with oppression towards the Dunmer.

Windhelm has 56 inhabitants and is most famous for its murder mystery house and the Grey Quarters where the Dunmer are confined when faced with oppression. Right outside, it has decently sized docks that allow for trade to come in through the seas.

Most Important NPCs In Windhelm

  • Ulfric Stormcloak: The leader of the Stormcloak rebellion is always found inside the Palace of the Kings, at the very back of Windhelm. He must be spoken to regularly during the civil war questline if players wish to join the rebellion's side.
  • Aventus Aretino: To begin the Dark Brotherhood quest line, players should head right from the main gates after entering to reach the Aretino household and lockpick their way in. Aventus will wait for them inside.
  • Calixto Corrium: Right from the main gates after entering, Calixto has a small museum of curiosities. He's also an important character during the Blood on the Ice questline.
  • Nurelion: To start the White Phial quest, players need to head left from the main gates to reach The White Phial alchemy store owned by Nurelion and speak to the old man.

1 Winterhold: 29

Winterhold in Skyrim

Winterhold is a city that lies in ruins, as is evident the moment we walk in. The majority of the houses in the city are completely wrecked, following a natural disaster that claimed most of the city with it. However, the College, which forms part of the city and is its best-known feature, survived the incident.

Despite many having abandoned Winterhold after its downfall, 29 people still continue to live here in hopes of a better future. Although many locals view the College with hostility, the mages within still thrive in their study of the various schools of magic.

Most Important NPCs In Winterhold

  • Nelacar: Thrown out of the College for his controversial research, Nelacar is closely related to the Azura's Star Daedric quest. He's found at The Frozen Hearth inn.
  • Faralda: Faralda is the gatekeeper of the College. In order to be admitted to the College of Winterhold, players must walk down the main road of Winterhold until they reach the bridge to the College and perform a spell in front of her to prove their potential.
  • Savos Aren: Arch-Mage of the College, Savos Aren is always found within the College of Winterhold and plays a huge role in the College's main quest line.
  • Ancano: He's a Thalmor overseeing events at the College, and is another important NPC during the College's main quest line.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

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