Call of Duty: Black Ops is considered to be one of the best games in the series. The campaign was well received, had a zombie mode with iconic maps, and a multiplayer with a multitude of memorable levels. Players will likely remember battling through the Cold War battlefields, going to locations in Cuba, the Soviet Union, and even locations in America.

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Some of the maps have unique endings to them, such as a nuke going off, while others are nothing to write home about. Some multiplayer maps in Black Ops are basic run-and-gun, while others offer something to make them stand out as memorable.

26 Crisis

Crisis might be considered the worst map in Black Ops, as more than half of the map is unused. One team spawns on a beach, but it is quickly forgotten about as all of the action takes place on the other side. There are a few buildings that players can hide in, making it an easy location to ambush enemies.

This gives the team that can keep the buildings an advantage, as it will take waves of attack to take over the buildings. By the time the buildings are taken, the game is almost over with one team having a massive lead.

25 Array

Array is set in a snowy location somewhere in the Soviet Union. The map has a lot of close-quarter fighting, making it easy to be ambushed. This map really makes shotgun welding enemies a real annoying threat.

There is a grassy hillside on the edge of the map, making it a good place for snipers. This just means while having to be cautious about shotguns, players must also be cautious when it comes to snipers.

24 Villa

Villa is set at a cliffside manor in Cuba. It has Cuban rebels fighting against Cuban soldiers and offers a lot of close-quarter combat. With a lot of fighting happening inside of the manor and the sides of the map, players are also able to snipe enemies located in the courtyard easily.

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While it is similar to most maps found in every Call of Duty, there are still chances for fun experiences. There is nothing like dolphin diving off the balcony of the villa while running away from an enemy.

23 Convoy

Convoy was added in the Escalation DLC and is one of the few maps set in America. The middle of the map offers direct fighting between the teams, while buildings on each side give snipers a wide view of the map. This makes this map a good location for snipers.

Funnily enough, there is a billboard on the map that warns players against campers. While there is nothing wrong with the map, it plays like a basic map. Teams can fight in the middle, or try to snipe each other on the sides.

22 WMD

WMD is a rather large map, making it a good place for snipers. On one side are two silos with a catwalk, making it easy for players to snipe down the middle of the map. There are also warehouses and an office building, offering close-quarter combat. With a mix of gameplay style, it has something for every type of player.

There is also a vent for RC-XD to ambush players who are not expecting it. With a bit of open areas, the other killstreaks are also useful to either kill the other team or drive them inside.

21 Kowloon

The Kowloon map was introduced in the First Strike DLC, allowing the player to fight on the campaign level Numbers. The map features two ziplines, allowing players quick access from one side to the other. The zipline will leave any player defenseless as they zip across the map.

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It should be noted that using a zipline while holding the Grim Reaper, Death Machine, or Valkyrie Rockets will cause these items to disappear. There is also another RC-XD path, this time requiring the player to boost over a gap.

20 Drive-In

Drive-In was added in the Annihilation DLC and has players fight at a drive-in located in Nebraska. The map is somewhat similar to Nuketown, as it is small and has a lot of good sniping locations. It also allows fighting in the middle of the map.

Some fun secrets the player can find is a World at War arcade cabinet and a disguised Nova-6 station. This battle is most likely to be the most interesting thing that ever happened in Nebraska.

19 Hangar 18

Hangar 18 was added in the Annihilation DLC and has players fight inside of Area 51. The player is able to get a height advantage, fighting on the SR-71 and fighting on the towers. Being set in Area 51, there are also some references to aliens.

In one area, the bodies of 4-fingered aliens can be found and a levitating apple can be found. In one autopsy room, there is a missing alien body, suggesting one escaped. It is no wonder the Spetsnaz have invaded Area 51, as there may be alien technology around.

18 Stadium

Stadium was added in the First Strike DLC and is set in New York City. It is also hinted that the map takes place in or around 1972. While a lot of the map looks like it should be close quarters, there are numerous times long range fighting comes into play.

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Players are able to enter the stadium and fight close to the hockey rink, while also fighting in close-quarter combat around the statue found outside. Luckily enough, a player of any playing type will have luck finding and killing enemies on this map.

17 Grid

Grid takes the players close to Pripyat, fighting at a base near something that looks similar to the Duga-1 array. There is also a sign that reads Pripyat in Cyrillic, confirming the map's location. Grid offers a lot of indoor fighting, having two buildings across from each other players can take over.

