The teen drama series Euphoria, directed by Sam Levinson, follows the lives of multiple unique characters as they navigate adolescence. The series documents how the choices one makes, along with the actions one takes, can have long-lasting effects on a person's life, especially when judgmental classmates are perpetually observing.

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Rue Bennett, portrayed by Zendaya, lives arguably the most complex life featured in Euphoria. Her story follows her as she tries to live a normal life while struggling with addiction. Her questionable habits often lead to her distancing herself from those she loves by becoming involved with dangerous people and activities. Though her life regularly slips off the rails, she always has something iconic to say.

Updated December 1, 2022 by Justin Flynn: Euphoria is an emotional rollercoaster from start to finish. As if Seasons 1 and 2 weren't devastating enough, Season 3 is rumored to begin production in February 2023, and will most likely feature yet another soul-crushing story. The series is even receiving a German adaption, further confirming the show's popularity.

Though Season 2 ended on a slightly happier note than Season 1, Rue's path to recovery remains exceptionally long. It will take some serious dedication if she hopes to conquer her addiction once and for all, and though it will be a difficult process, fans can rest assured knowing that Rue's iconic wit will continue to birth most of Euphoria's iconic lines.

15 “Hello, Heart. Thought I’d Lost You.”

Elliot in Euphoria

Season 1 of Euphoria featured a heartbreaking climax. After trying so hard to conquer her addiction since the beginning of the season, Rue finally gives in to her desires and snorts a line of cocaine. It's a chilling moment, made even more devastating thanks to the score provided by Zendaya and Labrinth.

Rue was clearly disappointed in herself during this moment, but the regret she felt seems almost absent during the opening of Season 2, where she meets Elliot, a fellow drug enthusiast. While they both take turns snorting cocaine, Rue comes close to overdosing. Thankfully, she doesn't, but her "Hello, heart. Thought I lost you" line reveals exactly how little she cares about living.

14 “There Isn’t A Thing On The Planet Earth That Compares To Fentanyl. Except Jules. Jules Is A Close Second.”

Jules hugging Rue at a party in Euphoria

Rue struggled with addiction throughout the majority of Euphoria's first season. She found it hard to find a balance between coping with her drug problem and living a normal life, but things got a bit easier when she met Jules.

Rue felt a genuine love for Jules, but nothing could compare to her love of Fentanyl, evident through this iconic Euphoria line. Though she uses humor to make light of her addiction, the words she speaks are brutally honest.

13 “I Love Hospitals. If I Could Spend The Rest Of My Life In A Hospital, I Would. Because, When You’re In A Hospital, You Have Zero Responsibilities.”


Most teenagers in Rue's position would love to have no responsibilities, but Rue desires this lifestyle only because it would permit her more time to indulge herself. Rue Bennett reveals a great deal about how her mind works through this quote.

Whenever she isn't partaking in drug use, she is usually fixating on how and when she will get her next fix. This thought process takes up most of her time, so she rarely gets the opportunity to look after herself. However, she wouldn't need to take care of herself if she was in a hospital, as the staff would do it for her.

12 “It’s Not Even The Lies That Hurt, You Know? It’s The Fact That You’re Never Really Emotionally Prepared For Someone To Leave You.”

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Rue was first exposed to addictive substances at the age of eleven when she was given liquid Valium amidst a panic attack. Things took a turn, however, when she began stealing Oxycontin from her father when he was asleep.

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Rue's life spiraled out of control after her father died. She fell into a pit of depression and began using drugs more frequently to escape from reality. This quote highlights that much of Rue's addiction stems from her father's death and that she continues to let it take control because it numbs the pain she feels.

11 “I Put Up A Good Fight, But I Lost. For The First Time, But Not The Last.”

Rue in Euphoria

Rue tried her best to distance herself from her addiction in Season 1, but she was unable to leave it behind. She refused to join Jules, played by Hunter Schafer, on her trip to LA, and in her absence, chose to use drugs to fill the void Jules left behind. Watching her addiction take over is a haunting experience, especially because of how she chooses to address it.

It's one thing to fall off the wagon, but it's a totally different story to promise to keep doing it. This line highlights how Rue doesn't believe she can ever be rid of her addiction. It's upsetting to learn she thinks this, but it's much sadder to know she plans to do it all over again.

10 "Every Time I Feel Good, I Think It Will Last Forever, But It Doesn't."

Rue talks to Ali in a diner during a Euphoria special

As an addict, Rue is dependent on satisfying her cravings through drug use. She spent time in rehab after overdosing, and though her cravings are lessened, addiction continues to hold her in a tight grasp.

This quote implies that when she is not using, she is not experiencing joy. Her mental state is in rapid decline, and she believes the only fix for it is drug-use. As she becomes more emotionally empty, her addiction becomes more overbearing, causing her to resort to drug use once more.

9 "It's Not A Relapse If It's Warranted. It's A Hall Pass."

