Compared to other turn-based mobile anime RPGs, Epic Seven can attract players not just with its character design but also its interesting premise. Set in a world made from the remains of the god Orbis, the goddess Diche seeks to protect her creations by creating Heirs and Guardians to fight various threats. Chief among them is an Archdemon sent by Ilyrios, another god, who plans on destroying the world to force Diche back into an eternal celestial war. With the world at the hands of the players, it’s up to them to create a team powerful enough to beat any kind of threat Ilyrios plans on sending their way.

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While each unit available for deployment offers unique sets of skills and abilities, players still need to ensure their teams are capable of handling any situation in the RPG. For instance, players who want to speed their way to the game through farming resources need the right kind of PVE Units - also called Cleavers - but which among the game’s characters are the best of the bunch?

Updated on November 23, 2023, by Rhenn Taguiam: Christmas comes early for Epic Seven fans as the challenging ice-themed “Kiss of Frost” side story returns for another run from November 2 to November 16, 2023, complete with the arrival of Fire Thief Kayron whose innate immortality effect comes with a massive AOE attack that can melt even the coldest of armor. Meanwhile, early-game fans may enjoy the debut of Bellona, a 3-Star Earth Ranger with a penchant for multi-hit attacks. For fans who want to take advantage of all these adjustments in the game's update, perhaps they may want a preview of other PVE Units in Epic Seven they may want to secure on top of the game’s newest additions. These include a self-buffer stunner, an anti-buffer, an HP-based tank/DPS, an AOE specialist, and a controller.

15 Martial Artist Ken

Excels In AOE As Long As He Goes First

Martial Artist Ken
Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15+8%/150%

An alternate form of blue-haired martial fighter Ken (Fire Capricorn Warrior), the red-haired Martial Artist Ken already boasts a slick art style consisting of mane-like red hair, horned bands, and dragon-themed gauntlets that channel purplish energy. This aesthetic coincides with his nature as a Dark Leo Warrior compared to other 4-Star characters, as well as a heavy emphasis on attack and utility.

When built properly, Martial Artist Ken with high-enough defense should pack enough punch to dish out damage with this 3-turn Vigor (Dragon Flame, S2). This fits his 1-turn Provoke with Burn (Knockout, S1) skill, and his AOE guaranteed crit with a defensive debuff (The Coming of Asura, S3). At its core, Martial Artist Ken can alternate between primary DPS or a debuffer, enjoying built-in Vigor as soon as combat begins on top of buffing his own attack. However, Martial Artist Ken does suffer poor base defense on top of susceptibility to stun and sleep effects.

14 Yufine

Excellent Debuffer Past Resource Management Demands

Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15+8%/150+15%

Available via Covenant Summon, the Taurus Warrior Yufine boasts an all-white appearance with greyish stockings and blue details. Indicative of her sign are her horns and her fairly large one-handed axe celebrating her affinity for both attack and utility. Notable to Yufine is her first skill that can immediately grant a 2-turn defensive debuff (Double Slash, S1), paving the way for her allies to dish out more powerful attacks.

Yufine also boasts a one-buff removal skill for all enemies on top of Silence (Dragon’s Roar, S2), while also granting the caster a 2-turn defense and attack buffs. Lastly, her third skill is an instant cooldown reset when it kills an enemy (Dragon Charge, S3), wherein it also gets higher penetration when the target is silenced. When built properly, Yufine shines in the arena as an anti-buffer, especially with her constant debuffs and silence effects. However, Yufine demands resource management due to high CD, and her defense suffers immensely when built for high-damage kits.

13 Krau

HP-Based Damage Forces High Health, High-Risk Plays

Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15%/150%

Boasting the appearance of a white knight, Krau and his domineering figure have all the tellings of his classification as an Ice Pisces Knight. Build-wise, Krau boasts high utility, defense, and HP - all key elements of his build. All of Krau’s damage is based on his max health, wherein he deals higher damage at lower HP. He can begin battle with a 1-turn provoke courtesy of a storm of swords (Swordstorm, S1), and another gacha game skill that grants AOE defense buffs to allies with a CR decrease to enemies (Charge, S2).