Outside the buildings there are snowy hills covered in grass, giving snipers a good spot to hide and watch for enemies. Grid offers different play styles, making it enjoyable for many players.

16 Hazard

Hazard was added in the Annihilation DLC and takes players to a golf course in Cuba. The map is wide open, making it a sniper's dream. Players can also rush each side, making it possible for close-quarter combat to happen. It should be easy to ambush snipers, as they will be focused on the other side of the map.

There are a few Caddyshack references, such as a gopher sticking its head out of holes and a chocolate bar located in the pool. It should also be noted the names Woods, Bowman, and Mason can be found on the scoreboard, with Woods in first and Mason in last.

15 Zoo

Zoo was added in the Escalation DLC and takes place in an abandoned zoo. There is a monorail, giving players an advantage in spotting enemies and moving through the map faster. There are also empty cages, offering a place to ambush the enemy.

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The map offers a lot of close-quarter combat, making it hard to snipe in this map. Players should also watch out as they climb to the top of the monorail, as they can easily be killed by an enemy who turns the corner.

14 Hanoi

The map Hanoi takes players to the infamous Hanoi Hilton prison. The map allows for close fighting on the inside of the prison and snipers able to shoot at enemies who are running outside near the entrance. The map is dark, making it easy to hide in the corners of certain rooms.

There are two secret RC-XD tunnels, making it easy to sneak up on an enemy and explode. There are many areas to ambush players, such as jumping through the many windows in the map.

13 Hotel

Hotel was added in the Escalation DLC and has the players fight in a hotel located in Cuba. This map is unique, as there is an elevator that can take the player between floors. This is useful, as it can be used to ambush an enemy who is not expecting someone on the other side.

On the roof, there are many areas that allow a sniper to find and kill enemies. A player wanting to avoid this can stick to the sides of the map, instead facing off against enemies in a closer range.

12 Discovery

Discovery was added in the First Strike DLC and takes the player to Antarctica. The map takes place at a former Nazi outpost, taking after the campaign level Project Nova. There is a bridge located in the middle of the map, which can be destroyed by a rocket launcher, sending any enemies on it to their death.

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Long range and close fighting are possible on this map, making it enjoying for snipers and players who prefer SMGs. There are buildings that connect both sides of the map, making it easy to fight in close quarters.

11 Radiation

Radiation has most of its fighting in the building on the map, but also has some fighting in the middle and on the side. There are buttons located near the center, allowing players to get underground from a hatch. Players are also able to climb underground using ladders, but this leaves them vulnerable.

Having an open middle adds a place for snipers to set up and kill enemies. Players will fight close quarters on the sides and underground, making this map good for all play styles. There are also RC-XD paths, making it easy to blow up enemies who aren't expecting the car.

10 Stockpile

Stockpile was added in the Escalation DLC and has players fight inside of a village. Uniquely enough, there are warehouse doors the player can open and close, making it easier to defend the warehouse. Any player caught under the door when it closes will be crushed.

The map is good for players who enjoy running through buildings and ambushing the enemy. Inside of the main warehouse, an alarm goes off when the warehouse door is opened or close. This can alert players to enemies coming in, letting them be prepared to fight.

9 Silo

Silo was added in the Annihilation DLC and has players fight at a Soviet nuclear missile plant. Luckily for players, this map allows for every play style. There are high ledges and open areas, allowing for snipers to set up. There are also indoor areas, making it easy to run and gun through the building.

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One team is able to take over the bunker and try to defend it, making for a fun back and forth between the teams. With killstreaks such as the turret, it makes it easier to defend against attacking enemies.

8 Summit

The majority of gameplay on Summit will take place in the middle of the map, inside of the facility. There are also paths on the sides, allowing players to ambush the enemy team. With not too many open areas, this map will allow for a lot of close-quarter fighting and running from one side to the other.

On one side, there is a cable car a daring player can jump into. Players on the other team are unlikely to look inside, making it easy to ambush enemies running on the side of the map.

7 Jungle

Jungle takes players to Vietnam, allowing them to fight through an abandoned village. A majority of the map will have at least someone fighting in it, making it perfect for full matches. There are high areas covered in foliage, making it a good spot for snipers to set up.

There is a minefield, blowing up any unsuspecting player who happens to walk across it. Having to watch out for mines and enemy players make this an interesting map. With fighting occurring everywhere, players have to make sure to watch their back.