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Stamina plays a big part in Enshrouded's combat and exploration. Running out of breath in a fight or while gliding midair is essentially a death sentence, largely due to the Stamina Timeout mechanic that's been put in place.

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Stamina Timeout Reduction is a stat you'll likely see in light armor sets. Enshrouded doesn't elaborate much on what this actually means, but it's a crucial piece of the larger stamina system that you may want to know about, especially if you plan on challenging tough enemies like Fell Thunderbrutes. Here's what it does and how it works.

What Is Stamina Timeout?

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Stamina Timeout prevents the player's stamina bar from continuously regenerating even while performing heavy combat or movement-related actions. For example, if you do a dodge roll, you'll notice that it takes a while before your stamina starts regenerating — this is the effect of Stamina Timeout, and it's meant to keep you from tirelessly spamming your moves.

The base Stamina Timeout duration is approximately two seconds — you won't regenerate stamina until your character takes roughly four steps at the normal jogging pace. As you'd expect, Stamina Timeout Reduction shortens that lockout duration, giving you more stamina to work with over a shorter period of time. Think of this as an internal cooldown timer for stamina regeneration.

Stamina Timeout Reduction & Stamina Regeneration

Stamina Timeout Reduction and Stamina Regeneration are two completely different things. The former dictates when the latter starts taking effect. If you improve your Stamina Regeneration via food or passive skills, your stamina bar will fill up more quickly, but it will not do so until the lockout period expires. For the best results, players should get both Stamina Timeout Reduction and Stamina Regeneration from buffs and gear so they can keep fighting or running without fear of getting exhausted.

Out of all crafted ranger gear, the Deadeye Boots provide the largest lockout timer reduction at -700, and they come with +3 to Stamina Regeneration as well. Pair this armor piece with the regeneration bonuses from Honey, dropped by beehives, and the Rested buff to achieve maximum efficiency.

However, do keep in mind that falling will completely prevent your stamina from regenerating, which means you can't just get a glider and start flying all over the place. You'll need to land and rest eventually.

enshrouded game

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
January 24, 2024
Keen Games
Survival , Open-World , Action RPG