Moreover, Krau can summon Guardian Ziegfried for devastating AOE plus a 2-turn barrier (Summon Ziegfried, S3), again based on Krau’s lost HP. Krau at base already has access to innate barriers, team-wide defense buffs, and enemy debuffs to reduce their combat efficiency. However, Krau only shines at extremely high HP numbers, especially since his builds are often tempo-based due to his low speed.

12 Seaside Bellona

Effective Debuffs Put The Party Tank At Risk

Seaside Bellona
Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15%/150%

Contrary to her regal appearance and her iconic frilly dress, Seaside Bellona boasts a summer attire with a flower band on her head and a slimmer fan to fit the dry weather. This approach to aesthetics fit her profile as a Gemini Ranger, this time boasting speed and a bit of attack and utility compared to her utility-heavy counterpart. Seaside Bellona can target enemies in the gacha game for increased damage taken (Watch Out, S1), proc a 50% defense break effect after five times of sharing damage with the allied tank (I’m With My Friends, S2), and an attack that grants a 2-turn no buff and no heal debuff (Haven’t I Warned You?, S3).

When built properly, Seaside Bellona shines as a hybrid unit with her constant debuffs and heavy AOE damage. However, while her enemy party-wide defense break has potential, it's only useful if she and the party tank survive the initial attacks. Moreover, her damage mitigation can put the team’s tank in danger, meaning Seaside Bellona works best with a party with a tank healer and another support unit.

11 Vivian

AOE Versatility Comes With Low HP, Defenses

Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15+12%/150%

Unlike other one-turn nuking spellcasters, Vivian is quite the potent Sagittarius Mage that already boasts a stylish dress with heavy whites, blues, and greys. The halo surrounding her back and head is indicative of her spellcasting prowess, especially when the 5-Star Character boasts high attack with above-average speed, defense, and utility. Getting constant CR boosts (Vitality Drain, S1) can secure early-turn movement for Vivian, where she can reactivate an AOE skill up to three times whenever she defeats an opponent (Thunder God’s Cry, S2).

Aside from her powerful attacks, Vivian can also grant 3-turn party-wide immunity, party-wide attack buffs, and a greater self-buff (Mana Amplification, S3), greatly boosting their performance in the gacha title. Vivian’s versatility makes her a decent controller for both PVP and PVE, especially with her constant buffs and AOE attacks. As with other Mages, Vivian suffers from low health and defense, making her heavily dependent on ally defenders and heavy setups.

10 Peira

Powerful AOE But Heavily Relies On Gear

Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15%/150%

Players who manage to secure Peira can get them one of the most potent units in Epic Seven gameplay, especially with her high-enough Utility and Speed. In terms of toolkit, her Wolven Claw (S1) has a high chance of stunning opponents for a turn, especially if she has a barrier. Meanwhile, Punishing Blade (S2) is an all-out attack that not only lessens their buff duration but also slaps a Cannot Buff debuff to them on top of an extra turn to Peira.

Perhaps the most useful trait of Peira has to do with her buff stacking, as she’s one of the few units in the game who has one skill (Pack Hunt, S3) that can give herself a barrier, Stealth, Escort, and boost her team’s Attack. Her only disadvantages would be her lower Attack compared to other Thieves, as well as her toolkit only being optimal with the right gear. However, securing her early on can give teams a massive advantage, similar to the benefits some Tower of Fantasy characters could provide players in the early game.

9 Eda

Secures Team Turn Advantage At The Risk Of Low Defense

Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15-12%/150%

A rather unique all-rounder, Eda boasts higher-than-average base stats across the board compared to all units in the turn-based game - especially in terms of Attack and Utility. Her Icy Impact (S1) can decrease a target’s DEF, with Cold Snap (S2) decreasing their Combat Readiness and removing two (2) buffs while giving Eda a skill nullifier. Lastly, her Absolute Zero (S3) has a high chance of stunning them for a turn while boosting the team’s CR.