Zendaya in a room full of mirrors in Euphoria

Rue is so lost in her addiction that she must justify her drug use to the viewer. She believes that, though she is an addict, only certain drugs will hurt her. Unfortunately, she is a victim of habit, meaning that each minor relapse will usually lead to a deeper regression.

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Rue uses humor as a coping mechanism to avoid addressing her issues. She has been hiding behind the voice of a comedic narrator for so long, that she has convinced herself her addiction is nothing to worry about.

8 "You Gonna Ruin My Life? I Promise I Can Do That Better Than You Can."

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The final episode of Euphoria's first season sees Rue explaining to Nate that he has no power over her. She informs him that if he intends to ruin her life it would be pointless as she has already done it herself.

This quote from Rue reveals that she has acknowledged the error of her ways. Though she does not admit to regretting becoming an addict in this line, it is heavily implied. Without the influence of drugs in her life, perhaps her life would be a happier one than she considers it to be.

7 "I'm All Good With Drugs Until Guns Start Coming Out."

Rue runs from the cops in Euphoria Season 2

Through pursuing drug use, Rue also pursues unsafe environments. Her association with drug dealers and criminals has regularly led to her involvement in questionable activities with dangerous people.

This line highlights the momentary regret she feels due to the pursuit of this lifestyle. She is a young woman caught up in a world in which she does not belong. It seems the more she permits her addiction to control her, the deeper she falls into the vicious world of crime.

6 "I'm Morgan Freeman And This Is The Beginning Of The Third Act."

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After Maddy shows up at school with bruising on her neck, Rue adopts the persona of a detective to uncover what happened. The viewer is aware that Nate was the reason behind Maddy's strangulation, but watching Rue exhibit a sense of purpose is refreshing.

This quote showcases her dedication to uncovering the truth behind Maddy's abuse. Her investigation sees her chain-smoking and incessantly guzzling coffee as she begins to uncover pieces of the truth. This line allows the viewer to experience a brief moment of Rue focusing on something other than drug use.

5 "You Think 'Cause I Went To Rehab I Stayed Clean?"

Fez shot by police during a drugs raid at his apartment in Euphoria Season 2

Upon being released from rehab, Rue approach Fezco, played by Angus Cloud, in the hope of obtaining something to satisfy her cravings. She explains that she made very little effort to get clean in rehab, showcasing the extent of her addiction.

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Rue may have her friends and family members fooled, but she cannot hide her true motivations from the viewer. She is a slave to her addiction whether she admits it or not. As the story progresses she decides to get clean, but her addiction always drags her back to the gutter.

4 "The Beautiful Thing About Getting High Is That Time Ceases To Exist."

Rue at church in Euphoria, while she hallucinates Labrinth singing I'm Tired

This quote makes it clear to the viewer that the real reason Rue abuses drugs is to escape reality. Getting high offers a quick and easy solution to her problems, so by smoking, snorting, or injecting these harmful substances, Rue is permitted a brief moment of respite.

However, Rue tends to rely too heavily on these feelings, creating a vicious cycle. The only thing that offers her happiness anymore is the feeling getting high gives her, but once these feelings subside, she is left with no other option than to repeat the process.

3 "It Wasn't The Violence That Scared Her. It Was The Fact That She Knew No Matter What He Did, She'd Still Love Him."

Nate and Maddy hold hands at school, from Euphoria

Rue, is the primary narrator of Euphoria, so it makes sense that she also documents the lives of others. Perhaps she does this as a means of momentarily distancing herself from addiction by providing herself with a distraction.

Even if her narration is used to allow her a moment of tranquility, her ability to quickly comprehend a difficult situation is an excellent vehicle for conveying a message to the audience. Her ability to analyze the events in the world around her serves to inform the viewer of the extent of the power Nate, played by Jacob Elordi, holds over Maddy. Even though she is not always emotionally present, Rue is the most observant character in the series.

2 "If I Could Be A Different Person, I Promise You I Would."

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This line reveals to the viewer that Rue would rather be someone else, not because she wants to, but because those around her do. Rue is content to give her life to addiction, rendering any attempts she makes to get clean appear like an act for the viewer.

Rue is trapped in a downward spiral. She has sunk so far that she no longer sees a purpose in escaping. Drugs have become her primary friend, rendering the input of others inconsequential to her. This line reveals that her addiction has evolved, leading it to become her primary, and perhaps only, concern.

1 "Suddenly, The Whole World Goes Dark, And Nothing Else Matters Except The Person Standing In Front Of You."


Though Rue is an addict, she is also human. A great deal of Euphoria paints Rue as a slave to her addiction and, though this is difficult to deny, her addiction to harmful substances is merely one of the many she has. Upon meeting Jules, the two of them form a strong connection that leads to them beginning a relationship.

Rue appears happier when she is with Jules, but upon their separation, she becomes a shell of her former self. Though Rue's love for Jules was genuine, it also acted as a brief distraction from drug use. Rue was unknowingly satisfying her addictive tendencies through her relationship with Jules, but once she left, Rue relapsed. This quote reveals that her addictive tendencies are present in all aspects of her life.

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