While the Epic Games Store has successfully eked out a niche for itself over the past couple of years, many of its features are still rather new and unrefined. The way EGS has handled achievements, for example, was pretty rudimentary, and the application's latest update is revamping the entire interface from the ground up.

Namely, Epic Games Store has just been updated with a new and improved "My Achievements" area that has been designed to better show off a user's in-game progress, as well as to make it easier for visitors to access a more granular set of data. Alongside this retrofit of the UI, EGS users now also have access to a few entirely new features, and there are some upcoming tidbits announced as well.

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Building on top of a previous Epic Games Store update that enabled browsing games with achievements, the new and improved "My Achievements" interface is built to both allow players to display their in-game achievements in a more cohesive and sensible manner, as well as to let other players visit their account and easily see what they've accomplished so far. A dedicated Achievements tab quickly displays progress for every game that a user's been playing, with the ability to filter games depending on their achievement status.


Players will now also have the ability to change the privacy status of their new Epic Games Store profiles, depending on whether they want strangers to be able to see their progression or not. Alongside this UI update, Epic has used the opportunity to add some new features to the mix: ratings and polls. These will pop up from time to time after playing a game, asking the player to answer a few questions about it to fill out the game's community ratings.

Overall, the update seems to be a small portion of Epic Games Store's recent efforts to change up and improve the application in general. Last month, Epic changed its game library UI to improve the end user's experience while using the application, and it seems clear that there are many more element updates and interface changes coming in the near and far future, too.

In fact, the next major update that Epic has in store for EGS users is a dedicated notification center element, which will house all friend invites, wishlist notifications, and other assorted pop-ups in an easy-to-use UI. Alongside all of these application updates and feature releases, Epic revealed two free games coming in April, attracting even more players into the fold.

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Source: Epic Games Store