Players using Eda might be surprised to learn that she’s one of the rare viable Support/DPS units in the game that can give her team the speed advantage. This makes her similar to some Genshin Impact 5-Star characters that emphasize team support. Her skills not only boost her team’s CR but also lower the enemy’s CR, ensuring her allies can dish out more damage in the long term. Despite her debuffing efficiency, her lack of proper DEF and inability to ignore Effect Resistances may still leave her vulnerable.

8 Briar Witch Iseria

Heavy Debuff Emphasis In Exchange For Lower Attack

Briar Witch Iseria
Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15%/150%

It might be surprising for players to realize that Briar Witch Iseria is one of the best Utility units in the turn-based game. Her Witch’s Curse (Passive) is a nifty Immortality granter for Iseria alongside a Hit Chance increase. This combos well with Fallen Flower (S1) which can decrease the target’s DEF, and Cursed Thorn (S3) which is a DEF debuff, a buff canceler, and even a buff disabler for opponents.

This toolkit makes Blair Witch Iseria similar to Scarlet Witch among Marvel Contest of Champions’ 5-Star units. With the right build, Blair Witch Iseria can debilitate the enemy team rather quickly even outside her AOE attacks. After all, her Skill 3 immediately lowers the enemy’s Attack on top of removing their buffs and slapping a Cannot Buff punishment - ensuring the enemy can’t easily build towards a counter-offensive within the next few turns.

7 Silver Blade Aramintha

Burn-Heavy Kit Sacrifices Defense

Silver Blade Aramintha
Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15%/150%

Packing some of the best Utility and Defense stats in the turn-based game would be Silver Blade Aramintha, boasting a toolkit that just loves abusing stun and burn effects. Her Flame Release (Passive) boosts Aramintha’s Combat Readiness and is perfect for her other skills, such as Flame Friction (S1) which has an inherent burn effect with the sub-attack Flame Release. Lastly, Meteor Fall (S3) can inflict two (2) different burn effects on enemies.

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Players who want to be a more straightforward combatant can appreciate Silver Blade Aramintha for consistent AOE performance, especially with damage-over-time (DOT) Burn damage. When combined with the rest of her toolkit, the right sequence can make her an extremely potent Cleaver.

6 Arbiter Vildred

AOE Kit Shines When Defeating Opponents Quickly

Arbiter Vildred
Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15+8%/150%

Armed with a deadly blade is Arbiter Vildred, boasting some of the highest Attack and Speed among units in the turn-based game, giving him the same impression as other strong 5-Stars in games like Fate/Grand Order. His Dark Contract (Passive) immediately converts lethal damage into 70-percent Health Regeneration, 100 Combat Readiness, full Focus, and resets Dark Blade. Meanwhile, Sweep (S1) can decrease the CR of enemies, while Dark Blade (S3) decreases the enemy’s Hit Chance. Not to mention, defeating an enemy with this skill immediately resets its cooldown.

Arbiter Vildred has a decent kit when utilized properly, especially when combining his Revive and 100-percent Combat Readiness. When built properly, Vildred’s abilities allow him to become a beast in both PVP and PVE. In terms of Cleaving alone, Vildred’s skillset makes him an ideal character to have for prolonged farming sessions.

5 Closer Charles

Attack Buffer That Secures Early Team Turns

Closer Charles
Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15+8%/150%

Despite looking old, Closer Charles touts a large enough broadsword to slice through various threats easily in the popular RPG. This is reflected in his extremely high Utility, Attack, Speed, and HP stats - making him a decent all-rounder in combat similar to other 5-Star characters in Bleach Brave Souls. Charles’ Closer (Passive) boosts his Combat Readiness and gets Perception if an ally attack reduces a monster to less than 30 percent HP. Meanwhile, Elimination (S1) can either attack the enemy or use a special high-damage move (Demolition) if Charles has Perception. Lastly, Descent (S3) is an AOE that boosts the ATK of all opponents before boosting his Combat Readiness and Evasion.

One of the best qualities of Closer Charles is his capability to improve his Combat Readiness, allowing him to become a secondary DPS to match the combos of his peers. Not only that, but his AOE attacks also boost the overall Attack of his allies, allowing more powerful units to be all the more potent in combat.

