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Wild herbs and exotic flowers are just as important as meat and metal in Enshrouded. Plenty of plants are used for crafting alchemical concoctions, and some are also needed for essential gear and base upgrades — this includes Indigo Plants, a somewhat plentiful resource that many players may have been taking for granted.

Enshrouded: How to Craft Grappling Hook

Gather the materials and get your hands on the Grappling Hook to overcome large gaps in Enshrouded.

Indigo Plants can be found all over Embervale, though they aren't as common as your typical green shrubs, berry bushes, or fungi that drop Spore Liquid. Getting these plants isn't too hard, though there are some specific ways on how to get as many of them as possible.

How To Get Indigo Plants

Finding Indigo Plants In The World

Indigo Plant spawns near the Farmer's Vault in Enshrouded

In Enshrouded, Indigo Plants can be found almost everywhere, though you're more likely to spot some in the Springlands and Revelwood regions. Unfortunately, since plants appear randomly in the world, it's hard to pinpoint the exact spots where one can find guaranteed Indigo Plants.

Before venturing out, it may be best to upgrade your backpack first. You'll likely see plenty of Indigo Plants and other resources around the Farmer's Ancient Vault, which is situated north of the Springlands Ancient Spire. Check the hills northeast of the vault, and you should find a handful of Indigo Plants every time you visit. Alternatively, you can go to the central Revelwood region and look for Indigo Plants by the main road. There are usually a few in the region south of Pikemead's Reach, across the large, enshrouded chasm.

How To Make An Indigo Plant Farm At Base

Indigo seedlings in the Seedbed in Enshrouded

If running around the woods sounds too tedious, you can always make an Indigo Plant farm at the base you've built. To do this, you'll need to rescue the Farmer first and give her a cozy shelter. Speak to her, and she'll present you with the crafting recipe for a Seedbed. Go ahead and make one, then put it anywhere in your base. Then, on the Seedbed menu, select the recipe for Indigo Plant.

Leave the Seedbed alone for a few minutes, and it'll eventually produce Indigo Seedlings, which you can then place on the ground. These will take a while before they grow, but once they do, they'll mature into fully-grown Indigo Plants, ready for you to use. At this point, you should be hunting down other resources like Salt and Resin while waiting.

Indigo Plants are needed to craft Marksman armor as well as a number of home improvements like beds and carpets. You'll also need 15 of them to strengthen your Flame to level 4, which will allow you to explore the deadlier enshrouded areas that lead to the Nomad Highlands and the Pillars of Creation.

enshrouded game

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 24, 2024
Keen Games
Survival , Open-World , Action RPG