There’s no doubt that Epic Games Store has had a strong April, with many hoping this trend continues for a while. It seems Epic Games Store has been pairing one big, popular game, with one lesser-known title. The beauty of this method is that the big game may attract more players, while the lesser-known game gets its time to shine. There are so many moving parts in the industry that, no matter how good the game is, many are often missed.

Epic Games Store’s free game selection has been on a hot streak, and these lesser-known titles no doubt play a role in that. It’s always nice to find a hidden gem that flew beneath the radar and falling in love with that game. While some may consider April 28’s game selection to be not as good as past weeks, given that neither are them are particularly well-known, fans should still be sure to check them out. They are the definition of a hidden gem.

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Epic Game Store Free Games for April 28 – Just Die Already

just die already

Just Die Already is a sandbox game from developers who worked on Goat Simulator, and that should tell fans everything they want to know. Goat Simulator was known for its over-the-topic antics, and Just Die Already takes that same approach and applies it to old people. “Story” wise, players are an old person in a world where people won’t have kids anymore—they’re playing video games instead of working. Players get kicked out of their retirement home and must complete zany tasks to get free retirement care—summed up in the game’s slogan: “how will you survive in a world that wants you to Just Die Already?”

In it, players are completely breakable due to their fragile old bones but yet must complete challenges like launching one’s self from a catapult to land on someone else. Just Die Already has 4-player online multiplayer, so players can complete challenges together or just cause mayhem as retirees. Players can interact with all kinds of materials, like trampolines, electrical wiring, air horns, bazookas, and jet packs, while the millennial and zoomer population, depending on their age, react appropriately.

Epic Games Store Free Games for April 28 - Paradigm


Meanwhile, Paradigm is a classic point-and-click adventure game. It reviewed better than Just Die Already, but still, both are hidden gems for their zany qualities. Players take on the role of the titular character, Paradigm, a mutant who is haunted by a candy-vomiting sloth. He wants to finish his latest EP, but he has to become the world’s savior instead, which is a real bummer. Not to mention, the candy vomiting sloth isn’t the oddest character he’ll encounters; there’s a superhero who’s not really a superhero, per se, and a glam metal cult leader…who is also a pug.

Players can also go on a date with a toaster. If all of this doesn’t sell the game, nothing will. Paradigm and Just Die Already are both zany games, and anyone who decides to check them out on Epic Games Store is certain to have a few laughs.

Epic Games Store users get a handful of free games every month.

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