EVE Online has just released its latest expansion, Uprising, which focuses on the escalating conflict between the major factions of New Eden and makes significant improvements to a number of systems. EVE Online players have access to a range of new Navy Issue ship variants, ship emblems for player and NPC corporations, a new Frontlines feature for factional warfare, along with plenty of quality-of-life and visual upgrades.

CCP Games' EVE Online has maintained a unique presence in the MMORPG market for nearly 20 years, offering players the chance to live out a second virtual life among the stars. EVE Online runs on a completely player-operated economy where players can mine and refine raw materials, manufacture components, ships, and equipment, transport cargo, and even engage in acts of piracy against other players. Over the years, the game has become legendary due to the emergent storytelling caused by player interaction, with massive battles and ruthless acts of corporate espionage that occasionally make headlines, such as when one EVE player stole $13,000 in in-game currency.

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As an MMO, major updates to EVE Online are necessary to keep the game fresh for its thousands of players. The new Uprising expansion has brought in a number of new features and improvements, most notably the addition of 16 new ships. Each of the four empires has added a new Navy or Fleet Issue vessel to the frigate, battlecruiser, destroyer, and dreadnaught classes. Although they may appear to be reskins of previous ships, these additions to the ship roster still bring some welcome variety and specialization into the mix and are thematically appropriate for the escalating conflict among empires.

A new Frontlines feature has been implemented to add depth to the factional warfare system, which should help drive conflict by rewarding players that take risks and operate close to enemy territory. Aside from combat, players can help the war effort by building Listening Outposts and Propaganda Structures or engaging in other support activities. Another major addition is the Heraldry system, which allows players to decorate the ships of EVE Online with custom emblems to represent their corporations or alliances. CCP says this is only the first step, and the system is expected to expand later on.

EVE Online's Uprising expansion has also made a number of visual improvements including a massive redesign of Hangar interiors, along with improved turret sound effects, new soundtracks, and AMD FSR to improve framerates. As expected, plenty of quality-of-life changes and balance updates have also made it into the update. Until November 22, Players can also receive a free 7-day Omega membership for unlimited access to all ships and activities.

EVE Online is available on PC.

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Source: EVE Online