Escape From Tarkov may be in its fourth year, but it is still in an open beta. This means that there will be bugs, glitches, and other issues pop up from time to time. However, the game is in a really good state in 2021 compared to the first few months after the beta was introduced. Players need to keep in mind that what they are purchasing is not a completely polished game, and changes will be made before the official launch.

RELATED: Escape From Tarkov: 10 Pro Tips For The Interchange Map

Tarkov continues to draw in new players every quarter, and the community will be even bigger once an official launch is announced. Inexperienced players will have a lot to learn before they can have a successful wipe from start to finish. This guide will cover a few tips for people that are new to the game, as well as those on the fence about purchasing it.

10 Buy The Standard Edition

Tarkov Glukhar

Anyone considering getting the game should pick up the Standard version first. The more expensive versions of the game offer a few perks like free DLCs and secure containers. However, PMCs can find bigger containers in game and upgrading the Standard Version is always an option. It makes sense to get a feel for the game before investing a lot of money. Tarkov is an amazing game, but it is not for everyone. The standard version is a lot less expensive, and people will not miss out if they do not have all of the starting items.

9 Understanding The Wipe System

Escape from Tarkov Header Image

A wipe is essentially a complete account reset. Gamers will lose their weapons, armor, and progress in the previous "wipe" and everyone will start from scratch again. The start of a new wipe is the best time to start playing Tarkov because the playing field is leveled to some extent. Experienced players will always have an edge, but newcomers will have a better chance of survival.

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Late in a wipe, PMCs that do not have good armor and weapons will be at a huge disadvantage on maps with concentrated PVP zones. People that are just getting started in Tarkov need to be aware of what map they are on and how long it has been since the last wipe. Both of those factors have an immense impact on survival strategy.

8 Character Screen And Equipping Items

escape from tarkov gear inventory screen

The character screen will display all of the weapons and items a player has acquired in Tarkov. On the right side of the screen is the stash. These items will not be lost if a PMC is killed and looted in a raid. On the left side of the screen near the character model is the in-game inventory. Inventory items can be lost if taken into a raid. Everything that is placed into one of the slots will be taken with the PMC into battle. As a new player, it is important to find a balance between decking out the character and gambling every item on one raid.

7 Heath System And Healing

Shturman Melee Tarkov

Unlike many FPS games, Tarkov has a complex health and ailment system. Players can injure their arm, which effects aim. If a PMC's leg is broken, it must be repaired before the character will be able to walk again. Stomach bleeds will cause dehydration as well. If the character has zero health to either the head or the thorax, the player will die. Gamers will also have to worry about energy, hydration, and radiation. Without getting into too much detail, newcomers will need to be aware of the different factors that are important to survival in Tarkov.

6 Completing Tasks

Tarkov Woods Sniper

All Tarkov players look to the Task tab at the start of each new wipe. This is because completing tasks is the most efficient way to level up a character in the game. Tasks will also help to level up relationships with traders, which will unlock access to better weapons and items. Additionally, it will give newer players a sense of progression and an objective to focus on each time they log on.

5 Leveling A Trader

escape from tarkov container in inventory screen

Traders sell weapons, armor, meds, and other items in Tarkov. At the start of the game, traders will be set to level 1. Every gamer will want to level their relationship with them to gain access to all of the items in the game. As stated, completing tasks for a trader is a good way to level up quickly. Buying and selling items to a trader will also grant experience to PMCs. People that want a specific weapon should do some research on the items provided by each trader before focusing their attention on one of the eight.

4 The Hideout


At the start of the game, the Hideout is essentially just an empty tunnel with nothing in it. As PMCs progress, they will be able to unlock areas and fix up their Hideout. The Hideout will be a money and resource pit until upgrades are complete. The Lavatory allows players to craft useful items that can be sold on the Flea Market, for example. Another great addition to the space is a Bitcoin Farm, which produces a decent amount of passive income.

3 Scavs VS PMCs

escape from tarkov

Scavs are one of the three NPC enemies in Tarkov. They are prior citizens that are hostile toward PMCs during raids. However, gamers have the option to play as either a Scav or PMC in raids. During a Scav raid, people will be given a random loadout and will be able to loot, as well as extract items.

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For beginners, playing as a Scav is far less risky because there is no penalty for getting killed. All of the items in the Scav's inventory will be lost, but it is not as much of a risk compared to PMC raids. An added benefit of Scav raids is that other Scavs will not be hostile to the player unless provoked. When playing as a PMC, gamers will equip their own items and run the risk of losing them in a fight.

2 Extracting Items

Reserve Extraction Tarkov

The only way to secure items collected in a raid is to extract them from the map. Each map has several different extraction points that PMCs and Scavs can use to stash their loot. These areas are commonly contested, and extracting can often be extremely risky depending on how many PMCs are still roaming the map.

To extract, players will have to spend a few Roubles and wait for the timer to count down. They do not have to stay right next to the point, as long as they are on the point when the timer hits zero. Moving away from the point and getting cover is the proper way to ensure safety.

1 Preparing For A PMC Raid

escape from tarkov realism

After gamers have been to a few raids and extracted some of their items, they will want to begin preparing better for a raid. The essential items people need are a weapon, armor, ammo, and meds. Early in a wipe, having a few of these supplies will be helpful. PMCs can purchase all of the items they need from a trader or on the Flea Market. As players progress, they will learn all of the different types of stems, heals, ammunition, and related items. The key early in a wipe is to have enough inventory to have a fighting chance.

NEXT: Escape From Tarkov: 10 Pro Tips For The Interchange Map