Few animated shows captivate and impact audiences like Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. These cartoons have engrossed thousands with their compelling story, lovable characters, and wondrous world. Although both Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra have concluded, the adoration of fans continues to spark new additions to the franchise such as an upcoming TTRPG. Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game provides players an engrossing TTRPG experience across the four nations.

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As with any TTRPG, players will create characters to undergo the perilous yet amazing ahead. Numerous aspects contribute to making a character although none are as important as the type of hero they are. They may be a bender capable of wielding one of the four elements, or a non-bender with a knack for fighting or even technology. Understanding each hero and their capabilities is the first step in creating a phenomenal character.

6 Waterbender

A Split Image Of Waterbenders

Waterbenders are the most adaptable and ingenious benders of the four nations. They learned to bend by observing the moon's manipulation of the tides, making their origin unique from others. Water is the most versatile element of the four as it can change states and exist in various forms. Those choosing to become Waterbenders will be as flexible as the element they bend.

The abilities of a Waterbender are near endless with the only limits being the boundaries of their imagination. For instance, they may create ice weaponry for their allies or guide a boat through a river. The only hindrance to a Waterbender is the availability of water as without it they are helpless. So, they must take care to have this resource readily available whether from a stream or a waterskin.

5 Earthbender

A Split Image Of Earthbenders

Earthbenders are the most formidable and stoic benders of the four nations. They learned to bend through the observation and imitation of the badgermoles, the original Earthbenders. Earth, while rigid and sturdy, possesses a great deal of malleability in its function and varying forms. Those choosing to become Earthbenders will be as unyielding as the element they bend.

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The abilities of an Earthbender are many although a few skills require masterful handling of the element. For example, metalbending and lavabending demand a greater understanding of the earth. Aside from this, an Earthbender could use their talents for a multitude of purposes, chiefly, offense and defense. Therefore, they are excellent warriors that hold a presence in battle, unlike any other bender.

4 Firebender

A Split Image Of Firebenders

Firebenders are the most passionate and destructive benders of the four nations. They learned to bend by following the techniques of the dragons, the original Firebenders. Fire is exceedingly powerful yet unwieldy, therefore learning complex techniques is not only difficult but dangerous as well. Those choosing to become Firebenders will be as lively as the element they bend.

The abilities of a Firebender are devastating and incredibly diverse in their execution. For instance, combustionbending and lightningbending are vastly different yet they utilize the same energy. Firebenders are inherently aggressive, making their offensive capabilities greater than any other bender. They are phenomenal combatants whose fury in engagements is unparalleled.

3 Airbender

A Split Image Of Airbenders

Airbenders are the most free-flowing and wise benders of the four nations. They learned to bend by following the guidance of the flying bison, the original Airbenders. Air is free, unhindered by the confines of other elements allowing it to move and flow without difficulty. Those choosing to become Airbenders will be as free-spirited as the element they bend.

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The abilities of an Airbender are passive and defensive with little diversity yet powerful effects. For example, Flight and cloudbending while seemingly simple are incredibly difficult to master. Airbenders are innately peaceful, making them exceptional protectors or mediators between opposing sides. They are insightful guardians whose wisdom and tranquility surpass that of all others.

2 Martial Artist

A Split Image Of Martial Artists

Martial Artists are non-benders that use their sheer combat prowess to overcome all adversaries. They have trained tirelessly with or without a master to exploit weaknesses and support their strengths. Unlike benders, Martial Artists rely on their training and weapon of choice in battle. Those choosing to become Martial Artists will be unhindered and free to carve their own path.

The abilities of a Martial Artist depend entirely on the teachings they receive and the weapon they wield. For instance, many have a keen understanding of weapons while others may be knowledgeable in pressure points. Additionally, the nation they originate from often dictates a Martial Artist's values and approaches to combat. These fighters are as - if not more - skillful and adaptable as any of the four benders.

1 Technological Tinkerer

A Split Image Of Technological Savants

Technological Tinkerers are non-benders that embrace ingenuity and inventiveness to surpass others. Through their own tinkering or the teachings of others, they create machines as wondrous as bending. Technological Tinkerers invent new and amazing creations of varying functions. Those choosing to become Technological Tinkerers will be inventive and unimpressed by the wonders of bending.

The abilities of a Technological Tinkerer result from their preferences regarding technology. For example, many may attempt to recreate bending while others seek to create something entirely new. Moreover, a Technological Tinkerer's nation may dictate the nature of their inventions and outlook on benders. They are intelligent and receptive to new ideas making them a fitting match for benders.

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