4 Archdemon’s Shadow

Powerful Pure AOE Debuff Kit Sacrifices Offense

Archdemons Shadow
Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15%/150%

Boasting some of the highest Attack, Defense, and Utility in the turn-based game would be Archdemon’s Shadow. And despite her rather waifu-worthy appearance, Archdemon’s Shadow is by far one of the most potent casters in the game. Twisted Power (Passive) decreases damage taken from crits, with chances of triggering Burst to potentially decrease the Hit Chances of opponents. Meanwhile, Touch of Chaos (S1) has a high chance of sealing opponents to stop them from attacking. Lastly, Dissolution (S3) can decrease Defense and even stack burn effects to enemies alongside giving Archdemon’s Shadow an extra turn.

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It’s rare to encounter a unit where all skills are debuffs, and raising Archdemon’s Shadow becomes a behemoth when these are capitalized. This helps players when fighting against more powerful opponents who don’t have Cleanse and high Effect Resistance. To ensure maximum potential, Archdemon’s Shadow paired with natural DPS units can create a rather powerful team.

Buffs And Stuns Can Alternate Between DPS, Tank Roles

Navy Captain Landy
Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15+8%/150%

Boasting a more commanding appearance is Navy Captain Landy, with an oversized cape matching both her large shields. Compared to her usual counterpart, Navy Captain Landy fits the functionalities of a defensive utility specialist with a slight attack tangent, sacrificing speed in favor of slightly better HP. She can get turns early via a gunfire attack that may proc an HP-healing second attack (Precision Targeting, S1). Landy also boasts a party-wide boost to Critical Hit Resistance, and a self-boost to ATK up to five times (Ruler of the Sea, S2). She can also get a 3-turn ATK boost while stunning opponents (Mobilize the Warship, S3).

At its core, Navy Captain Landy specializes in AOE-wide stuns and defense penetrations while boasting her own immunity against stuns and sleeps. Despite being a tank, she boasts offensive capabilities. Players can transform Navy Captain Landy into a sub-DPS, provided they can work around her lower speed and weaknesses against fixed damage.

2 Straze

Anti-Tank With Debuff Punishments

Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15+8%/150+15%

Boasting a rather awesome armor with a cape filled with starlight, Straze is perhaps one of the units in the RPG with the highest Attack rating. This matches his toolkit well, which chooses high-value targets for quick elimination. His Powerful Strike (S1) is a good CR booster, while Destructive Gaze (S2) can remove two (2) buffs from all opponents. Lastly, Star Extinction (S3) not only decreases the DEF of the highest-attack opponent but also gives Straze a much-needed Invincibility.

If players of games like Bleach Brave Souls want one of the best AOE damage dealers in the game, Straze is the go-to unit for fast clears. While his skills are already powerful enough, his capabilities of targeting enemies with the highest health make him an ideal combo starter to eliminate bosses.

1 Blood Blade Karin (Dark, Thief)

Play With HP To Secure AOE Attacks, Buffs, Heals

Blood Blade Karin-1
Stats (Level 60, 6 Stars)BaseAwakened
CRIT CHANCE/DMG15%/150%15+8%/150%

Compared to most other units in the gacha title, Blood Blade Karin boasts higher-than-average Speed, HP, and Attack - a trait she capitalizes on with her risk-reward toolkit. At its core, her Cursed Sword (Passive) boosts her Attack, Defense, and Speed the lower her Health gets, and she even gets Immortality for one turn to avoid one-turn-kills from other stronger teams. This works well with Blade Art: Dragon (S3), which sacrifices 20 percent of Karin’s Health in place of an Attack boost as well as an extra turn if this strike defeats an enemy. Meanwhile, Sequential Cutter (S1) gives her a neat way of recovering HP by healing Karin with the damage she deals.

It’s no surprise that Karin’s risk-reward toolkit makes her one of the deadliest units compared to other Cleavers. It doesn’t help that her S3 is one of the most powerful finishing moves in the game, with her inherent low-health buffs (and persistent lifesteal) that make her optimal for turning the tables on risky situations.

Epic Seven is available for iOS and Android.

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