The holidays have come and gone, both in real life and in EVE Online. While the game-spanning player war taking place in EVE Online was put on hold for the holidays, it restarted in a big way shortly thereafter.

World War Bee 2, the major conflict currently taking place between two huge coalitions in EVE Online, has already seen some enormous results. This includes record-breaking battles, both for EVE and gaming as a whole, and another EVE Online record breaker recently took place. In what has come to be known as the Massacre of M2-XFE, multiple Titan ships (the largest and most powerful class in the game) were destroyed, and the in-game currency lost as a result skyrocketed. It has been declared the most expensive battle in the history of EVE Online by developer CCP Games in a press release.

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For those unaware, World War Bee 2 began many months ago, and has its roots in even older conflicts. The War is between the Imperium, composed of Goonswarm (EVE's largest player corporation) and its allies; and PAPI, an alliance of powers dedicated to Goonswarm's destruction. So far, PAPI has made efforts to push into the Imperium's controlled space and establish footholds through fortresses called Keepstars. It was around one of these fortresses that the Massacre of M2-XFE was fought.

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The battle began escalating after jammers preventing reinforcements were destroyed by the Imperium, which was the defending entity in the conflict. The Imperium positioned its Titans and Supercapital ships between PAPI's forces and its Keepstars, and PAPI's Titans began to break. However, PAPI's forces returned fire, and soon the Imperium's Titans were similarly melting.

Titan reinforcements became more frequent, and the rate of destruction on both side evened out after a full day of battle. The damages stand at 23 trillion ISK (an in-game currency) lost in total, with over 120 Titans lost on both sides. According to CCP Games, this has a real-world value above $340,000 US. It may not have been the largest battle in EVE Online's history, but it was the most costly.

This breaks EVE's previous record for most expensive battle, which sat at 11 trillion ISK and 75 Titans destroyed total, according to a round-up on the New Eden Post. It's unknown whether this battle will receive a Guinness World Record, like EVE's largest battle, but it may be possible. Since ISK technically has real-world value, it may qualify for most expensive battle in any video game.

It's important to keep in mind that this is exactly why many players get into EVE Online in the first place. The war has boosted morale for many players, and both sides of the war say it's a great time to get into the game. Even the devs are aware of this, as EVE's latest ecosystem tweaks included "promoted escalation and increased destruction." It's certainly likely that there will be more of that before the war is over.

EVE Online is available on Mobile and PC.

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Source: New Eden Post